"Excuse me, who are-" Eunji ignored the teacher who tried to stop her and walked past him. "Miss, who are you?!"
The students came out of their classrooms to look at the new face walking out of nowhere with a few teachers following to stop her.
"It's the principal room, right?" Eunji read the nameplate on the door and opened the door without knocking.
Seungkwan jumped at the sudden surprise. "H-Huh??" His mouth hung open in shock and he threw his Nintendo Switch under his table.
"Principal Boo, nice to see you again." Eunji went towards him and stood across his table as he sat on the chair with a shocked and confused face.
"We don't know who she is, Principal Boo. She just randomly burst inside." The male teacher said and the other teachers nodded.
"The guards are here." Another teacher came with two guards.
"Don't you dare lay a finger on me." Eunji warned the guards while pointing a finger at them. They didn't dare to step closer to her after seeing her glare.
"I-I know her." Seungkwan waved his hand and sat properly. "What is it that you want, Miss Boon?"
"It's Moon Eunji." Eunji corrected him.
"Yes, Miss Moon." Seungkwan cleared his throat and nodded. Jane also came inside the room and gasped at seeing Eunji standing in front of Seungkwan with a fearless face.
"Your students are bullying Choi Jiyoon." Eunji crossed her arms.
"Who?" Seungkwan frowned. "Who is bullying Choi Jiyoon?"
"I believe it's someone named Soo Baram." Eunji's answer made everyone gasp but Seungkwan and Jane.
"This is not possible." A male teacher came forward.
"And who are you?" Eunji looked at him.
"Pardon. It's Baek Chulsoo." He introduced himself. "Anyways, I know Soo Baram's family. I know her background is very clean."
"That background is a lie, my honour." Eunji looked at Seungkwan.
"I feel so high." Seungkwan adjusted his tie.
"I just saw Soo Baram bullying Choi Jiyoon." Eunji slammed her hand on the table in front of Seungkwan. "That girl put the chair leg on Jiyoon's arm and sat on the chair. Jiyoon is a rising athlete and she just did that on her arm."
"What?!" Jane and a few other teachers shouted.
"Excuse me but you are basically trespassing on the school grounds." A female teacher came forward.
"Miss, I'm Choi Jiyoon's caretaker. Aren't they allowed on the school grounds? Ask Miss Kwon Jane." Eunji pointed at the youngest teacher there.
"Uh yes. Choi Jiyoon is a badminton club student and I can confirm she is Choi Jiyoon's caretaker." Jane nodded.
"See." Eunji looked around at the teacher's faces and looked at Seungkwan. "Now, Mister Boo."
"Do you have proof for that?" Seungkwan leaned back on his chair and raised an eyebrow.
"Here." Eunji opened her phone and threw it on the table. Seungkwan looked at the phone.
The video was blurry because of the extra zoom but one could identify that it was Jiyoon on the ground. The only other faces visible were Baram, Dohee, and Kijung.
"Miss Cha, care to explain this?" Seungkwan looked at the homeroom teacher of those students.
"Sir, they never do that in front of me." Cha Hana nervously said.
"What a lame excuse." Eunji rolled her eyes.
"Excuse me?!" Hana said in a rude tone.
"Language!" Seungkwan glared at Hana, who quickly looked down.
"Boo Seungkwan, I'm very angry right now." Eunji looked at him. Everyone was taken aback by the way she spoke. "Bullying is common, I know but she did that to a badminton player's arm, which is an important part of a player."
"I know, Miss-"
"I can't stand it! What if she gets injured and can't play anymore, huh?! Will you take her responsibility? That will shatter all her dreams. Say it, huh?!" Eunji crossed her arms and kept shouting.
Seungkwan stood up and tried to calm her down but she kept on going.
"Mister Boo, aren't you best friends with her dad? Also, she is CHOI JIYOON, the only daughter of THE Choi Nations family. You think they will let it slide just like that??"
Now that made everyone shut their mouths. She was right. If her case about bullying got out of the school and into the hands of the media, the school would face problems.
"I came here myself to let you solve this internally because you are my boss's best friend and this is your school. I also don't want to damage your reputation." Eunji scoffed and looked at the teachers.
"I deeply apologize for all the inconvenience our school has caused." Seungkwan bowed to her. That made every single person in the room bow to her as well, even Jane.
"If I ever find out that Jiyoon is getting bullied, I won't hesitate to tell this to Choi Seung-cheol. Watch my words, Boo Seungkwan. Physical bullying can affect her whole life career." Eunji grabbed the chair and threw it on the ground. They flinched at her harsh actions.
Seungkwan still had his head hung low, silent the whole time.
"A famous school known for raising such rising rich kids suddenly gets known for bullying Choi Jiyoon? I don't think it will be a good headline, right?"
Eunji looked at each teacher's face and scoffed. She grabbed her mobile and turned around while walking away.
"Solving a bullying case is not easy but it's better to do it internally." They were Eunji's last words before she left the room while slamming the door.
"What the heck was her problem?" Chulsoo scoffed.
"I know right? How can she just randomly barge in and talk so rudely at the owner of the school?" Another teacher crossed her arms and laughed.
"Miss Cha Hana." Seungkwan stood straight and looked at Hana with a blank stare.
"Yes, sir?" Hana looked down at her feet.
"I need information about the group that was bullying, especially those three kids that were visible in the video." Seungkwan demanded.
"But Principal Boo, who were the kids? I didn't see the video. She also took her phone away." Hana gulped. "It's fine. I can handle it in my class-"
"No worries." Seungkwan held his hand up, making her stop. "I saw the faces and remembered them well. Take me to your class."
"Mister Boo-" Hana called out to the principal that suddenly started walking to the door.
It seemed like Seungkwan wasn't going to let it slide that easily.
"Why are you even behind Choi Seung-cheol's daughter?"
"Do I need a reason for everything I do?"
"That's bullshit."
"What did you just say?!"
What's this drama :D

Miss Arrogant || S.coups
Fanfiction"I'm offering you a job, to be a babysitter for my daughter." "I applied to be a designer, not a babysitter." "5 million per month." "... Deal." Sought after by numerous companies for her excellent skills, Moon Eunji ended up being hired to babysit...