Chapter 23

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"Here is your ice cream. I shall go now." Joshua put the ice cream tub in front of Eunji and walked away with his bag.

"That's an expensive one." Eunji picked up the big tub and looked at the branded one.

"But we always eat that one." Jiyoon shrugged as she was drinking juice. Eunji got down from the seat to grab bowls and spoons.

"Do you want some?" She asked Jiyoon but she denied it and went to the living room to eat her cake.

As Eunji was taking out ice cream from the tub, she felt something on her leg. She looked down and saw both of the dogs sitting there while staring at her big eyes.

Their tails were wiggling and tongues outside. Louis had his paw on Eunji's leg. "You want some?" Eunji whispered.

The dogs made more loud noises but Eunji put a finger on her lips to tell them to keep their voices down, which they did.

She took out two more bowls and put some in each. Bending down, she put the bowl in front of them. The dogs happily started licking the bowls.

Suddenly, Lily came into the kitchen and climbed on the counter, in front of the ice cream tub. "You also want some?"

Lily sat there, watching Eunji a small portion in the bowl and pushing it towards her. Lily sniffed it before slowly licking it.

Eunji covered her mouth as she took out her phone to click pictures of the pet, especially of Lily. As she was clicking pics, someone shouted,

"Louis? Josh!!" It was Seung-cheol calling them. The dogs who were in the middle of eating the ice cream suddenly ran there.

Eunji gasped because they had ice cream smudged all over their faces. She ran to pick up her bag that she had kept in the kitchen only.

"What's that? Did you eat ice cream?" Seung-cheol frowned as he stared at his dogs sitting in front of him with ice cream on their faces.

He put down his food and grabbed Josh's face. Jiyoon looked at the entrance and Eunji was rushing to wear her shoes.

Realization hit him and he screamed, "MOON EUNJI!!"

When he screamed her name, she looked back and made eye contact with Jiyoon before running out. She was holding the tub of ice cream in her hands before she ran out.

Lily licked her face and rubbed her paw on her face after she finished eating the ice cream. She climbed down and walked into the living room. Seung-cheol also saw her face and sighed while Jiyoon giggled.


"No, that's my ice cream!!" Eunji yelled at Minghao who snatched the ice cream from her. She couldn't eat it in the car because there was no spoon.

"You think you earn so much that you can eat this expensive brand, huh?!" Minghao teased her with a funny expression. "Share it with us also."

"No!!" Eunji tried to grab it back because she didn't eat at least one bite of it. Minghao held the tub high, not letting her grab it.

Their dad appeared and smacked Minghao on his head, causing him to fly forward. Eunji took advantage of his shock and grabbed the tub out of his hands.

"Why are you both fighting??" The dad scolded them.

"He snatched my ice cream." Eunji nodded.

"Share it together. Also, share it with Junhui." The dad put his hand on his hips.

"What???" Both of them whined but he glared at them, making their mouths shut.

Eunji sighed as she entered her room after eating the ice cream. She was talking to Soomin on the call as well.

"You know how handsome their chef is??" Eunji excitedly told her.

"Yes, you told me." Soomin laughed.

"No, but today, he was so close to my face that I could feel my heart burst out!" Eunji held her chest and sighed.

"Oh, tell me what happened in detail!!" Soomin said and Eunji explained everything to her. "You are living in a kdrama!!"

"Yes!" Eunji kicked her feet and giggled.

"Damn, that man got you behaving like this." Soomin shook her head as she was removing her makeup.

"But you know, her schedule is very hectic." Eunji sighed again. "It's going to be almost two weeks since I started working. I don't know how she can handle it."

"Well, she is used to so that explains everything."

"I knock out like a gorilla as soon as I come home between the break I have when she is in school. Then when I reach home, I can't even move once I drop on the bed." Eunji yawned as she changed her clothes.

"She was the one who wanted to do it. It's not like her dad forced her to do that, right?"

"Hmm." Eunji laid on the bed. "What annoys me more is that her badminton academy."

"What? Did something happen?"

"No, but her trainer. There are things that Jiyoon does wrong but I'm not in the place to correct her. I'm angry that the coach is not correcting her."

"Your anger is understandable because I know you." Soomin also sighed. "We can't do anything about it.

"I swear-" Eunji groaned. "Well, whatever. I'm going to sleep."

"What she did was out of line." Seung-cheol gritted his teeth as he was wiping Lily's face with his sweatshirt.

"It's not like she attempted to kill them." Jiyoon rolled her eyes as she wiped Louis's face.

"She gave them ice cream without my permission!" Seung-cheol looked at Jiyoon before picking up Lily and bringing her near his face. "I thought you were like me and didn't like her but you also betrayed me, huh Lily??"

Lily stared at his face before meowing loudly and wiggling out of his grip. He dropped her down and she walked away to Josh to play with him.

"You hate her?" Jiyoon frowned.

"Of course, I do!" Seung-cheol looked away and ruffled his hair. "I'm only enduring her cause of you."

"I thought you liked her, considering how you didn't say anything when I complained about her." Jiyoon scoffed and tried to pick up Lily but she moved away from her. "Why can't you come with me?" Jiyoon whined.

"That's cause she did a great job but that doesn't mean I'll just like her." Seung-cheol licked his lips and picked up his food. "She is just an employee that I hate but can't fire her because she is doing a great job."

"Yes, sure.


"When did you say the next competition was?"

"Hmm, it's next month. Why?"

"Let's see. You have exactly 27 days."


"After your French lesson today, get ready for your new routine."


Lmao I accidentally clicked on publish for ch 45 instead of clicking on view as reader

Bet some of you were shocked-

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