Chapter 25

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'What?', Jiyoon's eyes went wide as she jumped to hit the shot. It was hard to believe how her jump was easy, as if she could jump more high.

Everyone gasped when Jiyoon made a shot high from high in the air. The girl opposite her couldn't even have time to make her next move as the shuttle was already down.

It was silence, even Jiyoon was standing there in shock. "Y-You did great, Jiyoon." The coach judging the match stuttered and the students waiting for the next match started to cheer.

Jiyoon turned around to look at Eunji, who gave her a thumbs up. "Who are you?" Jiyoon muttered in shock.


"Mister Choi, aren't you worried?" Minhae asked Seung-cheol who was doing pull up in the gym.

"For what?" Seung-cheol grunted as he tried to keep up with the same pace. Both Minhae and Seung-cheol were in the gym that was on the ground floor of the building.

"Miss Choi and Miss Moon always go out after the language lessons. We don't even know the real reason for their outing." Minhae worriedly said as she looked down at the towel she was holding.

Seung-cheol let go of the bar and jumped down. "Are you worried about them?" He asked while extending his hand towards her.

"Yes." Minhae nodded while handing him the towel. "Do you think they are doing anything bad?"

"I know for sure that they didn't go out of his society." Seung-cheol panted while wiping his sweaty face. "If Eunji had her doing anything bad like drugs, I already would've known."

"How?" Minhae followed Seung-cheol towards the chest press machine.

"I just know how a person looks when they consume anything toxic like that." He went behind it to adjust the weight. Minhae looked at him clipping all the weights together.

"I see." Minhae nodded.

"I asked Dino about it. All he told me was that Eunji was making Jiyoon run to gain more stamina." Seung-cheol sat on the seat and grabbed the handle.

"I think you should check on them."

"I will."


"Wow, what was that?!" Jiyoon excitedly asked Eunji as she was packing the kit.

"What?" Eunji played dumb.

"That shot! I never knew I could jump that high so easily!" Jiyoon looked at her hands.

"How did it feel?" Eunji picked up the kit and put it on her shoulder.

" felt so amazing!" Jiyoon's eyes were sparkling as if she had stars in her eyes. "It felt like I could jump more high if I tried more."

"Then do it next time." Eunji started walking out.

"How did you do that??" Jiyoon ran in front of Eunji and faced Eunji while walking backward.

"You did that, I didn't." Eunji shook her head.

"No!" Jiyoon stopped and walked beside Eunji. "I'm sure it happened because of our training after my language lessons. All that training routine."

"Hmm." Eunji nodded while looking ahead.

"How did you know so much about that? It's as if you know what to do." Jiyoon grabbed Eunji's sleeves as the older woman was opening the trunk of the car. "How?"

"Do you want to win the tournament?" Eunji asked while closing the trunk and leaning against it.

"Yes!" Jiyoon was determined. Eunji suddenly smiled and it wasn't a fake sarcastic smile but a genuine smile. Jiyoon was shocked because it was the first time Eunji had a genuine smile towards her.

"Then, let's train more but I'll also control your diet."

Jiyoon gasped with a big smile and nodded while shouting, "Yes!!"

"Look at her going all out because she won against me." The girl who had lost a match with Jiyoon said while staring at Jiyoon jumping around Eunji.

"She was lucky this time, Kyungmi." The girl beside her chuckled.

"You think that that woman that is with her, is she any trainer they hired?" Kyungmi looked at her. "Sunhee?"

"How can you say that?" Sunhee tilted her head.

"I think she is a trainer." A boy walked towards them.

"Right, Yeongsik?" Kyungmi looked back at the two girls who exited the stadium.

"I don't think she is a caretaker or a babysitter." Yeongsik crossed his arms. The memory of Eunji's face flashed in his mind. "The way that the woman was looking at every student and observing them. Those eyes. They are not normal."

"Just like a coach?" Sunhee asked.

"Exactly." He pointed his finger at her. "No way she is a normal woman. I think she is a trainer."

"Jiyoon didn't show any improvement at first though. I think I have been seeing that woman for more than a month." Kyungmi grabbed her chin.

"But she has been doing it for a few weeks now." Yeongsik also grabbed his chin and looked at Kyungmi. "What do you think?"

"I think she is a trainer." Sunhee stood up and stretched her arms. "Ain't no way Jiyoon can show improvement just like that."

"Especially after the special treatment of the coaches." Yeongsik put his hands on his hips and sighed. "They were clearly pushing Jiyoon down and not letting her move up."

"Well, it's good that someone passionate like her is getting the right treatment." Kyungmi also sighed.

"Oh well, do you want to play a doubles match before going?" He looked at Kyungmi, who shrugged and grabbed her racket while walking to the court.

"You heard them, right?"

"Yes, I did."

"I should tell my dad how Choi Jiyoon is receiving special training outside."

"Should I ask my dad to buy that woman?"

"I will also ask my parents. That woman, she won't be able to put down the offer we will make."

"That Jiyoon, I can't stand her suddenly going all out. Didn't you see how bad her attitude had gotten just because she made that one shot at you?"

"And she gave me a dirty look after that shot, ha! Just how arrogant she is."

"Well, she has been arrogant since the start."

"I hate that about her."


"Can you please move away..."

"Tell me first. Why do you look so nervous and avoid my eyes?"


"You are sweating. Why? Are you doing something bad?"


What was that 👀

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