Chapter 20

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"Did she do something wrong?" His tone instantly switched into a worried one as he quickly wore his silk night shirt to listen to her.

"" Jiyoon scratched her cheek and looked away.

"Did she hit you badly? Did she try to touch you badly? Tell me." He bent down to look at her face as she was looking down.

"Yes!" Jiyoon nodded. "She grabbed the back of my neck and squished it hard."

He was taken back by her words and was about to say something but she spoke first,

"Because I wasn't addressing Seungkwan in a formal manner."

His mouth closed at her. He stood straight and looked away to take out the silk night pants. Jiyoon chewed on her lower lip when he ignored her.

"She also forced me to call Joshua 'Mister Joshua'." Jiyoon laughed a little but he still ignored her. "Why are you not saying anything??"

"Because I don't see anything wrong here." He shrugged and smiled. He grabbed her shoulders, turned her around and started pushing her outside his closet.

"What?! Why can't you? Someone is behaving rudely with your daughter and you just ignore it??" Jiyoon started ranting.

"She did nothing wrong. She was teaching you how to respect." He let go of her when she was outside the closet. "Also, you are the one who asked me to appoint her. You dug your own grave. Now, suffer." He gave her a sweet smile and closed the door on her face.

She couldn't believe her eyes or ears. Her dad who had never denied her requests or never stood someone rudely behaving to his daughter just did that?

"He has gone nuts. He is not going to fire her." She muttered to herself.


"Miss Moon." Seung-cheol walked into the kitchen as soon as Eunji entered the house at 5 am.

"Good morning, Mister Choi. I didn't know you would be awake this early?" Eunji asked as she drank water.

"I woke up early because I wanted to talk to you about Jiyoon." He explained and covered his mouth to control his yawn.

"Yes." Eunji put the glass down and walked towards him.

"Jiyoon told me what happened yesterday." He crossed his arms.

"Yes?" Eunji leaned on the kitchen island and listened to him.

"I'll get straight to the point. I get it that you are trying to teach her manners. I don't mind you being strict with her because she is very stubborn but I'll suggest you to cool down a little." He sighed.

"I'm not quite understanding?" She frowned.

"Look." He avoided her eyes for a little before looking back at her. "I want you to not be that strict with her. Let her adjust a little."

Eunji was silent for a few seconds but took a deep breath and nodded. "I see. I'll be gentle."

"Thank you." He nodded and walked away to the stairs for his room. Eunji just watched his back then looked at Joshua and Minhae.

"He is so cold and plain." Eunji commented.

"He doesn't open up to new people like this." Joshua shook his head.

"Give him time. He has trust issues, especially after his last encounters with the old caretakers." Minhae smiled.


Eunji looked at Josh, whose leash she was holding. He moved his butt while happily walking ahead with Louis. "How old are they?"

"Louis is 5 while Josh will turn 1 in a few months." Jiyoon said, looking at her phone.

"That's quite a difference." Eunji nodded. "That's why Louis is not hyper like Josh?"

"To be honest, Louis is more hyper but since he is kind of old, it's not compared to a young dog's energy." Jiyoon closed her phone.

"Louis is more cute." Eunji smiled at Louis when he looked at her because she called him cute.

"No, Josh is more cute." Jiyoon smiled at Josh when he looked at her because she called him cute.

"Both are cute." Eunji laughed.

"I prefer Josh more because he is my dog." Jiyoon grabbed Josh's leash from Eunji's hand and handed her Louis's. "Louis had always been with dad while Josh was gifted on my birthday."

"So, Louis's main owner is Mister Choi and Josh's is you?" Eunji secured the leash in her hand.

"Yes." Jiyoon nodded. "I promised to take care of him. I always brushed his hair since he has big hair, always accompanied him to his vet visits, and even cleaned the mess he made around the house when he was a baby."

'Well, at least she is responsible for the things that are owned by her. I guess I don't have to worry about that', Eunji thought while watching Jiyoon proudly talk about the things she did, that a normal rich child would never do.

"Not to mention, Louis helped me to take care of Josh. Right, Louis?" Jiyoon called out to him and Louis barked in response.

"Did you name Josh?" Eunji asked as they stopped walking to let Josh do his business.

"Are you asking it regarding Joshua?" Jiyoon laughed as she opened the plastic bag.

"That's not his name." Eunji sighed. "And yes."

"To be honest, he was supposed to name Cooper but I sometimes called him Josh to tease the chef." Jiyoon picked up the poop with the plastic bag and put it in another bag.

Eunji silently monitored Jiyoon's move. She didn't expect her to pick up the poop. That proved that Jiyoon was serious about Josh.

"I know that the chef teases Josh by calling him 'fake Josh' but he also loves Josh the most. Josh stays by the chef's side when he is in the kitchen."

"That's cute." Eunji nodded.

"I know right!!" Jiyoon said with bright excited eyes as they were walking back to the apartment building.

"The one you tease the most, you love them the most." Eunji pressed the elevator button.

"That's what Joshua does." Jiyoon laughed.

"It's MISTER Joshua." Eunji rolled her eyes.

"Whatever." Jiyoon looked down at Josh standing on the back paws and putting his front paws on her stomach. "You want uppies?"

She crouched down and picked Josh up before standing up and holding him like a baby. Josh happily hung his tongue out and wiggled his tail.

"Wow, you picked him up so easily." Eunji was shocked. Louis was sitting on the pair like a polite dog with his back straight.

"It's easy because I do it frequently. He is my baby." Jiyoon leaned her head on Josh's body. "Also, I'm strong." Louis and Josh barked at her last words. "See."

"Got it." Eunji closed her eyes and shook her head. A small smile displayed on her lips. They reached the top floor and the door opened.

Jiyoon adjusted Josh in her arms and walked out.

"Also, Jiyoon." Eunji called her out. Jiyoon stopped and looked at her. "I'm sorry for being too strict on my first day. I'll be gentle for now."

Jiyoon blinked a few times in silence before laughing. "I'll see about it." She joked and walked back inside. Eunji sighed and walked to the door to put in the password and open the door for Jiyoon.


"Miss Moon!"

"Am I already in hell?"

"Shouldn't you say heaven instead of hell?"

"My sweatshirt is white!"


Lmao the story is going slow but trust the process. I have written 44 chapters in my drafts ;)

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