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Chapter 54 Wife’s Dominance

The Grand Princess was the sister of Emperor Sheng Yuan. Although she was not born from the same mother, but they had fought side by side and had a bit of friendship. Back then, when the enemy attacked Hancheng in Liaodong by surprise, it was Her Highness Grand Princess who led the people to defend the city. However, Zhao Luli, a general who was stationed at the border a hundred miles away, because he lost his beloved wife, he drank heavily every day, and when he received the war report, he couldn’t even get up, let alone rush to the rescue. When his subordinates risked beheading and dispatched the army without permission to rescue them, Hancheng was already broken, and hundreds of thousands of people and soldiers were all turned into blood, the tragic scene was like purgatory on earth.

Although the Grand Princess survived by chance, she hated Zhao Luli and Emperor Sheng Yuan since then, so she guarded the border all year round and reluctant to return to the capital. If not for a letter written by Emperor Sheng Yuan a few days ago, saying that recasting of the law and reforming the tax and land system would probably violate the interests of the big aristocratic clan which would caused a violent shock in the court and ordered her to return to the capital to suppress it, or she might not step into the gate of Yanjing City in this lifetime.

However, as soon as she entered the capital, she saw a woman with a peerless beauty scolding Zhao Luli like a dog, but there was no swear word in the whole sentence, which immediately made Grand Princess’ gloomy mood brighten up. Coupled with the fact that her emperor brother was hidden in the crowd, pretending to be an honest bear, but his eyes were full of pain from unrequited feelings, which made her even more happy.

What kind of auspicious day she run into? Some other time, she must make good friends with this Marquis Zhenbei Madam. She got on her horse, tightened the reins, bypassed the crowded streets, turned into a dark alley, and quickly disappeared without a trace.

Zhao Luli was still standing in front of Dengwen Drum with a bewildered expression on his face. Several women who had once admired him whispered, “Fortunately, when my mother asked to let me marry Marquis Zhenbei, he refused, otherwise I would be in this dire straits now. Barely got married already take concubine, the Ye family still so rampant that they brought out Ye Jieyu to suppress the madam of the main house, even had the posture of taking a concubine as wives. If Marquis Zhenbei Madam is not Guan shi, if it replaced with an ordinary woman, she would not be able to live now!”

“Yeah! The Guan family is upright and honest. They dared to fight against Ye Jieyu and the emperor’s relatives, and finally won. Other families don’t have such means, nor can they teach such a courageous woman.”

“Just now everyone is still worrying about Guan shi. I think she can handle it completely. She is loyal, filial, and righteous, return to the truth, and walk on the bright road (TN: doesn’t use shady means). it can even be said to not have worldly desires. The Ye family those demons and monsters, and the Marquis Mansion this despicable and dirty things, simply can’t hurt her at all.”

“This is probably like The Sage said, ‘looking up not ashamed of the sky, looking down not ashamed of people’, really has magnificent spirit, which is admirable.”

“Exactly!” The noble ladies echoed one after another, and they scolded Zhao Luli for a while before dispersing. From then on, there was no more legend of “Jade Son” in the capital. When mentioning Marquis Zhenbei, every womenfolk would shake their heads and spit “disloyal and unfilial, heartless and unrighteous waste”.

“Hey, I said, are you still going to beat the Dengwen drum? If you don’t beat, get out of the way, I want to use it!” A lame beggar hesitated for a long time, and finally stood up, followed by many frail orphans.

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