Chapter 73

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"See you tomorrow." Seung-cheol said when Eunji opened the car door. His face was clearly showing disappointment when Eunji was getting out of the car.

"You show too much emotion." She said as she bent down to look at him since she was already out of the car.

"I'm a man with emotions." He suddenly smiled and waved at her. "Too bad our date didn't end with a kiss." Satisfaction hit him when he saw her snarky face replaced with a shocked face.

"I hope to not see you tomorrow." She stood straight and slammed the door over his face before walking away. Her actions made him burst out laughing as he leaned on the steering wheel while covering his eyes.

"Gosh, she was so cute being all flustered like that."

"That man seriously knows what he was doing. He wasn't dumb." She whispered to herself as she stormed inside her building.

She walked into the elevator and pressed the button as the door closed. As she was waiting, she opened her phone and went into contacts.

Clicking on the name, she put the phone beside her ear and waited as the phone was ringing. After a few seconds, it stopped ringing and a deep voice spoke up.


"Mister Jeon, I believe it was your payday yesterday. Right?"


Eunji walked inside the house and yawned as she dropped her bag on the sofa and started walking upstairs. There was another yawn from her mouth as she rubbed her eyes.

"Couldn't sleep last night?" Seung-cheol's voice reached her ear when she was about to walk to Jiyoon's floor. She stopped in her steps and looked at Seung-cheol.

She was a few steps up so she looked a little down at him.

He held a gentle smile on his lips with a head title as he looked at her. One hand stuffed inside his silk night pants pocket and the other hand behind his neck.

Eunji almost felt like she was about to slip from the stairs because of the way his eyes were bigger and looked softer as he looked at her.

His usual frowned face whenever he would see her was all gone.

"Were you thinking about me?" He tilted his head to the other side. The corner of his lips lifted more as his eyes stuck staring into hers.

"You are delusional." She tried to sound casual but,

"Miss Eunji, did you realize you have a small smile on your face?" He caught onto the expression she didn't even know she was holding.

The way she instantly slapped her hand over her mouth answered his question.

That made him throw his head back to let out a hearty laugh after seeing the way she reacted.

"Forget it. Why are you awake this early? You are never." She removed her hand and now, held a straight face.

"I wanted to greet you." He said before closing his eyes and turning around to walk downstairs. "Just wanted to see your face, Eunji."

She quickly walked to the railing and looked at him but he had already walked downstairs. Her mouth hung open before she closed it again. She held the railing tightly to not fall on her knees.

All because he called her by her first name.

So casually.

Seung-cheol walked to the kitchen but had his mouth covered with his hand. Behind his hand, he was smiling like crazy and biting his lips hard.

Calling her by her name surely took a lot of courage.

The image of her smiling without her realising and the reaction of her realising later, all was repeating in his mind again and again as if he had clicked on the replay button of his memories but only the memories that have her in them.

Eunji opened the door of Jiyoon's room but spotted someone inside. "Miss Minhae?" She called the woman who was walking around in the dimly lighted room.

"Oh, good morning." Minhae smiled at her as she held the laundry basket of Jiyoon. Eunji looked at Jiyoon but she was still sleeping. That was a relief.

"I think you should leave now." Eunji suggested and Minhae nodded, instantly walking to her. Eunji moved away and let Minhae walk out.

It wasn't uncommon to see Minhae in Jiyoon's room and clean things around but after the truth, it scares Eunji whenever she sees Minhae in Jiyoon's room.

Seung-cheol looked at his phone as he was swirling around the spoon in his coffee. His attention shifted to Minhae who had walked into the kitchen but flinched after seeing him.

"Sorry." Minhae bowed to him. "I didn't expect you to be awake this early."

"It's fine." Seung-cheol diverted his eyes back to his phone and held the mug in his hand before he started walking.

"May I ask why are you awake this early?" Minhae looked at him as he walked past her.

"I got up to greet Eunji."

Minhae's eyes went wide as he said that while walking to the living room. Never had she seen him wake up that early unless it was for Jiyoon.

Not to mention that he wanted to see her and even called her by her first name. Minhae's doubts started to get more and more clear.

She turned around and looked down at her hands. Her mind started swirling around different thoughts.

To plan something.

But it wasn't easy. Not only Seung-cheol had developed feelings for her but Jiyoon was closer to Eunji than anyone else.

Eunji had two strong supports in her back and Joshua had also become a friend of hers. That counted three.

But Jiyoon's support was alone enough to back up Eunji. Minhae knew that no matter what would happen, Jiyoon would never turn her back against Eunji and would even go against Seung-cheol and her grandparents.

Jiyoon would be quiet whenever there were accusations against her old babysitters but this time, she won't sit back quietly.

That was what scaring Minhae more and more.

She could get Seung-cheol away from Eunji but what about Jiyoon?


"Any contact with his other friends?"


"You remember that friend I mentioned who is a principal?"

"I do."

"Choi Seung-cheol's daughter studies at his school."

"...You are fucking friends with Boo Seungkwan?!"


Sorry, guys. I made a mistake in last chapter with the "Upcoming" part. I edited it lmao

Also, it's 56K reads now. I wonder if it will reach 100K🤩

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