Chapter 82

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The man was shocked.

He couldn't believe what just happened.

Seung-cheol gasped but the sound of gasp was muffled by her lips pushing more on his mouth, preventing him from making any more sounds.

Eyes wide, he looked at the woman in front of him but she had her eyes half-opened as she looked back at him. But when they made eye contact, she closed her eyes.

He wasn't expecting her to do that. He wasn't expecting their first kiss to be like that. He wasn't expecting her to be the one making the first move.

Seung-cheol lost it. Almost.

Especially how she was wearing an oversized shirt that dropped heavily on her shoulders. The hair pulled up in a ponytail exposing her neck more.


Her whisper snapped him out of his trance. He realised that he was just standing frozen without doing anything.

She slowly moved her head away, looking at him with a head tilt and whispering, "I guess you don't like it." She referred to his frozen state.

But Seung-cheol didn't let her move away. Instead, he grabbed her arm and crashed his lips back on her. She almost fell back down the stairs.

His other hand went down to her waist as he pulled her before pushing her against the railing. He moved forward, closing the distance between them.

He tilted his head and opened his mouth to feel her lips better against him. Eyes dropping closed and one hand moving up from her arm to her face. Thumb rubbing her cheek while the fingers hold her jawline.

Oh, how he felt like he was finally getting what he had been craving for. The way he just kept pressing his lips harder and harder, it was almost like he had wanted to do it for years.

She couldn't even comprehend what just happened in mere seconds. Just a moment ago, she was checking on cameras and now, the owner of the house was kissing her right there.

Her eyes were still open, staring at Seung-cheol who had his eyes tight shut. His hand was tightly holding her waist in place but the other hand on her face was gently caressing her skin.

He pulled away with a big gasp that almost echoed around the silent house. "Mister-" But he tilted his head to the other side and kissed her shut.

At that, she couldn't help but close her eyes because of how his lips felt. At that, she couldn't help but move her lips because of how he was moving her lips.

Jeonghan's words ran in her mind. Him saying that Seung-cheol knew what he has to do whenever he kisses. His words were proven right.

His heart couldn't stop beating like a horse running in a race. It was so fast and obvious that he thought that she could hear him and the thought of her hearing his heartbeat excited him.

After all, she was the reason for that.

That excitement led him to take a step further and press his tongue on her lips. The slow gasp from her mouth in an attempt to gather air in her lungs was a signal for him.

He pushed his tongue in between her lips.

It was a surprise hit on her mind. She almost fell on her knees but grabbed the railing and kept her body still even though her arms were shaking.

His fingers moved away from her jaw to her ear. The tips of his fingers slowly caressed her ear. It tingled but in a way that she couldn't imagine. It was the breaking point for her to let out a whimper.

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