Chapter 67

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"No, please don't think I'm actually doing what I was accused of!" Yuhae quickly defended herself.

"Then??" Eunji was shocked.

"I meant as- Mister Choi already likes you."


Eunji stared at Yuhae with a blank face, who had an awkward smile on her face.

"I'm telling the truth, Miss Moon." Yuhae scratched her cheek.

"You are delusional. He doesn't." Eunji scoffed. "Just a few days ago, he warned me about shaving my head with a razor."

"Oh-" Yuhae sucked her teeth, controlling her laugh. "Okay, that was funny."

"Told you."

"But what was the reason behind that?"

"Because I was playing with Josh and accidentally threw Josh's small playball in his drink since he was in the living room. Then, Josh knocked the glass over and broke it."

Yuhae just covered her mouth with a smile.

Eunji grabbed the swing and started swinging fast. "In no way that monkey likes me."

"But he does!" Yuhae stood up and walked closer to Eunji. "I have seen the way he looks at you, Miss Eunji. Yes, he always says those things to you but his eyes don't lie."

"Fake eyes open~" Eunji sang.

"Moon Eunji~" Yuhae whined and stormed her foot. "Trust me. I can see adoration and his eyes sparkling whenever he looks at you!"

"It must be from the reflection that his eyes are sparkling."

"His pupils turn bigger whenever he looks at you. It happens when you look at someone you like."

Eunji stopped swinging and looked at Yuhae. Eunji was defenceless. That's something that can't be denied.

"Yes, it's hard to believe but that's true." Yuhae sighed with a smile. "Take your time and think about it."

"But what does it have to do with catching Hong Minhae?" Eunju gripped tightly on the swing's chains.

"What I think..." Yuhae trailed off while thinking hard. "I'm sure Mister Choi will take your side if you become his lover instead of Hong Minhae."

"What-" Eunji looked at her in disbelief. "That's bullshit."

"But you know, Miss Jiyoon will also take your side. Not only that, you have Mister Joshua by your side as well." Yuhae started walking back and forth. "Mister Choi will never doubt Miss Jiyoon."

"Your plan sounds so childish." Eunji squinted her eyes.

"Ouch." Yuhae acted hurt. "But think about it. Hong Minhae won't be able to put the accusations that she put on me and other babysitters."

"Other babysitters?" Eunji's grip loosened from the chains.

"She put these kinds of bullshit accusations and framed them a lot of times, which made Mister Choi fire them." Her words made Eunji gasped, covering her mouth. "Yes, some were genuinely bad but some were good."

"What the hell?" Eunji was feeling disgusted.

"Let's just say. She is also possessive over Mister Choi." Yuhae shrugged. "I don't think the time is far away where she will put lame accusations on you."


"She would've already done it but I guess she didn't do it because of the way Mister Choi and you fight. The old babysitters were a little close to Mister Choi, so she had an easy way to accuse them."

"That's so much information." Eunji held her head.

"Besides, I know you also like Mister Choi."


"I know you do~" Yuhae sang and shrugged while walking away. "Keep denying it but you can't deny the truth, Miss Eunji~"

"Wait-" Eunji stood up but Yuhae was already walking away.

"See you later, Moon Eunji."

"Hold on- At least take these ice creams with you! I brought them for your children!"

"Oh, thank you." Yuhae turned around, ran back to Eunji and grabbed the package from her. "My blessings for both of you are with you."

With a smile, Yuhae went away leaving Eunji standing there alone in the park. Her hand rested on her chest where the ring was kept inside her clothes.

Eunji entered the house with Jiyoon after the end of Jiyoon's academy. Jiyoon instantly ran upstairs to attend her language class while Eunji stayed downstairs.

She went to the living room and sat down on the sofa. Looking up, she saw Minhae walking around with decoration pieces. It looked like she was adjusting things around.

"Are you redecorating the house?" Eunji called out suddenly, which made Minhae almost drop a piece from her hands in surprise.

"Y-Yes." Minhae nervously smiled at Eunji. "Miss Moon, you almost scared me. I didn't see your arrival."

"Yes, I just arrived." Eunji held her usual straight face.

"I see." Minhae nodded but her smile fell as soon as she turned her head away. Eunji didn't miss the side eye she gave her.

The more Eunji scans Minhae, the more suspicious she looks in front of her eyes.

"Is Mister Joshua here yet?" Eunji asked.

"Yes, he just arrived not too long ago before your arrival." Minhae nodded. Eunji stood up and walked away into the kitchen.

"Joshua." She called out the chef in a whisper. The man looked at her with a confused smile. She walked closer to him and whispered, "I met Miss Yuhae today."

"What?" He frowned his eyes. He quickly washed his hands and leaned against the counter while bending down to her height. "Why?"

"For Hong Minhae, of course." She looked at him with a weird face.

"You know, you showing emotions on your face still scares me?"

"You want me to stop?"


"So, listen." Eunji leaned closer to his ear. He also moved his head from her face and moved his ear closer to her lips. "Yuhae exposed me more about Hong Minhae making the old babysitters fire."

"What the fuck?" He mouthed the curse in English and Eunji nodded as she started telling all the things the two of them had discussed in the noon.

"And then, she told me that I like Mister Choi??" Eunji threw her hands in the air. "Like, same. What the fuck?" She copied his words.

"I think it's true." He turned his face to her and now, their faces were inches away. Joshua held a smile while saying, "You both like each other."

"You know, I can aim my spit right in your eyes in the position we are?"

"Wow, wow, wow." He stood straight with his hands in the air. "Girl, stop."

"Stop saying bullshit." She whispered and scoffed.

"But seriously, do you know?"

"Know what?" Eunji raised an eyebrow.

"Choi Seung-cheol wears the same ring as yours on his neck as a necklace."

Minhae was peeking at the two friends talking to each other in whispers.


"What's that, Seung-cheol?"



"Hear me out!!"



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