Chapter 49

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"So." Seung-cheol sat straight and looked back at Jiyoon. "Who were they?"


"The one who did this to you!" Seung-cheol asked with a frustrated face. Jiyoon smiled seeing his annoyed face.

"It was...uh..." Jiyoon looked up at the ceiling. "Can I be honest?"

"Yes." Seung-cheol leaned back on the sofa. He put his elbow on the head of the sofa and leaned his head on the same head while staring at Jiyoon.

"It's actually a group of five." Jiyoon looked at Seung-cheol. "But one out of four has never done anything wrong to me. He had never hit me or cursed at me, unlike others."

"Hmm." Seung-cheol nodded. "Was he present with them when they did this to you?"

"No." Jiyoon shook her head and sat straight. "He was the only sane one in the whole group."

"I hope you don't like him or something that's why you are saving him." Seung-cheol squinted his eyes.

"What? No!" She looked back at him. "He-" But stopped speaking.

"He?" Seung-cheol raised an eyebrow.

"He is handsome though." She cleared her throat.

"Want me to push you down the building?"

"I will jump myself, don't worry."

"Mingyu, get papers. I want to fire Moon Eunji."




"Name them." Seung-cheol asked. Jiyoon was about to speak but there was a knock on the door.

"Director?" Wonwoo opened the door. "Mister Kim, I'm here with the things you asked." Wonwoo opened the door fully to let a delivery boy walk in with a lot of bags.

"I surely remember I asked the receptionist." Mingyu crossed his arms.

"I spotted the delivery man in the reception and decided to accompany him." Wonwoo smiled while holding his hands in front of his stomach.

"You don't have to lie, Mister Wonwoo. We know you are trying hard to get a promotion." Jiyoon covered her mouth while laughing.

"Please don't- What happened to your face??" Wonwoo asked with wide eyes. "I knew it. It must be that Moon Eunji. I knew she was bad news right from the start because she-"

"Don't you dare! It wasn't her!" Jiyoon frowned. "She can never do it."

"-made me pay for the food and- huh??" Wonwoo stopped speaking. "Oh."

"Talking bad about her will only make you fire instead of a promotion." Jiyoon opened the box full of sweets presented in front of her. "Since dad likes her."

"I don't??" Seung-cheol looked at her with glaring eyes but a scary smile. Jiyoon just gave him a cheeky smile, mouth full of the macaroon she had just eaten.

"Good luck, man." The delivery boy whispered to Wonwoo and walked out, chuckling to himself.

"Anyways, name them." Seung-cheol asked Jiyoon.

"Hmm." Jiyoon looked at Mingyu, who was busy on his phone. "I think it's better to write them but it seems he is busy."

"I can help!" Wonwoo quickly said and walked closer to them. He took out his phone and opened the notepad app. "I'll do it. I can type fast."

"Okay then." Jiyoon gulped down her food. "Soo Baram, Kim Hyewon, Lee Dohee, and Im Kijung."

"That's it?" Wonwoo asked as he finished typing them.

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