Chapter 33

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"The boss is here-" Jaehun said and they all quickly stood up.

"My arms." Eunji said. Haejun went to her, grabbed her hands, and pushed them behind the chair in the old position. There was a loud crack in the process. "Ouch! It hurts, be gentle."

"I'm sorry." Haejun was already panicking. The four of them stood straight as the door fully opened, revealing a middle-aged man.

He has grey hair with a stomach hanging in front as he walks inside with his hands behind his back. Two men in the back also walked behind him.

"I see you brought her safely." The man nodded as he stared down at Eunji.

"You wanted me to die?" Eunji asked.

''I wanted you alive." The man shrugged. "I'm Chang Yongsun, father of Chang Sujin."

"Who?" Eunji tilted her head and there was a sound of someone sniffling his laugh. Hanjun.

"You don't know me?" Yongsun sat on the chair that one of the two men brought and kept it in front of her.

"Do I have to know?"

"I'm Chang Yongun, the founder of JH Enterprise." Yongun cleared his throat.

"Wasn't the founder Chang Yujun?"

"... That's my father." Yongsun hesitated a little.

"Then how come you are the founder?" That question of hers made him silent for a good three minutes.

"You don't know Chang Sujin?" Yongsun changed the topic and folded his arms. "She is the top student of the badminton academy that Choi Jiyoon also goes to."

"She may be there. I don't know." Eunji shrugged.

Yongsun had held his head at this point. He sighed while rubbing his forehead and said, "Anyways, I asked them to take you here."

"I know since they clearly referred to you as the boss." Eunji also crossed her legs and looked at him intensely in his eyes.

"I-" Yongsun sighed. "Anyways, I had a deal with you."

"If the deal doesn't have money in it, then I don't want to hear it." Eunji yawned.

"It does." Yongsun got serious suddenly.

"Tell." Eunji showed the same seriousness.

"I heard from my daughter that you are a special trainer who is also her babysitter." Yongsun moved his hand in the air as he spoke. Eunji could see that hand filled with gold rings. He even had chains on his neck.

"I'm a babysitter but not a special trainer." Eunji rolled her eyes.

"Don't show that attitude in front of me." He glared at her. "I know you are lying. Everyone knows you are one."

"Why do you even care?" Eunji sighed.

"Do you want to even hear the deal?!" He shouted on her face. She closed her eyes because of all the air shot from his mouth.

"Yes, whatever just say."

"I want you to leave Choi Jiyoon and train my daughter." Yongsun looked determined.



"Didn't you hear? No. Do you want me to speak in Spanish? No." Eunji rolled her eyes again.

"If you roll your eyes one more time, I'm going to poke them out of your sockets." Yongsun gritted his teeth.

Eunji uncrossed her legs, spread them, and leaned forward. She stared right into his furious eyes and said, "Do it."

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