Chapter 75

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"What's happening?" The duo of friends turned their heads at the voice and saw Seung-cheol standing there with a confused face.

Joshua quickly stood straight and cleared his throat, trying not to show the pain on his face.

"I heard a very high-pitched scream. Was it you?" Seung-cheol looked at Eunji. "Are you hurt?"

"No. Mister Joshua was the one who screamed because he saw a cockroach." Eunji turned around and started walking to Seung-cheol since he was standing by the entry of the kitchen.

Seung-cheol looked at Joshua who was looking away while scratching his head.

"Wait, Eunji." Seung-cheol turned around and walked to the woman who had walked past him. He walked into the living room where she was.

She was about to pick up her laptop but stopped and looked over at Seung-cheol who was standing on the other side of the sofa creating a wall between them.

"Here." He put his hand inside his pants pocket and took out a black colored box. Her eyes dropped down at the box with a head tilt.

"What's this?" She tilted her head and grabbed the box out of his hand. She again looked at him but he signalled his chin on the box to open it.

She looked down and opened the box. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw a wristwatch inside. Seung-cheol felt his heart beating fast when he heard her breath hitch.

"For me?" She whispered and looked at him but she couldn't look at his face for too long and dropped her eyes back to the rose-gold colored watch in the box.

"Since a month ago, I heard you whining about your watch not working so I bought it." He coughed and cleared his throat. "How's it?"

She smiled at him and said, "It's beautiful. I was thinking of buying one, to be honest."

"This color...I think it suits you."

Her smile flickered a little and she looked down while scratching her ear. He looked at her ears and saw that they were red.

Seung-cheol licked his lips and turned around. "It's good that you liked it. I'll change." He hurried away while covering his mouth. 'She liked it. Thank God. I should calm down', Seung-cheol thought as he quickly walked away.

She shook her head knowing well that Seung-cheol was bad at expressing himself with words and he had gotten shy that's why he ran away.

She looked at Lily who had jumped down from the sofa and ran behind him with Louis and Josh following as well.

Eunji bit her lower lip as the other hand rested over her trouser's pocket, feeling the watch she had bought not too long ago inside there.

She clenched on it before letting go of it and taking out the watch. It had similar colors to the ring that he had given her.

With a smile, she took out the watch and put the box down. She sat down and started wearing the watch. While she was doing that, she heard footsteps.

She looked up and saw Minhae walking downstairs. Something clicked in her mind and she quickly removed the watch before she called out,

"Miss Minhae!" Her voice reached Minhae's ears who was about to walk in the kitchen but turned her path and went to Eunji.

"Yes, Miss Moon?"

"Can you help me wear this?" She showed the watch as Minhae was standing behind the sofa. Minhae looked at Eunji holding the watch on her wrist. "My fingers are hurting because I got hurt."

"You bought a new watch?" Minhae smiled as she lifted her hands and started tying the watch.

"Mister Choi gifted me this." Eunji watched as Minhae's hands froze for milliseconds before she went back to tying it. The young woman felt satisfaction building up inside her.

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