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Chapter 198 Extra (21)
Guan Suyi stood quietly under the porch, behind her was the study, where the laughter of his grandfather and father could be heard from time to time. They were talking with the emperor, and their voices were full of the excitement and joy of being appreciated. After moving to Yanjing for four years, Guan Suyi watched them became more depress and quiet as days goes by, her heart felt painful like a knife pricking on it.

It was said that a big man cannot be without power for a day, although this was a bit crude, but this was also a wise saying. Which man didn’t have the ambition to make a name for himself? Which man didn’t have the ambitions to be a supreme minister? Grandfather and father were willing to sell their lands and moved their families, wasn’t it to realize their ambitions?

Now that they have the opportunity to meet the emperor, they could speak freely and showed their talents, which could be counted as worthwhile trip.

Guan Suyi stood in the warm sunshine and laughed for a while before going to the back house to help in the kitchen. Guan Miao was peeling the beans, Minglan was standing by the stove to make a fire, and Zhong shi was stir-frying vegetables with a spatula. A strong smell of meat wafted everywhere, truly mouth-watering.

“Mother, I’ll show off my skill too.” She said while rolling up her sleeves to knead dough, but at this moment, an old woman ran in and said, “Madam, miss, the clan leader sent someone to pick up the second miss to go home.”

Guan Miao turned pale with fright, hurriedly threw away the beans, and ran behind Zhong shi to hide. Guan Suyi was about to go to the front yard to send people away, but she saw her mother took out a piece of paper from her arms and said, “What go home? The second uncle already wrote the deed and gave Miao Miao to us for adoption, in exchange for five hundred taels of silver. It’s written in black and white, if he reneges, we will go to the yamen to sue him! Miao Miao is not in their family tree at all, even if he breaking the sky, he still can’t take her.”

“When was the deed written?” Guan Suyi had never heard of this.

“Your father invited him to drink before he was imprisoned. Your father got him drunk then lead him to sign it, seal, and pressed his fingerprint. He can’t renege at all.” Zhong shi shook the document.

“If that’s the case, this matter is easy to handle.” Guan Suyi smiled, “I know that father has always been reliable. Mother Wang, you go back to them, says there are distinguished guests at home and it’s inconvenient to entertain them. If they want to take Second Miss back, we will see them in court.”

The old woman nodded and hurried off. The servants sent by the clan leader had already inquired clearly in advance, and learned that Guan Suyi would likely be sent to the palace by Her Highness Grand Princess to serve the emperor. After being rejected, not only they did not dare to play trick, their words still needed to be careful, and could only resigned and left.

In just half a day, the story that Mao shi wanted to starve her shu daughter to death because of a piece of cake had spread all over Yanjing, and Lin shi‘s excuse were also known to everyone. Nowadays, although there were many people with rigid thinking, but the renowned Confucian who were genuinely learned had expressed extreme disgust towards this matter. Some people criticized Mao shi for “killing life with reason, but not benevolence”, while others sighed that “the way of heaven may not be completely fine.” Mao shi and Lin shi, who originally thought they could gain prestige with this matter, became synonymous with fierce hearts, and were criticized for a while.

After the servant brought Guan Suyi’s words to him, the clan leader of the Guan clan finally gave up the idea of bringing back his shu granddaughter, and instead called his son and scolded him severely.

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