Chapter 59

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"Hm??" Seungkwan looked at Seokmin and then at Seung-cheol with a confused expression. "What?"

"What are you doing here?!" Seung-cheol's angry voice growled through the whole room.

"Hello, bestie!" Seokmin excitedly walked towards Seung-cheol with open arms. But Seung-cheol shifted away and towards Hoshi with a horrified expression.

"You both know each other?" Seungkwan went to sit beside Woozi but Seung-cheol stopped him.

"Seungkwan, sit with me!!" Seung-cheol waved his hand and motioned him to sit beside him.

"I wanted to sit with you but nevermind." Seokmin shrugged and went to sit beside Woozi while Seungkwan went with Scoups.

Hoshi sat across Jeonghan, Seung-cheol sat across Woozi and Seungkwan sat across Seokmin. Woozi and Seung-cheol were in the middle.

They were sitting on the lifted-up floor with a cushioned mat and a low-height table that held a variety of dishes and drinks.

"Well, hello there." Woozi smiled at Seokmin.

"Aren't you Lee Jihoon, the famous producer??" Seokmin asked with bright eyes. Woozi laughed and nodded.

"Look at Woozi's smile. He looks happy that someone recognised him." Hoshi whispered to Seung-cheol.

"Seung-cheol, get up. I need to sit with Hoshi." Seungkwan stood up and pushed Seung-cheol, sitting in the middle. Seung-cheol was now sitting across from Seokmin.

"Kwon Soonyoung?!" Seokmin pointed at Hoshi. Hoshi stopped in the middle of eating his food and turned his eyes to Seokmin. "That idol!"

"Nice to meet you." Hoshi bowed his head and then continued on his food.

"Oh, aren't you that famous model?? Wait, I remember you." Seokmin pointed at Jeonghan who was in the middle of sipping his drink. Glass still on his lips, Jeonghan shifted his eyes to Seokmin. "Yoon Jeonghan!"

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Lee Seokmin." Jeonghan removed the glass from his lips and smiled at him.

"Wow, you know celebrities." Seokmin looked at Seungkwan with a big smile. "I feel so special. I have never met celebrities."

"I know Seung-cheol, so I would also know the celebrities." Seungkwan shook his head.


"Here, have a drink." Seungkwan motioned the bottle towards Seokmin.

"Oh, thank you." Seokmin held the glass ahead with both of his hands and let him pour a drink.

"But Seung-cheol is also a celebrity. It seems like you know him." Woozi grabbed a dish that was far away and put it in front of Seokmin.

"He is my girlfriend's boss." Seokmin words made Seung-cheol choke on his drink.

"You have a girlfriend, nice." Jeonghan smiled.

"She is not his girlfriend." Seung-cheol wiped the spilled drink that was around his lips with his thumb.

"Does she work in Choi Nations? If yes, we all must've met her." Hoshi ignored what Seung-cheol said.

"I think she is his daughter's babysitter? That's what she-"

"Moon Eunji?!" Jeonghan, Woozi, and Hoshi shouted in unison.

"You also know her? Wow, my girl is famous." Seokmin his neck to Seung-cheol then picked up the chopsticks to start eating.

"She is your girlfriend?" Woozi looked at Seung-cheol.

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