Chapter 01

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"No, not this one also." Seung-cheol let out a frustrated sigh and threw away another resume. His assistant picked up the document from the ground and nodded.

"That girl was the last person on our list." Mingyu put that document on the top of other documents kept in a separate corner of the room.

"Can't you just find at least ONE good person??" Seung-cheol rubbed his temple while staring at Ming-gyu
with frustration in his eyes.

"Can't you just hire a male one?" Mingyu talked back but Seung-cheol slammed his hand on the table, putting a zipper on Mingyu's lips.

"How many times do I have to tell you? I can't hire a man for my girl?" Seung-cheol laughed in disbelief. "Just go and bring me a coffee."

Mingyu quickly scurried away from his office. Seung-cheol shook his head while opening his computer to look out for more employees on the website.

He kept on scrolling through different types of people's profiles but couldn't find an interesting one. His body just gave up, especially after the workload he just went through.

So, he got up and walked outside of his cabin to take a stroll outside. The people on his way kept greeting him, to which he replied with a smile.

His feet stopped when he heard a commotion from the visual and design department. Putting his hand on the handle, he opened the door and was greeted with chaos.

"What's happening?" When his voice reached their ears, everyone stopped to bow down to the Director of the company standing in front of them.

"Good afternoon, Director." The head of the department started. "We were just having an issue with a commission, that's all."

"What about it?" Seung-cheol opened the door fully and looked around.

"As you know, we are recruiting for some positions. We are trying a few different ways. One was to give our commissions to the designers seeking positions to test them and we found something interesting." The assistant head replied.

"What is it?" Seung-cheol asked.

"You see, there is a very famous designer. She just graduated from a famous design school but her designs have been circulating around the internet for years. A lot of companies want to recruit her right away but are not able to reach her. But she applied for us and we are meeting her today." The head explained in detail.

"That's good. Is she coming here?" He asked.

"We still have to decide but she had requested to meet outside as she wants some privacy." The head said.

"As you wish." He nodded and walked outside.


"Hmm." Wonwoo stared at the girl in front of him who was shaking on her cold coffee while staring outside. "Miss Moon?"

But she ignored him. It was the seventh time that she had ignored his call. Wonwoo closed his eyes and looked down, calming himself down.


"Can you order another coffee for me?" She looked at him while putting her empty glasses away.

Wonwoo's mouth hung open for a few seconds without any words coming out of his mouth because of shock. "But Miss Moon, that's going to be your third-"

"That's my concern, not yours." She gave him a sarcastic smile of two seconds before going back to her usual straight face.

Wonwoo forced a smile and told the waiter to bring him another cold coffee.

"Please add more sugar to it. The last two had less. Oh, also bring a cheesecake. Thank you." She said it in one go.

The waiter and Wonwoo stared at her as she looked outside again. "Please do as she says." Wonwoo said with a sigh. The waiter pitied him and went away.

"They are going away." She said while staring outside. Wonwoo looked outside and saw a duck with a line of ducklings behind her walking away.

'So, you are telling me she was watching THEM all this time??', Wonwoo screamed in his mind but with a straight face.

Somehow, he also got immersed in watching the birds waddling away.

"They are cute, right?" She asked.

"Indeed." Wonwoo nodded and they silently stared at them. The sound of glass being kept on the table snapped him out and he looked at her.

"So, please continue." She looked at him as the ducklings were out of sight.

'Continue?! You didn't even let me start!!', Wonwoo smiled at her even after cursing at her in his mind. He began asking the questions and she answered all without hesitation.

It didn't take long for him to finish with the interview. "Do you have any questions?"

"Just tell me what salary package you are ready to give me." She spat that without hesitation. Wonwoo was taken aback because no one dared to ask that question.

"That I have to discuss with my authorities later." Wonwoo pushed back his glasses while working on his notes. He looked up and smiled at her. "Thank you for your time." He stood up and extended his hand out.

She kept sitting and looked at his hand before putting her hand out to shake it with him. Wonwoo didn't expect her to stand up after her behaviour so he wasn't surprised.

"Have you decided on joining us yet?" He asked.

"I'll think about it." She stood up and grabbed her bag.

"Please think about it. We will be waiting for your reply, Miss Moon Eunji." He bowed down as she pushed away her chair.

"Sure. Thanks for the food by the way." She winked at him and walked away to the door.

Wonwoo dropped his body back on the chair and removed his glasses to rub his eyes. "Sir, your bill." The waiter put down the slip.

Wonwoo wore his glasses and looked at the bill. His lenses almost broke in shock and he covered his mouth.

He looked at Eunji walking past his window seat. She gave him a salute with a smirk and walked away.

'Guess my plans for going to the club are canceled.'


"Miss, what are you doing?!"

"The dog is behind us."


"That whole kit costs more than your life!"


Wow, first chapter done. But I have written 21 chapters already. My exam is in 2 days omg-

It's my first time writing a Seventeen fic. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Stay tuned for more~

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