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Chapter 137 Literary Treasure
Emperor Sheng Yuan had received the “Subset Commentary” presented by Supervisor of Attendants since half a month ago, and many civil servants from poor families wanted to elect Xu Guangzhi as the chief examiner of the imperial examination, and even more students from all over the world cheered and made a big splash for him.

Obviously, he had refuted him twice before, reducing Xu Guangzhi’s reputation to the mud, but he still had the ability to jump out, and each time he jumped harder and harder. This showed how ambitious this person was, how tough he was, and how high his ability was. Perhaps because last time he was dependent on the powerful people and lost to the heart of the common people, this time he learned the lesson and took control of the people’s hearts first, and replaced the target with the world’s students.

How many students were there in the world? Thousands upon thousands, with endless follow-up, and how many of them could get the guidance of great teachers? One in ten thousand! Xu Guangzhi was precisely looking at this point that he dared to cross many great Confucian giants and write the “Subset Commentary”, because he knew that as long as this book spread, the poor students all over the world would become his loyal fans. Immediately afterwards, he published an article expounding his views on “The Teacher’s way”, branding himself as a pioneer who dared to be the first, the vanguard of promoting Confucianism, degrading those who rebuked him as Shu dogs that bark at the sun, completely blocked the mouths of all the present age’s scholars.

This first punch and second punch smashed down one after another, and it really opened a way for him to reach the sky. Because of Madam, Emperor Sheng Yuan hated the house and its crows, and immediately wanted to dismiss the memorial, but because of his high reputation, if he suppressed him again, it could chilled the hearts of students all over the world, so he could only delay.

Whenever Supervisor of Attendants asked about it, Emperor Sheng Yuan said that he had not fully understand the “Subset Commentary” and had to ponder it more. After all, the promotion of the compulsory reading list for the imperial examination was a major event, so it had to be controlled. However, Supervisor of Attendants had already planned in advance, and just waiting for the emperor’s approval, then he would join hands with Xu Guangzhi to write a few more Confucian commentary books, gain a name for himself, win over students, and expand his power.

Some people were waiting, and Emperor Sheng Yuan was also waiting. From what he knew about Madam, she seldom hated a person, but once she did, she would fight to her last breath. In the first two rounds, she fought with Xu Guangzhi to the end, there was no reason why there was no movement this time, so he sent a secret guard to inquire, and sure enough, he got the news that Madam was also writing a book.

Warriors fight with blade and sword’s shadows, in bloody rain and bloody storm; scholars fight with words and brush, piercing the sky and cracking the stones*. Madam, are you going to start a literary war with Xu Guangzhi? Thinking like this, Emperor Sheng Yuan was looking forward to it, and he also opened the “Subset Commentary” and read it carefully, trying to find out any errors and omissions.

In this way, time naturally passed quickly, and unconsciously half a month had passed. Emperor Sheng Yuan found seven or eight doubts, recorded it in a booklet, and waited until he could ask Madam for advice in the future, but one day he received a stack of manuscripts from the dark guard, saying that it was Madam’s masterpiece.

“It finished so soon?” Emperor Sheng Yuan was surprised, he opened two pages and couldn’t help but chuckle. Madam, Madam, apart from being a rogue, hypocritical, and duplicitous, you are also arrogant and vindictive, use brush and paper as a knife, and really do not leave Xu Guangzhi any way to live.

“Learn and practice regularly* (xué ér shí xí zhī) “, Xu Guangzhi misunderstood the words “shí” and “xí“, and actually made Madam to go through all of Confucius’s works to prove the true meaning of those two words, not let go of the slightest negligence.

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