Chapter 51 (Season 2)

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Hello, again. I didn't plan on publishing the next part for the next WEEKS but I received quite a lot of requests for the next season. So, here we are

I'll try to give daily updates but I'm already giving out double updates every day of Love Talk (Wonwoo fic)

Let's get started~



"WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU SAYING?!" Jiyoon screamed at the top of her lungs. Wonwoo and Mingyu flinched at her voice.

"Language!!" Seung-cheol poked her on her back.

Jiyoon stood up and went to the computer. Wonwoo and Mingyu stood straight and moved away a little.

"This girl?!" Jiyoon pointed at the girl with boy-cut hair playing on the screen. "Is Moon Eunji??"

"I mean..." Mingyu trailed off and nudged Wonwoo. "Speak. You took her interview." He whispered to him.

"Huh??" Wonwoo turned to him and looked back at Jiyoon. "I took her interview for the visual design department, I don't know anything." He pushed back his glasses and cleared his throat. "Kim Mingyu handled her resume for your babysitter's job."

Jiyoon looked at Mingyu. "M-Miss Choi, I only received her resume as a record. She only mentioned playing badminton as a hobby." Mingyu licked his lips and looked at Seung-cheol. "Director Choi took her interview."

"Dad." Jiyoon turned to Seung-cheol, who was busy eating the food.

"Don't look at me." Seung-cheol said while chewing on her food. "I don't get dreams about her having a badminton background. I only asked her questions which were necessary for the job."

"Ugh!!" Jiyoon threw his head back while holding her head. "I was with my idol the whole time?!"

"And-" Eunji stopped speaking before letting out a hiccup. "I'm sorry." She cleared her throat and grabbed the drink.

"Someone must be talking about you." Junhui said while scrolling on his phone. "You sure you don't have a boyfriend?"

"I don't." Another hiccup.

"It's your fault." Seung-cheol pointed the chopsticks at Jiyoon. "She had been training you for months and you never dared to question her?"

"Yes, I-" Jiyoon realized something. "I always try to ask about it but she always dodged my questions."

"Here you go." Seung-cheol shrugged and put another piece of food in his mouth.

"Wait, what if she was hiding it from me because she didn't want me to know?" Jiyoon rubbed her chin. "Is there a dark past behind it?"

"She was just waiting for your peanut brain to function and connect all the dots, to solve the mystery."

"Dad!" Jiyoon whined.

"Jiyoon!" Seung-cheol mocked her with an annoying whine tone. She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. Seung-cheol chuckled.


"See you later, Mister Yon." Eunji bowed to her dad's friend.

"I hate how social is dad." Minghao said while taking a sip of water.

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