Chapter 12

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When Eunji reached home, she handed the food they had gotten from the restaurant to her parents.

"What happened to him?" The mom asked when Minghao walked straight to his room and slammed the door closed.

"We used his card to pay for the food without his permission." Eunji said. "We also got some expensive desserts."

"That's sad. Poor him." The dad said while opening the food.

"You don't look sad at all." Junhui raised an eyebrow when he caught their dad opening the food like a happy child.

"No one should look sad in front of the food." He said with a cheesy smile and handed chopsticks to Eunji to let her take a bite first, which she happily did.

"You shouldn't have done it." The mom shook her head.

"He used my card to buy himself clothes first." Junhui complained.

"I'll go and get him." The mom took her own dessert and went to his room to convince him.

Eunji received a text and saw from the lock screen that it was from Jeon Wonwoo. "The Director of Choi Nations wants to meet me personally?"

The dad looked at her with the spaghetti still hanging from his lips, the same for Junhui. Junhui quickly ate the noodles and said, "You should say yes and go tomorrow."

"Did you bump into him in the company?" The dad asked and wiped his lips.

Eunji remembered what had happened and shivered. "Yes but..."

"He must've liked your works. Just go." Junhui said and went away to get water.

"Don't listen to him. If you feel like it, then meet. Don't force yourself." Her dad pointed the chopsticks at her and went back to eating.

Eunji thought for a moment before replying to the message.


"Why did he suddenly want to meet me?" Eunji asked Wonwoo when they entered the elevator.

"To be honest, I also don't know." Wonwoo pressed the button on the top floor and the door closed.

"Then why did you message me?" Eunji raised her eyebrows.

"I just followed what he asked me to do."

"And what did he ask you to do?"

"He asked me to drop you a message, saying he wants to meet you." Wonwoo said and it was silent after that. Only the sound of the lift was in the atmosphere.

"I wonder why he wants to meet me..." She muttered and suddenly remembered what happened yesterday. 'Does he want to punish me for that?', She thought.

They exited the elevator and Wonwoo walked to the room of the Director with her following right behind him.

She noticed that the top floor looked empty and cleaner. Wonwoo didn't take her to this floor during her last visit, saying it was a restricted zone.

They stopped in front of a big double door and Wonwoo knocked on the door. He opened the door and greeted the person inside, "Good afternoon, Director. I brought her." He then looked at her and opened the door more to let her enter.

Her first instinct was to look around and the room didn't disappoint her. It was big with a big shelf field with books and files. Two long sofas in front of the main desk at which Seung-cheol was sitting. There was a big toughened glass behind him.

It reminded her of the offices she had always seen in web series and comics.

"Welcome." Seung-cheol stood up and walked to the sofa to sit on one. Eunji bowed to him and went to sit in front of him.

"It's an honour to meet the director of Choi Nations." She bowed to him before sitting down.

"You can go, Mister Jeon." Seung-cheol looked at him standing in the corner of the room.

"Huh?" Wonwoo flinched at his voice. "Understood." And walked out of the room.

"Are you going to punish me for that day?" Eunji asked and he knew what she was referring to.

"Why do you think that?" Seung-cheol asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" She almost rolled her eyes but remembered that it was a professional situation.

"I'm not going to do anything." He sat straight and adjusted his coat.

"Are you going to sue me for entering the men's washroom?"

"Will you let me speak?"

"Oh, sorry."

"Listen." He spread his legs and leaned on his legs before joining his hands. "I know you have already met my daughter, Jiyoon."


"I'm looking for a babysitter for her."

"And you want me to be one?" She tilted her head.

"Yes." He nodded.

"Ha!" She looked away, not believing her ears. "Why did you think I'd do it?"

"Listen, experience with the old babysitters was never good. I also want someone to teach her manners and basic respect towards elders. She had only listened to you and called you formally. She had never done it to ANYONE."

"Oh." She nodded. "How do you know that."

"Dino told me everything."


"The driver."

"Oh yes." She nodded.

"I'm not joking right now. I had to fire the last babysitter due to some reasons. I also saw her listening to you that day." He sighed and rubbed his face.

"I see." She nodded.

"Jiyoon likes you and respects you. I don't want a babysitter who Jiyoon doesn't like. Here, even Jiyoon's opinion matters." Seung-cheol removed the lid from the glass of water and pushed it towards her.

"Is she okay with that?" Eunji took that glass of water and drank the water.

"She is." He nodded.

"Are you okay with that?" She licked her lips and wiped her mouth after putting down the glass.

"...if Jiyoon is okay with that, then I'm okay." Seung-cheol sat straight and looked away while rubbing his neck.

Eunji closed her eyes and said, "I'm sorry but I have to deny this job."

"Wait why?" He frowned and looked at her.

"I'm a designer, not a babysitter." She gave him a very small smile and stood up. "I would've thought about it if you had personally offered a job for a designer."

"How much money will you need for it?" He tried to stop her. "One million won? Two million won?"

"It's not about the money." She bowed to him and started walking to the door.

"Three million won?" He called out again when she almost reached the door.

"I'm sorry." She shook her head and grabbed the door knob.

"Five million won a month." He stood up.

She didn't open the door and turned her head at him with a smirk. "Maybe, I'll accept it.


"I also want to ask something."


"If I find a job difficult, I'll have you increase my pay."


"I want words, Mister Choi. It's not a video recording."


I remembered the time where I used to hit 1K reads and 100 comments on my 2nd chapter release wow

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