Chapter 16

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"Why do I have to suffer like this?" Eunji yawned as she walked outside her apartment building and saw Dino leaning against the car.

"An office job would be better." Junhui also yawned as he walked beside her. He wanted to see who was taking her.

"The driver is here." Eunji looked at Dino who was also yawning and rubbing his eyes. She walked to him and said, "You are also sleepy?"

Dino flinched and stood straight. "Good morning, Miss Moon." He bowed and opened the door.

"I'm sorry for ruining your sleep." Eunji apologised.

"It's okay. Mister Choi raised my pay so I didn't know how to deny it." Dino smiled.

"Anything for the money." Eunji smirked at him with a wink and sat inside the car. Dino closed the door and ran to sit in front.

"May I ask who he is?" Dino asked while looking at Junhui who was standing there with crossed arms. He wore a t-shirt, and shorts and was on his slippers while hardly glaring at the car.

"Oh, he is my elder brother. Don't mind him. He is grumpy 'cause he got up this early to drop me off." Eunji opened her phone. Dino nodded and drove the car.

"Do I also have to make breakfast for her?" Eunji asked.

"There is no need for that. We have a cook that makes all the meals and even snacks also." Dino yawned again but tried to hide it.

"The snacks I had eaten must be from him." Eunji rubbed her eyes, trying to stay awake. She regretted showering at night instead of morning. The morning shower would've helped her stay awake.

"Yes. He cooks foreign dishes the best." Dino smiled and turned on the car screen. "Do you want me to play some music?"

"You suggest."

"No, how can I?" He laughed and looked at her through the rare mirror. "I'll listen to whatever you want."

"Do you like metal music?" She smirked and connected her phone to the car's speaker.


"BREAK THE WALL!! Eunji screamed and moved her head left and right.

"BREAK THE WALL!!" Dino screamed along her and jammed his head. Both of them sang the long high note, at which Eunji's voice cracked.

"Gosh, that made my sleep wash away." Eunji threw her body back on the seat and rubbed her forehead.

"True." Dino nodded as the music nodded and they also reached their destination.

"Thank you for the ride, Mister Dino." Eunji bowed to him while getting out.

"Mention not!" Dino nodded and drove away from the car.


Eunji got out of the elevator and walked to the door. She stopped when she realized she didn't know how to get in. If she rang the bell, it would disturb everyone's sleep.

But the door automatically opened, revealing a woman in her early 30's dressed the same as Minhae. "Hello." She bowed. "I'm Yuhae, a maid here."

"Oh, hey." Eunji bowed back and entered the house.

"Miss Minhae told me that she forgot to tell you the password earlier, so I was here." Yuhae didn't make eye contact with her. "It's 47091."

"I'll remember that." Eunji thought and made a note to herself to write it in the notebook. Yuhae quickly ran inside the kitchen.

Eunji walked into the kitchen by following Yuhae and saw a man cutting vegetables. "Yuhae, please peel the carrots for me." He instructed her and turned around but jumped in surprise when he saw Eunji standing there. "Hello there?"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Eunji said with a straight face that made her look rude in front of his eyes. But Eunji was also admiring how handsome that so-called chef was.

"Can I ask the reason for your visit here?" He was confused because no one visited the kitchen while he was working.

"I just wanted a glass of water." Eunji wore her bag properly.

"You should've just called me, Miss Moon." Yuhae dropped the carrots and rushed to get a glass of water for her. "Cold or normal?"

"Cold please." Eunji looked away from her to the chef. "I'm Moon Eunji, the new babysitter of Choi Jiyoon."

"Oh, Seung-cheol told me about you." He instantly smiled. "He told me to prepare a meal for you as well."

"Seung-cheol?" She asked, confused. "Oh, you mean Mister Choi."

"Yes yes." The man nodded and bowed to her. "Greetings, I'm Hong Joshua, his family's chef."

"Hong? Are you related to Miss Minhae?" Eunji took the glass of water from Yuhae.

"No no, we are not related. We just share the same surname." He waved his hands while shaking his head. "Please proceed with your routine. I believe you have to wake Miss Jiyoon by 5 am but it's already 5:15 am." He looked at his watch.

"Oh shit." Eunji quickly ran upstairs.

"Miss Moon, Miss Jiyoon's room is on the top floor-" Yuhae shouted from downstairs. "I don't think she heard me." She worriedly looked at Joshua. "Will she be okay?"

"She will be." Joshua smiled while steering the pan. "I have good vibes from her even if she looks rude."

Josh, who was sleeping behind the counter woke up and walked to Joshua. He put his paw on Joshua's leg.

"Your owner will be downstairs in a few minutes to walk you, don't worry." Joshua patted his head.

He took a dog biscuit that was in a jar and moved it to Josh, who was about to eat it but the hand was moved away. Poor dog looked up with puppy eyes but Joshua was looking down at him.

"Fake Josh doesn't deserve treats."

Eunji rushed upstairs to the second floor and opened the door without knocking. She gasped when it turned out to be Seung-cheol sleeping there and instantly closed the door.

"I was almost fired on my first day of work." She said to herself with wide eyes. Clapping her hands on her cheeks, she went one more floor up and this time, quietly opened the door.

She sighed in relief when it was Jiyoon sleeping there. "Jiyoon, wake up!!" She scolded the girl and pulled away her blanket.

"Ugh, why?" Jiyoon groaned while rubbing her eyes.

"Don't why me. You have to walk the dogs." Eunji turned on all the lights, which made Jiyoon whine.

"I don't like it." Jiyoon sat up with her hair all messed up.

"It's already 5:20. You have to be here by 6 to get ready for school." Eunji grabbed Jiyoon's shoulders and shifted her back to her. "Get up or else, your dad will scold me." She combed her hair with her hands and put the rubber band that was on her wrist.

"You are worse than my old babysitters." Jiyoon pouted with closed eyes.

"Thank you for the compliment, Miss Choi." Eunji sarcastically said and went to pick up the jacket that she spotted on the chair. "Get up, wear it."

Jiyoon got down from the bed and put on her shoes before putting on the jacket.

"I'm not going to be easy on you."


"Why are you sitting here?"

"Sorry, I was just tired."


"Well yes because I'm not used to working so much. I'm also not used to stairs."

"That's your job from now on."


How's life going~

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