Chapter 70

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"Fuck your preference!!" Seung-cheol suddenly shouted and stopped walking. He realized his mistake and quickly added, "I'm sorry. My feelings got the best of me."

Eunji stopped walking and turned around.

"I meant to say, if the feelings are mutual then are you seriously bringing up something like... preference??"

He turned around and started walking to the sofa.

"Like, seriously Moon Eunji?! What kind of excuse was that? Oh, I also have feelings for you but we can't be together because you are not my preference??"

When he reached the sofa, he turned around. They were standing far away now.

"Fine, I also have a preference. I want a woman who is the daughter of a businessman so I can expand my business with them. I want someone who is already a single mother so she knows how to take care of Jiyoon."

Seung-cheol was gritting his jaw as he took a break in between his rants.

"There are so many things I didn't tell. You know, I also want a tall woman. You are fucking the same height as Jiyoon and maybe, Jiyoon will be taller growing than you."

Eunji's eyes went wide at that insult. "HEY-"

"But I also ignored them. If I was still going with my preference, I would've stopped you earlier. I would've let you leave, Moon Eunji."

He sat on the sofa head and put his hands on each side of his thighs before looking up.

"I need to think not only about me but Jiyoon also. She is too attached to you and I know she will be broken if you leave completely. It doesn't matter if you both share contacts but it still won't match the presence."

At the mention of Jiyoon, Eunji went silent completely. She even stopped shifting her weight from leg to leg.

"But Mister Choi, let's imagine I said yes. Jiyoon won't accept it. She sees me as a best friend and I'm not ready to take full responsibility as a mother."

"About that..."

-A week ago-

"Josh, calm down." Jiyoon bent down and held the big dog in her arms, who was wiggling for not liking how they were sitting in the pet hospital.

Louis who was sitting beside his leg was looking at the girl struggling to keep the dog still. Seung-cheol was also watching her misery.

"Dad." Jiyoon looked at Seung-cheol when she finally calmed down Josh. Seung-cheol tore off his gaze from Josh and looked at her.


"Be honest. You like Miss Eunji, right?"

"Seriously? At the hospital?" Seung-cheol frowned.

"Yes because I'm always with her, so I never had a right moment to ask you this." Jiyoon covered her mouth to let out a yawn. "So, tell me."

"Jiyoon, no-"

"Dad, don't start. I know you like her." Jiyoon held her hand up.

"If you knew my answer, then why did you even ask?" Seung-cheol glared at her.

"I just wanted to see if you admit it or not." She shrugged and held Josh again.

"But why did you ask?"

"Because Miss Eunji's contract is ending soon..." Her voice dropped down and she looked down at Josh. "I don't want to let her go..."

Seung-cheol didn't say anything back to that.

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