Chapter 19

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Eunji sat there, carefully observing Jiyoon's movements during the training. She was impressed and it reminded her of her old school times.

However it kind of irritated her how Jiyoon was doing some movements wrongly. She wasn't angry at Jiyoon but at the trainer who didn't try to correct her.

It made her scoff in disbelief. She opened her phone to text her friends, who were spamming the group chat.

"Bored already?" She looked up at the person and saw a woman standing there. "Is this your first day? Why are you sitting on the ground."

"Who are you?" Eunji was sitting on the ground and folded her legs.

"Kwon Jane, the adviser of the badminton club." The woman smiled at her and bowed to her. Eunji also greeted her back. "Can I know who you are with?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm with Choi Jiyoon. Moon Eunji." Eunji closed her phone.

"Glad to meet you, Miss Moon. But why are you sitting here? Why don't you sit with other caretakers?" She pointed at the other people who were sitting on the chairs, talking.

"No, thank you. It's my first day. Also, I'm not a fan of socializing." Eunji shook her head and thought, 'It's better to just focus on my job'.

"As you wish." Jane nodded and walked away while saying, "Feel free to talk to the coaches if you need anything."

"I'm done." Jiyoon came back while panting. Eunji stood up and dusted her clothes.

"Do you change first or straight up to the house?" Eunji asked while taking her racket to put it inside the bag.

"Home." Jiyoon removed her shoes and Eunji took out her normal shoes. She put back the court shoes and wore the bag.

"Your jacket." Eunji handed Jiyoon her jacket.

"I'm sweaty. I don't want to. I want to cool down." Jiyoon waved her hand.

"Wear it or else, you will catch a cold." Eunji threw the jacket on Jiyoon's face, who removed it and wore it. "I can't believe you don't even care about this basic stuff."

"Water." Jiyoon cleared her throat.

"No water directly. You should wait." With that, Eunji walked towards the door.

"What are you saying? Give me water." Jiyoon ran behind her.

"Trust me, it will hurt here." Eunji poked the left side of Jiyoon's stomach, to which Jiyoon winced. "Isn't it already hurting?"

"Hmm." Jiyun looked away. Eunji patted the same area and started to walk. "How do you know that? I don't think you do any workout."

"Do I look like I'm a lazy person?"


"Well, thank you for the compliment Miss Jiyoon. No water till we reach home now."


"Did I just see a person rejecting Choi Jiyoon?" The boy said to his friend after the conversation he just witnessed. His friend was in denial but still nodded.

"She also didn't scream or fight back." His friend drank his water.

"Hey, didn't you just hear what she said? No water. You should wait." The boy snatched the water bottle.

"But-" His friend groaned and stormed inside.

"Wear your jacket also!!"


"Now, it's your French and German class." Eunji said as she walked inside the house while reading the notebook.

"I know, damn it." Jiyoon whined and walked away. Eunji put down the heavy kit and sighed.

"Water?" Joshua came to her with a glass of water.

"Oh, thank you." Eunji nodded and drank the whole glass in one go.

"How was the first day?" Joshua smiled. "It's difficult to handle her." Eunji nodded again.

"Joshua, where is my juice?!" Jiyoon screamed from the kitchen. Eunji stopped Joshua from speaking and walked into the kitchen. "You are not Joshua."

"That's not his name." Eunji crossed her arms.

"Then what is it? Josh?" Jiyoon rolled her eyes. Josh, who was laying on the kitchen floor barked at his name and wiggled his tail.

"Choi Jiyoon." Eunji crossed her arms and stared at her intensely. Joshua also came and stood behind Eunji.

"I'm not doing it. I'll take it myself." Jiyoon went to the refrigerator and opened it.

"Where is the juice?" Eunji looked at Joshua.

"It's kept on the dining table. She is stubborn and will keep looking here." Joshua smiled and winked at her. Eunji was flustered because he just winked at her. She coughed and looked in front at Jiyoon.

"Where is it?!" Jiyoon looked at Eunji while gritting her teeth.

"Say properly first."

"Come on, my class is about to start! The teacher is waiting." Jiyoon stormed her foot on the ground.

"Say it."

Jiyoon bit her lower lip and clenched her fists. She was angry. She didn't like how Eunji was forcing her to do something she had never done.

"M-M...Mister Joshua." Jiyoon was embarrassed.

Joshua went to the dining table to pick the glass up and brought it back into the kitchen. Jiyoon snatched the glass and drank the whole glass in one go before running upstairs.

"Oh, by the way, Mister Choi told me to tell you this. It's your first day and he knows it's already too much. You can leave for home early today." Joshua walked inside the kitchen. Yuhae was already there, silently washing the vegetables during the whole chaos.

"Right now?" Eunji raised an eyebrow.

"Yes." Joshua wore the apron. "He comes home late. I'm making dinner. If you are staying, then I can make one for you."

"No, I would like to leave." Eunji instantly said. Joshua burst out laughing hearing her direct response.

"Yuhae, please call Dino to inform him that Miss Moon is coming." Joshua ran his hand through his hair. Eunji admired his face and looked away when he looked in her direction.

"You sure I don't need to meet Mister Choi?" Eunji asked and Joshua shook his head as a no. "Then, I'll go."


"Dad?" A familiar voice came from the outside with a few knocks on the door. Seung-cheol was removing his shirt and looked at Jiyoon who just opened the door.

"Hey, how was your day with Eunji?" He asked while removing his belt.

"Can I talk to you about something?" Jiyoon closed the door behind her.

"About what?" Seung-cheol walked towards a door and opened it, revealing his walk-in closet. Jiyoon followed him behind inside.

"It's regarding Miss Eunji."


"Miss Moon."

"Good morning, Mister Choi. I didn't know you would be awake this early?"

"I woke up early because I wanted to talk to you about Jiyoon."


I was confused at why I barely received notifications then I realized I forgot to publish today's chapter-

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