Chapter 06

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Jiyoon's eyes went wide in shock. She clearly panicked after hearing that deal. She looked at Eunji who had an evil smirk planted on her face.

"Deal." Jiyoon instantly said and Eunji couldn't be more happier but didn't show it on her face.

"Listen, kids. We have to go. Her family is waiting for her." Eunji said as she grabbed the girl's hand and removed it from Jiyoon's arm. "You know family is always worried about their girl child."

"What family?" The girl frowned. "She doesn't have a mother. She is motherless."

"You are a caretaker. How did you not know?" The boy scoffed and laughed. "Are you even her caretaker?"

"So what if she doesn't have a mother?" Eunji frowned. "She has more manners than children who have mothers. Those children are you."

"I also don't have a mother." The other boy spoke up. It was a good silence for ten seconds as they all stared at each other.

"Well, you also don't have one but you still bully her for that?" Eunji shook her head. "I'm sorry if I hurt you. That wasn't my intention. We have to go." She turned away from them and grabbed Jiyun to walk away.

"Hey, stop! How can you-" The girl grabbed Eunji's bag. She stopped speaking when Eunji turned to her and gave her a blank stare.

"The one thing I hate in this world is kids who DON'T respect what the elders say." Eunji tilted her head as she looked right into her eyes.

The girl let go of her bag. Eunji flipped her hair and started walking ahead while holding Jiyoon's hand.

"You look so mean with your straight face." Jiyoon said while walking behind her.

"I don't want to show my kindness to people who disrespect others." Eunji removed her grip from Jiyoon's hand. Jiyoon slowed her pace and stared at her hand that was held by Eunji.

It was the first time someone held her hands besides her dad or someone who didn't have intentions to harm her. It was a firm grip but in a protective way. It reminded her of her dad's hand and felt empty.

"Walk fast. I don't think your stamina is already dead." Eunji held her bag's strap and started walking faster.

Jiyoon did a small run towards her to match her speed. She looked at her bag and it was still torn like that day except it didn't hold saliva from the dog.

"By the way, what's your name?" Jiyoon asked as she looked at her face.

"I'll tell you when you apologise to your driver." Eunji dodged her question, determined to the deal. Jiyoon huffed and looked ahead.

When they were almost in front of the restaurant, they spotted Dino and Soomin there. Dino spotted her and quickly ran towards them.

"Miss Choi, where were you? Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" Dino circled around her while trying to check for any injury. He didn't dare to touch her.

"No, I'm fine." Jiyoon shook her head. Dino put his hand on his chest and let out a big sigh. "Also, I'm..." Jiyoon looked at Eunji.

Eunji gave her a side-eye.

"I'm sorry for spilling the drink on you." Her words were like a cultural shock to Dino. He almost felt his heart stop. His head snapped at Jiyoon who was looking on the ground.

His eyes met Eunji, who gave him a small smirk. He couldn't believe his ears. "You are welcome." Eunji mouthed him and gave him a small smile while walking to Soomin.

"Hey, wait!" Jiyoon ran behind Eunji who was about to get into the taxi that Soomin had booked.

Eunji looked at her after putting her bag in the car. "Yes?"

"I completed my deal. What about you?" Jiyoon asked with puppy eyes. "What's your name?"

"Moon Eunji." Eunji was about to oat her head but the expensive headband stopped her. So instead, she patted her cheek. "You did great."

"Am I a dog?" Jiyoon frowned.

"Whatever you think." Eunji shrugged her shoulders and went inside the taxi. She closed the door and looked at Jiyoon, waving at her as the taxi drove away.

"So, who was she exactly?" Soomin asked.

"The kid I saved that day from the dog." Eunji said as she stared outside at Dino bowing at her as they drove away.

"Oh, it's that kid." Soomin nodded. "Wait, no way you are smiling!"

"What?" Eunji looked at her with a frown.

"I just saw you smile." Soomin smiled while pointing at Eunji's face.

"Whatever. I'm also a human." Eunji rolled her eyes and put her elbow on the window before supporting her cheek on her hand.

"You are practically emotionless for anyone except me and your family." Soomin shook her head and opened her phone. "Also, the animals."

Eunji let out a small scoff but still smiled to herself. "It's just that, I found her interesting. I hope to see her in the future."

"Who knows what happens in the future." Soomin shrugged and joked, "You can become her mom."

"Well, she doesn't have a mom."

"WHAT?!" Soomin's jaws dropped and she couldn't believe it. "Damn, did I just jinx something?"

"You didn't. I'm too young to be a mother." Eunji let out a chuckle. Soomin smiled seeing her best friend laugh after ages.

"You know, you should laugh more. You can get the whole men population in the dating app begging you to date them." Soomin also laughed.

"It's true. The young lady got a very beautiful smile." The old man in the taxi looked through the rare view mirror and smiled.

"Thank you, Mister." Eunji bowed to him with a small smile.

"You remind me of my wife when she was young. She had a VERY beautiful smile. When I saw her smile, I knew I fell for her." The old man's eyes reflected affection as he talked about the love of his life.

"Oh, thank you so much. It's such an honour that you saw me like that." Eunji gave him a big smile. The other thing she smiles at the old people sharing their life stories; especially the loved ones.

"She had grown old but her smile is still the same. It always makes my heart beat faster whenever she welcomes me with that sun-like smile of hers." The old man couldn't stop talking about his wife the whole ride.

Soomin and Eunji listened to his stories and laughed along with him.

"You know, Soomin." Eunji whispered to her so she didn't disturb the man's talk.


"I'm thinking of visiting Choi Nations."


"She is here. Everybody, stay calm! Stay calm!!"

"Welcome, Miss Moon."

"Hey, credit card."


Ho ho only two exams left LET'S GOO-

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