Chapter 55

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Eunji's body made a rainbow in the air and was slammed into the ground. Air disappeared from her lungs as she tried to breathe from the impact on her back.

She gasped out a second later but again, her breath was caught on when she felt someone sitting on her stomach.

A hand grabbed her collar and pulled her body up a little. Her eyes were closed the whole time it happened.

"Who are you??" A rasped voice reached her ears. She opened her eyes. Moon rays cast on the person's face, revealing Seung-cheol with an irritated face and bed hair.

"I-" Eunji tried to speak but no words left her mouth. He had his other hand lifted up in the air, ready to punch.

Seung-cheol was still half asleep and he was having a hard time figuring out the face of the person, especially when it was dark.

She gasped when he pulled her up to scan her face. He squinted his eyes and brought her face closer to him. Eunji could feel his breath on her lips.

"Your breath stinks." She confessed the truth. Seung-cheol instantly realized it was Eunji as another time, the ray of the moon shined on them, revealing her face.

He screamed in shock and punched her face.


The lights of the room were on. It was 2:30 am. Euni was laying on Seung-cheol's bed with an ice pack on her swollen cheek.

Seung-cheol was sitting beside the bed on the chair with his head down. He had already apologised a lot of times that he didn't know what to say next.

Eunji looked at Seung-cheol and he looked back at her. They made eye contact. He covered his mouth before bursting out laughing.

"Look at you laughing while I'm in pain." She said and looked up at the ceiling.

"Sorry-" He cleared his throat but looked down. She glanced at him and his shoulders were shaking, meaning he was still laughing.

"Do you want me to throw you down the balcony?"

"No, thanks."


"But what were you doing here this late?" He stood up and walked to the cat stand that was in his room.

"For the PS5." She sat up and watched him stand in front of Lily, who was sleeping on the stand.

"So much happened and she is still asleep." He sighed and patted Lily's head. She opened her eyes and looked at Seung-cheol.

"What's your pet's stories?" Eunji crossed her legs, still pressing the ice pack on her jaw.

"Hm?" He looked back at her. "Louis was adopted while Josh was taken in from a breeder."

"Chow chow are expensive breeds." Eunji nodded.

"Lily was found in a dumpster of the company."

"I-" Eunji looked at Lily. "Cat distribution system at it's peak."



"What about your old dog?" Seung-cheol picked up the sleepy Lily and held her in his arms like a baby.

"Junhui's friend's dog had babies. We got him for free."

"I see."

"You look like a rich old man who is enjoying his retirement." She looked into Seung-cheol's eyes.

"I'm not old. 32 is not old."

"You will turn 33 this year."

"You will also turn 26 this year."

"I already turned. My birthday has passed away." Eunji removed the ice pack and patted her injury.

"What?? Why didn't you tell me?" Seung-cheol asked with wide eyes and walked to Eunji.

"Do I have to tell everyone?" Eunji shrugged and removed the blanket from her legs. "I don't feel it's something important."

"Birthdays are the only special day of a human." He shook his head. "When was it?"

"A month ago." She put her legs down on the bed and stood up. She winced while holding her back. "It still hurts."

"But still, you should've told."

"Why do you care?" She frowned her eyebrows. "It's not like you are my friend or something."

He blinked in surprise. "Okay, that kind of hurts." He put his hand on his chest and acted hurt.

"Stop being dramatic." She rolled her eyes and walked past him.

"Where are you going?" He turned around to watch her go to his balcony.

"To Jiyoon's room."

"You know, you are already caught. You can go by the door." He grabbed Lily's paw and pointed at the door.

"Oh, yes." Eunji nodded with her mouth open. "I'll go from there then." She pointed at the door and started walking there.

"Take your stuff with you."

"Oh, yes." Eunji turned around and went to pick up her torch. She grabbed her bag also and started walking again to the door.


"Now what??" She asked in a frustrated tone and turned around to face him. He let go of Lily as she jumped down and climbed on his bed to lay there.

"Wait here." He walked into his closet. Eunji silently followed him and stood outside his closet as he opened a drawer.

He grabbed a box and opened it but put it back inside. He did that a few times with more boxes before he stopped at one.

He closed the drawer and walked to Eunji with the small box. "Here, your late birthday gift."

"I'm not going to accept it." She shook her head. "My birthday has passed away. Give it to me next year."

"That was the lamest excuse to not receive a gift I have ever heard." He shook his head. "You know, it's bad to deny a gift."


"No buts." He held his hand up. "You have done enough for Jiyoon in taking care of her and her badminton lessons. I haven't given you a bonus for that."

"Then, I'll accept it." She took the royal green box from him. "Isn't it yours though? You took it out of your stuff."

"I just bought it a few days ago but didn't wear it. It's new." As he was speaking, she opened the box and it was a ring. "Though, I don't think it will fit you."

"Then why are you giving it to me?" She scoffed with a smirk.

"It's the latest thing I bought that I didn't wear. Where can I get you a new gift at 3 am?" He crossed his arms and ranted out.

"Why are you so angry?" She gave him a side eye before she took out the ring. "I don't think it's ever going to fit me unless I get fat. But, it's beautiful and-"

She stopped speaking when she saw something. Bringing the box closer to her face, she scanned the rose gold ring and the shape of the ring.

She quickly closed the box and turned it around to read the details. Sighing, she turned to him and showed him the details.

"Choi Seung-cheol, ain't no way I'm accepting this Bulgari serpenti ring."


"Moon Eunji?"

"Your breath stinks. Move away, right now."


"Want me to hit your balls?"


Bro was so casual while giving that ring out

Sugar daddy fr

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