Chapter 43

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"What the hell?!" Seung-cheol shouted too loud. "No no, cause what? Excuse me?"

"You heard me right, Mister Choi." Seokmin gave him a big smile.

"Miss Eunji, does that mean I need to get his permission to be your best friend??" Jiyoon looked at Eunji.

"What? No!" Eunji frowned and looked at Seokmin.

"Ack!" Seokmin whined when Eunji flicked his forehead. "Why did you do that?"

"Stop spreading misinformation." Eunji scoffed and kicked his knee. He screamed and held his knee. "He is not my boyfriend."

"How can you do that to your boyfriend- AH!" Seokmin screamed with a wide mouth when Eunji elbowed his back, making him fall to the ground.

"Miss Moon, should we take him away?" The guard asked and the other went to grab Seokmin.

"What? Wait WHAT!!" Seokmin screamed when the two big men grabbed each of his arms. "Eunji!!"

"No, it's fine." Eunji waved her hand, telling him to be put down. "He is an old friend."

"You heard, put me down!" Seokmin shouted at them. They let go of him. He fell to the ground. "What?!"

"Look at this boy. He got the audacity to do that in front of us." Seung-cheol scoffed.

"Get up." Eunji went to him and grabbed his arm to help him to stand up. "I'm sorry on his behalf. Let me talk to him for a moment." She bowed an apology to the family and dragged him away.

"Dad?" Jiyoon grabbed Seung-cheol's arm, who was glaring at the duo so hard that one could think he was aiming to throw a cannonball at them.

"What?!" Seung-cheol called out but still kept looking at them.

"Are you jealous?" Jiyoon whispered.

"Huh?" He finally looked at her with a frown. "From who??"

"From Mister Seokmin." Jiyoon pointed at Seokmin, who looked like was talking with his whole body while moving around. "Because he is close to Miss Eunji."

"Ha!" Seung-cheol laughed. "Why would I be jealous of that useless man? And for what?"

"Because he is the first-ever young man who made Miss Eunji laugh wholeheartedly." Jiyoon spoke facts.

Seung-cheol looked back at Eunji and it was true. It was his first time seeing Eunji laugh at a man of her age other than animals and old people.

She was still laughing as she was leaning against a tree, staring at Seokmin talking while also doing hand gestures. He said something then both of them laughed while throwing their heads back.

"Stop assuming things." Seung-cheol flicked Jiyoon's forehead. She had the same reaction as Seokmin.

"See, you also picked Miss Eunji's habit of flicking the foreheads." Jiyoon smirked.

"You- I'm banning your television." Seung-cheol said while pouting and pointing at Jiyoon, who ran away giggling and hid behind Jihoon. Jihoon glared at his son and Seung-cheol shut his mouth.

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience my friend caused." Eunji apologised as soon as she came back.

"Who was he?" Jihoon asked.

"He was an old close friend from university. We studied together." Eunji answered him instantly.

"Hello, I'm sorry for my rude behaviour. I'm Lee Seokmin." Seokmin bowed again.

"Would you like to join us?" Minjee softly asked.

Seokmin's eyes sparkled and he nodded, "I would love to-"

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