Chapter 72

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"Are you both serious?" Eunji looked back at her brothers who were following behind her.

"We are just dropping you off." Minghao shrugged and Junhui nodded. She rolled her eyes and adjusted her hair as she walked out of the gate of the apartment building.

"Just look at yourself." She scoffed. Minghao and Junhui looked at each other and then, at the clothes. They were sweatshirts but with shorts and slippers. "You look like homeless cockroaches walking with me."

"Are cockroaches homeless?" Junhui asked and the other two siblings just rolled their eyes. Eunji spotted a car standing not too far away and a familiar figure talking on the phone.

"Look, your short prince is here." Minghao crossed his arms.

"From which angle he is short?" Eunji side-eyed him.

"He is shorter than us." Minghao gave her the same side-eye. "You should've at least found someone the same height or taller than us."

"I'm sorry if I didn't just pick up a random dude just because he was taller than my brothers."

"At least, I would want to show respect to him rather than just looking down at him. A taller man would've been better."

"Are you the one going to date him or me?"

"That assistant of him would've been better. Who was he? Kim Mingyu? He was taller and bigger. Respect was already spilling out of my mouth for him."

"He is too tall. I don't want a long-distance relationship."

"Same but if it was him, I would've been ready for a long-distance relationship."

"Minghao, you sure you are not gay?"

"I'm straighter than the pole that your date dances on."

"But taller than your penis."

"Not only do the features of your faces match but you both even talk the same." Junhui visibly shivered. "I feel so grateful that I'm the only one who looks beautiful like mom."

"Do you want to die?" Both of them looked at him with the same eyes which made the oldest one go silent and look away.

"Miss Moon." Seung-cheol's faint voice reached their ears and they looked at the man who wasn't talking to his phone anymore. Eunji walked to him.

The brothers watched as Seung-cheol opened the door for her. She was smiling at him as she sat inside. His eyes landed on the brothers and he gave him a small bow before going to the driver's seat.

"Eunji, pretend to not eat anymore and bring that food for us!!" Minghao suddenly shouted and Junhui bent down while laughing.

"Please ignore him. He just returned from the mental asylum in China." Eunji adjusted the dress as she wore the belt.

"I can understand." Seung-cheol threw his head back while laughing as he started the car. Eunji looked outside the window without saying anything after that.

Seung-cheol glanced at her face for a second before looking back in front, smiling to himself that he was finally going somewhere alone with Eunji without Jiyoon with them.

"You look beautiful today, by the way."

She looked at him but his face was focused on the road ahead. She also looked at the road and bit down her smile but it failed as she smiled before whispering,

"Thank you."


Seung-cheol watched as Eunji was talking to the waiter, who nodded while writing her order before walking away.

"I'm surprised you know how to behave here." He squinted his eyes as he leaned forward and put his elbows on the table. "I thought you were going to embarrass me."

"Forgot my words from that day already?" She looked at him and held a smirk over her tinted lips. "There are many people behind me. I have gone on too many expensive dates."

He wouldn't lie when he felt a rush of jealousy wash over his body but he remained calm on his face. His eyes landed on the thin chain dangling on her neck.

The same chain that she had used for the ring he gave her.

The ring was stuffed inside her dress but he was satisfied that she was still wearing that ring.

"You know for someone who throws those kind comments, you are still wearing that ring I gave you." Seung-cheol looked into her eyes with a small smile.

"Why do you think I agreed to go on a date with you?" She suddenly smiled with a head tilt. Her hair swayed with that moment.

But he surely saw that her hair was flying as if there was a wind in front of her. He needed to get back to earth, especially after those words.

"Whatever." He coughed and looked away while scratching his ear. He wasn't used to her smiling so easily, especially for him. The man was having a hard time adjusting.

Eunji looked down at the plate in front of her. No matter how much of a cool type of personality she would play in front of him, she was also a human with emotions and those emotions weren't working in the right way.

Yuhae was right when she talked about Eunji liking Seung-cheol. At first, Eunji wanted to get close to him to solve the issue of Minhae but she doesn't think that was the case anymore.

She wanted to get close to him for different reasons now and what a big twist to find that Seung-cheol had mutual feelings for her.

"I wanted to talk about something." Seung-cheol's voice broke her chain of thoughts about Yuhae. "I know it's a date and I shouldn't bring up this topic."

She looked up at him.

"But that was the topic that made us awkward and distant earlier. I want to solve this before anything else." Seung-cheol let out a deep sigh and looked at her. "It was the day when you had come late to our house for Jiyoon."

Eunji instantly realised what he was talking about.

"I did think about it and yes, it was wrong for me to not listen to Miss Yuhae but Miss Minhae is like a family to me. I can't even think about doubting her in anything."

He was speaking what Joshua had told her that day.

"She has been with me since I was a child. I'm sorry but I seriously can't defend Miss Yuhae over Miss Minhae." Seung-cheol's eyes were the most serious that Eunji had ever seen. There was no hesitation behind those eyes.


"Were you thinking about me?"

"You are delusional."

"Miss Eunji, did you realize you have a small smile on your face?"


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