Chapter 17

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"Please don't faint." Eunji snorted her nose as she looked at Jiyoon swaying here and there while yawning.

"I slept late yesterday." Jiyoon said while mumbling, which almost wasn't clear at first.

"Let's run, Louis." Eunji looked at Louis, whose leash she was holding. He barked and they started running ahead. "Losers out!!"

Jiyoon was now fully awake and looked at Josh. "Josh, let's run!!" She attempted to run but Josh didn't move at all. "What??"

Josh just groaned and slowly walked. Jiyoon tried to move the big dog but he didn't move at all. She watched Eunji and Louis racing all around the park.


Jiyoon sighed as she entered her room and threw away her shoes. "Go and take a shower. You need to eat breakfast also." Eunji said as she looked through the notebook.

"I know." Jiyoon removed her jacket and opened her hair. "Please tell Joshua to make juice also."

"It's MISTER Joshua." Eunji glared at her. Jiyoon huffed and stormed inside the washroom. "Don't show that attitude to me!!"

"I'll allow you to be strict with her." Seung-cheol's words rang in her mind. Eunji shook her head and picked up her shoes to put them aside.

She walked to the window to open the curtains but jumped in surprise when she saw a cat on the other side of the glass door.

"Lily?" Eunji opened the door but Lily jumped on the railing. "You will fall." She said while walking to her but Lily climbed on the other balcony and ran away. Eunji felt sad because Lily wasn't ready to come to her.

She turned around and put her hands on her hips as she looked through the room. Her room was so big that she felt like she could skate there if there was no furniture.

It looked like a girl's room one sees on the internet. The whole room was orange-themed. She also had a long study desk and the bookshelves around it stretched to the ceiling.

In front of the bed, there was a cozy sofa with a big television screen in front of it. Guitars were hanging around the television wall. The whole bedroom screamed rich and Eunji liked the design.

Eunji went out of the room and ran downstairs. She checked her phone and it was almost 6 am. "Mister Joshua, Jiyoon asked for some juice."

She said as she entered the kitchen but saw Seung-cheol there also, talking to the chef. "You are here?" Seung-cheol asked.

"Uh, yes. Isn't that what it's supposed to be like?" Eunji tilted her head.

"I'll do it." Joshua turned around to prepare juice. Seung-cheol turned his back to Eunji and started tying his robe properly.

"Here." Yuhae came inside the kitchen with a shirt in her hands. "Mister Choi." Seung-cheol took it from her and held it in his arms.

"I'll go." Eunji felt weird air and went upstairs. She was panting from too much up and down. She grabbed her knees as she finally reached the top floor and walked upstairs. "Jiooun, are you already??"

"Yes?" Jiyoon was standing there, buttoning up her shirt with underpants on. "I need to brush my teeth."

"Who brushes teeth after wearing the uniform?" Eunji slapped her forehead.

"I do." Jiyoon wore her bow tie and then her skirt. She walked back into the washroom while folding her sleeves.

"Come back downstairs after you are done!!" Eunji shouted and walked out on the stairs. She sighed while covering her face and sitting there on the stairs.

It was tiring to suddenly move that much, especially when she was used to an elevator in her apartment building rather than stairs. Also because she woke up so early with only a few hours sleep.

"Why are you sitting here?" She looked at the voice and saw Seung-cheol standing a few steps below on the stairs. He was wearing the same shirt that Yuhae had brought.

"Sorry, I was just tired." She put her hands on her knees and stood up.

"Already?" Seung-cheol walked up to her.

"Well yes because I'm not used to working so much." She rolled her eyes. "I'm also not used to stairs."

"That's your job from now on." He walked past her and walked away somewhere she didn't know. She still had to take a tour of the house. For now, she only knew their bedrooms. The other rooms are still unknown to her.

"I'm here." Jiyoon came out of her room and walked to Eunji before running downstairs. "Bring my bag also!"

Eunji groaned and went back into her room to pick up the bag she saw on the study desk and went out. She walked down and saw that Jiyoon already started eating her food on the dining table. She also felt hungry.

"Miss Moon, your food." Joshua put a plate on the serving island.

"Can I sit here?" Eunji sat on the chair there and happily stared at the food.

"Enjoy." Joshua smiled and went back in to grab food for the dogs that had just returned. "Sit." He commanded dogs who sat down in front of their bowls.

Eunji watched as Joshua put the food in the bowls while the dogs hungrily watched him. She drank the juice and hummed as it was tasty.

"Go." Joshua nodded. Louis and Josh jumped on their bowls to devour the food. It made her let out a snort. Joshua looked at her but she quickly held a straight face.

Lily suddenly came there and went beside Louis. She sniffed his food. He looked at her and moved his head away to let her taste the food.

"Lily, here is your food. Don't eat his." Joshua quickly put a smaller bowl in front of Lily but she still kept on eating from Louis's bowl.

Josh was finished with his bowl fast and started eating from Lily's bowl. Eunji covered her mouth to stop herself from smiling like a creep.

"Not again." Joshua slammed his hand on his forehead.


"Choi Jiyoon doesn't have a caretaker. I don't remember a woman with Choi Jiyoon."

"Then your memory sucks."

"The audacity of you to come in the grounds of OUR school and roll your eyes on ME? IN FRONT OF THE PRINCIPAL??"


The pets>>>

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