Chapter 24

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"That's it." Eunji stood up from the chair and went outside of the stadium. Jiyoon gave a confused look at Eunji suddenly walked out but later focused on the game.

Eunji opened her phone and called Soomin but she wasn't picking it up. It made her groan in frustration.

"Do you need anything?" Jane came out of nowhere and startled Eunji, making her scream for a moment.

"Oh, it's you." Eunji recognised the woman and bowed to her. "It's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too." Jane bowed back.

"Is there something I should know?" Eunji asked.

"Oh, no no. I was about to enter the stadium but I saw you walk out too aggressively." Jane gave her a gentle smile.

"Are you also one of the caretakers?" Eunji leaned against the wall.

"I'm an English teacher here. I handle badminton academy's affairs." Jane chuckled.

"I see." Eunji nodded and put her phone back inside her pocket.

"You seemed to be uncomfortable. Did something happen?" Jane worriedly asked.

"Do you handle everything that happens in there?" Eunji pointed at the entrance of the stadium and Jane nodded. "Also the coaches?"

"Yes." Jane nodded and folded her arms. "Why? Did a coach give you trouble and make you uncomfortable?"

"No, it's just..." Eunji ruffled her hair and sighed. "I think the coach is being unfair."

"What do you mean?" Jane blinked in confusion.

"One of them, the main one does partiality. He doesn't correct some students and their movements but focuses more on some particular ones." Eunji was serious.

"This can't be. I think you got the wrong idea." Jane bit her lower lip. "It may be because those kids must be better than others, so they were giving them special treatment."

"Oh, please." Eunji rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "There are kids with better skills than those kids. I bet the parents feed off the coach for him to focus on their kids."

"How can you tell?" Jane squinted her eyes.

"I have been observing Choi Jiyoon for almost a month since I started my job. Her skills are better than the ones with special treatment yet they don't focus on her or correct her mistakes. Not only her but others also. They have so much talent." Eunji said everything she had inside since the first day.

"It's hard to believe. They have been here for years yet no one complained like you." Jane sighed and looked away.

"Then don't believe me but it's the truth. Also, you are like an advisor here, right? You also handle everything yet you didn't observe this obvious detail."

Jane gasped at Eunji's harsh words and said, "How can you speak to me like-"

"I can and I will. Not only me but the other students who play here have the same thoughts. They don't like the partiality and if you care a little about them, you would've already known about it."

Jane went silent when she mentioned the other students. She couldn't believe her ears.

"Thanks for your special service here in the badminton stadium." Eunji gave her a side eye while walking away.

Jane stood there staring at the ground in silence. Her feet didn't move for a good five minutes. She gritted her teeth and fisted her hands before turning around to walk inside.

When she went to the entrance, Jiyoon walked out with Eunji behind her, carrying the big kit. Eunji gave her another side glare as she walked away.

"Jiyoon." Eunji called out to the girl who was yawning from being too tired.

"Yes?" Jiyoon didn't look back at her.

"When did you say the next competition was?" Eunji walked beside her.

"Hmm, it's next month." Jiyoon looked at Eunji beside her. "Why?"

"Let's see." Eunji opened her phone to check the calendar. "You have exactly 27 days."

"Yes." Jiyoon nodded.

"The sports complex in your society has badminton courts, right?"

"... yes?" Jiyoon had shivers in her back as if something bad was going to happen.

Eunji suddenly looked at her and smiled at her. That made Jiyoon shiver more. "After your French lesson today, get ready for your new routine."


"Can I know why we are here??" Jiyoon asked Eunji who was walking ahead without saying anything. "I didn't even eat dinner properly."

"I told Mister Joshua to prepare a meal for you when we reach back." Eunji put down the kit and opened it to take out shoes. She held them in front of Jiyoon. "Change right now."

"And what are we going to do?" Jiyoon took the shoes and sat on the ground to switch her shoes.

"I'm going to be your personal trainer from now till next month." Eunji smirked as she put her hands on her hips.

"Huh??!" Jiyoon's mouth hung open in confusion. "Did dad give you money for this new job of yours?"

"Sadly, no." Eunji sighed in disappointment. "I should really ask for money though."

"Then who hired you?" Jiyoon stood up and crossed her arms.

"I hired myself." Eunji shrugged.


"No more questions." Eunji took out a whistle from her pocket.

"Where did you get it and-"

"Ten rounds of the stadium. Right now!"

"What-" Jiyoon's voice was cut off by Eunji blowing the whistle on her face.

"Do you have any idea where they go?" Joshua asked Seung-cheol as he looked at the clock showing 8 pm.

"Nope." Seung-cheol shook his head as he poured another glass of alcohol. "They took Louis and Josh with them, saying they were going to walk them. Jiyoon needed some basic warm-ups because she had something related to muscle pull today."

"Eunji said all that?" Joshua asked and Seung-cheol nodded.

"I'm not worried since Louis is with them."

Dino was sitting in the driver's seat with a look of frustration on his face. He turned around and stared at Louis and Josh sitting in the back seat, staring back at him.

"First a driver then a temporary babysitter and now, a dog caretaker?"


"Look at her going all out because she won against me."

"She was lucky this time."

"You think that that woman that is with her, is she any trainer they hired?"


To my future readers, I turned 18 today :D

On 5th April 2023 (I'm a 2006 liner)

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