Chapter 39

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"Grandma! Grandpa!!" Jiyoon called out as she ran towards the old couple standing at the entrance. Two guards standing there with them, each holding an umbrella on their heads for the sun protection.

"My princess!" Jihoon welcomed his only granddaughter with open arms. The old woman beside them just watched the two of them hug with a big smile on her face.

"Hey, dad and mom." Seung-cheol hugged his mother.

"How are you, Cheol?" His mother smiled at him. She then looked at Eunji who was standing there. "Is she your new girlfriend?"


"No." Eunji looked at her before smiling, "Nice to meet you. I'm Moon Eunji."

"Ah, so you are the famous Moon Eunji." The woman covered her mouth in realization. "It's such an honour to finally meet you, Miss Moon. I'm Choi Minjee, Seung-cheol's mother and Choi Jihoon's wife."

"It's such a big moment to be able to stand in front of the great Choi Minjee, the beauty icon." Eunji bowed to her with her hand on her chest.

"You make me feel like a royal." Minjee chuckled.

"You are a royal queen." Eunji held Minjee's back of the hand and kissed her palm.


"Miss Eunji?" Jiyoon looked back at Eunji, who was sitting in the back seat. Seung-cheol was driving while Jiyoon was sitting beside him.

"Yes?" Eunji looked at her.

"My grandma likes to be treated like a royal. You know, when you kiss the back of her hand and call her queen. It's just a small interest she has and she loves it."

"Oh." Eunji nodded.

"She will like it if you do it. You will gain plus points." Jiyoon gave her a thumbs up.

"You are cheating. Let her impress her on her own." Seung-cheol looked at Jiyoon for a moment before looking back at the road.

"She already won grandpa's heart. I can help her a little with grandma."

-Flashback ends-

"Oh my-" Minjee held her other hand in front of her mouth in shock. "You wouldn't have to do it."

"It's just the right way to treat the queen." Eunji smiled at her.

"Well, we should go inside or it will turn dark and we won't be able to enjoy the rides." Jihoon said and went inside.

"Why are you like this?" Seung-cheol asked Eunji.

"Like what?" Eunji asked without looking at him. The other three were walking in front. The guards beside them, still covering them with umbrellas.

"You are so cheesy. First my father and now my mother. Are you trying to gain points so they can marry you with me?" Seung-cheol joked.

"Please get that thought out of your mind." Eunji crossed her arms. "No parent would be in their right mind to do that."

"You don't know my parents."

"And you don't know me." She scoffed. "I would deny it right away. If they ask about it right now, I will jump off from the running rollercoaster."

"Yes, sure." He also rolled his eyes.

"I was trying to get good points, so I can get something for free like your father did." She bluntly said.

"Stay away from my parents." He glared at her.

She looked up at him and smirked, saying, "We will see about it."

"I'll kill you if you get close to my parents. I don't like anyone meddling with my family. Keep it professional." He warned her.

"Kill how? By pushing me from the balcony of your house?" She looked at him in disbelief.

"You know, that's a good idea."

"Bold of you assume I didn't try doing that." Her response went too dark. It made him go silent.

"Huh- wait wha-"

"Missus Choi, what ride should we go first?" Eunji quickly ran towards her and started talking to her.

"Ha!" Seung-cheol laughed in disbelief and put his hands on his waist. "Is she for real?"

"Sir, do you want some candies?" A young boy approached the angry Seung-cheol with a free sample plate.

"What?!" He accidentally yelled at the boy, who flinched in surprise. "I don't want anything!"

"Seung-cheol, is that how we taught you to talk to others?!" Jihoon yelled at him.

"Look at him talking like this and then hiring a babysitter to correct his daughter's behaviour." Eunji whispered to the old couple. "He should correct himself, don't you think?"

"Yes, you are right!" His dad agreed with her. "I will give you more money than him. Teach this man some manners also."

"Rogger it, Mister Choi." Eunji smiled. Seung-cheol was feeling left out there. He just stood there with an open mouth, not knowing what to say.

"Seriously?" He ran his hand through his hair and stared at Eunji talking to his parents like they were her parents. "I'm going away from here."

"Look at him throwing tantrums like a child. Not even Miss Jiyoon throws tantrums like this. Tsk tsk." Eunji shook her head.

"You are right." Minjee nodded and everyone looked at Seung-cheol with disappointed eyes, except Eunji. She was looking at him with evil eyes.

"You all-" Seung-cheol pointed at them.

"You all what?" Jihoon crossed his arms and glared at Seung-cheol. "Your finger." Seung-cheol clenched his hand and put it down.

He turned around and stormed away. The candy boy was still there. Seung-cheol put his hand on his tray, grabbed a handful of them, and walked away.

The candy boy just looked at him and then at the newly formed family. "I'll pay you for all the candies he took." Jihoon nodded and a guard went to him to pay for that.

"I think he was frustrated too much today." Jiyoon looked at Eunji. "Did something at work?"

"I don't know. He is not my friend who tells me what happens to him at work." Eunji shook her head.

"Then, with Mister Jeonghan?" Jiyoon asked. "There was a commotion in the morning."

"I don't know-" Eunji stopped when she remembered what had happened. "Nothing happened. He was already gone when I came."

"I see."

"Should I go and ask him what happened?" Minjee looked at Jihoon.

"Leave him. He can get better. Even if he was frustrated, he shouldn't have thrown it at the family, especially when we are here to enjoy it for a day." Jihoon turned around and walked away.

"Let's just follow what he says." Minjee also followed Jihoon.

Eunji and Jiyoon looked at each other. They shrugged and also followed them.


"I know it's difficult but you shouldn't have done that."

"I know but it just...happens."

"Don't worry about the morning, I won't tell anyone about it. It will be just with me."

"Thank you."


Girlie shows how to sugar coat~

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