Chapter 68

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"What?" Seung-cheol snapped his head to Eunji as he lifted his hand that held the remote control to stop the movie.

They were in the living room. It was nighttime and almost Eunji's time to go. He was sitting in front of the big television screen on a sofa while Eunji was standing behind the sofa. Minhae and Joshua were already gone.

"Did you just call me by my name?" He squinted his eyes, glaring at her.

"Well." She crossed her arms over the head of the sofa and leaned forward. Turning her head to Seung-cheol, she made eye contact with him. "Why would I be formal to the person who likes me?"

"What?!" The remote from Seung-cheol's hand dropped. "Ha!" He rolled his eyes and picked up the remote back from his lap. "Who is spitting this bullshit to you?"

She silently watched him turn his head away to lower the volume of the sitcom playing on the television.

"Your heart doesn't lie."

"Stop assuming things. Just from where are you getting this information?" He played the sitcom again.


"Yes. I would like a bitchy person like you- What the HECK-" He screamed at the end when Eunji suddenly jumped over the sofa and stood beside him. "What are you-"

"The ring resting over your chest." She crouched down with a smirk. His eyes went wide. How did she know?

"Ha- HAHA!" He started laughing nervously. "What ring?" He looked away.

But suddenly, she grabbed his neck. His head turned to face her so fast that it almost broke his neck apart. Her other grabbed the collar of his shirt.

"I'm calling my lawyers and arresting you for molesting a poor man!!" He yelled at her but she ignored him and moved his shirt away.

Considering the difference in their body sizes, he would've easily removed her. One push from him and she would be flying to the other end of the room.

But Seung-cheol was flustered. Too flustered. The back of his neck was burning hot. The tip of his neck was red.


Because of the way Eunji was leaning over his body.

Her eyes looked up into his when she felt the feeling of his heart beating so hard. The hand trailed down to put over his heart. It was like the heart was bursting again and again.

"What's that, Seung-cheol?" She bit the inside of her cheek. She was embarrassed herself. Her straight face could make anyone think that she was okay but she wasn't. The ears covered by her hair told a different story.

"W-What-" His eyes were wide like golf balls. Her other hand quickly grabbed the thin chain hanging around his bare neck and pulled it out.

She lifted the ring in front of his face and showed it to him. "This?"

"Hear me out!!" He was breathing heavily. No one spoke after that. Eunji tilted her head, waiting for his response but he just kept silent. He covered his mouth and looked away, cheeks flushed.

"Why did you go silent, Seung-cheol?" She whispered and leaned forward, breathing out over his neck.

"Okay, fine!" Seung-cheol's eyes were shaking before he explained to her what happened in the past with Jiyoon. "Now, can you PLEASE get off my chest??"

"Hmm. Valid." She nodded and kept her hands on his chest before pushing herself off him. Seung-cheol quickly adjusted his shirt.

"You are such a-" Seung-cheol let out a big sigh and shook his head while patting his red cheeks. Eunji cleared her throat and put her hand under her hair, rubbing her red ears.

"Anyways, now it's confirmed that you like me. I should get going." She collected herself and started walking away.

"Hey! I explained to you that it was Jiyoon yet you still think that I like you??" He stood up and turned to her.

"Choi Seung-cheol." She stopped and turned around. "You didn't push me when I was on you."

And freeze.

"If you hated me or didn't like me, you could've pushed me away easily. I'm half your size. Yet, you stayed there and let me do that."

"I-" He bit his lower lip and looked away.

"Your flustered face proved everything." She scoffed. "I have been working here, right in your house. Do you think I only monitor Jiyoon? Do you think I have never dated before? I know these reactions in a man."

"So, you want to date me?" He started laughing.


Oh ho. What was that? She said all that and rejected that?

Seung-cheol's smile fell.

"Why would I date someone so much older than me? Not to mention someone who can't even accept his own feelings. I have taste and preferences Choi Seung-cheol."

"You will date Lee Seokmin then?" He fisted his hands.

"You know, he is a better option. Someone who is the same age as me and makes me laugh. Also, he will accept his feelings easily and won't be as confused as you."

"AND THEN-" Seokmin stopped for a moment. Seungkwan tilted his head because of the sudden stop. Seokmin let out a big sneeze. On Seungkwan's face. Seungkwan screamed.

That hurt Choi Seung-cheol, Moon Eunji. A big hit to his ego.

"Besides, my contract as a babysitter of Jiyoon is ending. I will leave soon." She pursed her lips and heavily breathed out. "But don't worry, I'll find a babysitter for her and a good trainer as well."

Seung-cheol didn't know what to say back. He was speechless. Her leave would not only affect his feelings but Jiyoon also.

What should he do now?

He had two options.

Either he offers a job at his company that could at least make her stay near to him.

The other option that would help both him as well Jiyoon was...ask her for a date.



"Don't move!"


"Stay there."




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