Chapter 04

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"It's my dream company." She smiled as she leaned on her hand to stare at the big screen displayed over the building. "It would be an honor to just step a foot inside it."

"Choi Nations?" Her best friend replied while sipping on her Oreo shake and later taking a bite of cheesecake.

"Even the director of that company looks like he just walked out of a fiction world." She dreamingly sighed while slowly spinning her spoon in her hot coffee.

"Oh, I had an interview with that company a few days ago."

"I know you also wish to be interviewed by-" The girl snapped her head towards the girl spinning her screen pencil. "What did you just say?!"

"What you just heard, Soomin." Eunji looked up from her tablet and smiled at her best friend.

Soomin couldn't believe her eyes. Eunji just auditioned for one of the top five companies in the whole country. And she didn't even tell her? Also, looked so relaxed?

"And you didn't tell me?!" Soomin slammed her hand on the table.

"Hey, you will spill my drink." Eunji scoffed and grabbed the drink from the table. She went back to drawing on her tablet.

"Why do you look so relaxed?! Aren't you worried about the results??" Soomin kept on asking questions.

"You think I should be worried about results?" Eunji calmly said and moved her eyes up with her glasses staying low on the bridge of the news. A smirk rose on her lips when Soomin went silent.

"Oh, yes." Soomin laughed and leaned back to relax her body. "Who could reject you? They belong to a mental asylum if that person rejects you."

Eunji chuckled in a low tone while Soomin laughed loudly while holding her head.

"Well, I hope you also get into a good company. A stable job is better than surviving on commissions." Soomin ran her hand through her hair. "Working only on commissions can be hectic and bad for your health."

"I'm the one who sets up the due date. My customers are ready to wait for a month if they want to. You know that." Eunji looked at the waiter and raised her hand.

"Still, it's better to get a paying job than commissions." Soomin sighed.

"Like I said earlier and will repeat it again, I want a break after university, at least for a year. I can't take on a job. The university has already caused a lot of damage to my body and health."

Soomin just listened to her dear friend explaining her plan. Eunji stopped for a moment to give another order for an oreo milkshake to the waiter.

"I want to gain weight back and gain some strength back. I would rather take a job like a caretaker or a dog walker. I don't want to sit in front of a screen the whole day." Eunji was serious on this topic as always.

"But know it's practically impossible to survive in this day and age without a job." Soomin sighed and took the last sip of her coffee.

"Soomin, I understand your viewpoint and where are you coming from." Eunji softly looked straight into her eyes. "You had to do a job right away after university because of financial situations. But my family is stable enough to still support me. Also, I have older brothers. It was my brothers who suggested that I take a break and that, they would handle my extra expenses. My dad will also help me."

Soomin had no words against it. She envied Eunji for having a loving and supportive family. Soomin was happy about that and smiled at Eunji proudly talking about her brothers' success.

It was rare to see Eunji showing those loving emotions, which she only showed whenever she talked about her family.

"I also have money saved up from the big commissions I did in university. I'll be fine." Eunji looked down with a smile and happily stuffed a big bite of cake in her mouth.

"Oh, it's you!" A voice caught their attention. The two young women turned around to see a girl standing there. "That dog hitter."

Eunji instantly gulped that whole bite and started to cough loudly. She looked down while choking on the cake. Soomin went beside her to pay her back.

Eunji drank her milkshake and sighed as she stopped choking. She turned around to look at the girl from that day standing there with a smile. "Hello, Miss Saviour."

"H-Hey." Eunji greeted back and bowed to her but to her surprise, Jiyun didn't do it. Eunji scoffed internally.

"How are you doing? Is your bag okay?" Jiyoon innocently tilted her head as if she just didn't disrespect her by not bowing back.

"Yes, it's fine but what are you doing here?" Eunji asked her. "Why don't you sit down?"

Soomin sat back in her seat while watching Eunji talking to someone she didn't know, especially a child.

"Oh, it's okay. I'm here because my driver wanted to use the restroom." Jiyoon shook her head, declining the offer.

"Did he drink too much?" Eunji joked.

"Actually, I spilled hot tea on his chest and it burned him." Jiyoon pursed her lips before laughing.

"You should apologise for that." Eunji shook her head.

"Why should I apologise?" Jiyoon tilted her head.

"Because he is clearly older than you. An uncle." Eunji closed her tablet screen.

"He is my driver. I don't apologise." Jiyoon rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

Soomin's eyes went wide and she looked at Eunji, who had a calm face. But as her eyes went to the table, she saw Eunji clenching her fists. They were stuck on the table as if she was holding back from punching her.

'Eunji hates anyone who can't respect who is older than them', Soomin thought and looked at the girl. 'Now, this girl's image is ruined in front of Eunji's eyes'.


"Did you see Miss Jiyoon?!"

"Jiyoon? That girl?"


"I don't know."

"I'm going to lose my job."


The exams are killing me-

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