Chapter 02

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Eunji chuckled inside her mind as she walked out of the restaurant. She rubbed her stomach, feeling glad that she had ordered more. Now, she doesn't have to do dinner.

She decided to walk in the same way where those little ducklings went. Maybe, she would get a picture of them to draw later.

She caught a glimpse of a human stuck inside a sewage hole. Walking there, she saw the mother duck with only a few of her ducklings.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Eunji called out the little human half inside that hole.

"Help me get up!" The little child called out for help. Eunji put her bag down to grab the child and pull her up.

The girl let out a big sigh when she was out. Her arms were covered in dirt but she was holding two ducklings in her muddy hands.

'Kids are growing so tall', Eunji thought as the girl was almost the same height as her. Eunji looked at the girl and the girl looked back at her.

"Cute beings." Eunji said.

"Cute beings." The girl said back. She crouched down to put the ducklings. They ran to the mother duck who happily flapped her wings.

"Mother love." Both of them said at the same time. The girl stood up.

"You got dirt all over yourself." Eunji removed her jacket and gave it to the girl.

"Are you sure?" The girl asked.

"Yes." Eunji nodded. As the girl was wearing the jacket, Eunji took out the water bottle from her bag and helped her clean her hands as they were still uncovered.

Suddenly, a dog came rushing at them and started roaring and barking at them as the ducklings moved away.

"Hey hey hey!" Eunji tried to scare the scary dog away but instead, it barked back at her. She flinched.

The dog suddenly grabbed a duckling's leg and picked her up. The girl gasped and ran to grab that dog's tail. The dog let out a loud cry and dropped the duckling. The duckling ran to the mother and they all scurried away.

But the dog turned around and started baring his teeth at her. The girl was clearly scared as she moved away.

"Get away!" Eunji grabbed her bag and swung it at the dog. The dog cried loudly and moved away. The girl went behind Eunji.

The dog came back but Eunji did another swing and hit it on his face. When she was about to hit him again, the dog grabbed the bag with it's teeth.

"Oh no." The girl said with wide eyes.

"Be ready to run." Eunji said to the girl.

"What?" The girl looked at her in disbelief.

"Run!" Eunji snatched the bag from the dog and started to run. The girl also picked up her speed and both of us ran as fast as they could.

The dog barked and started chasing them. The people around turned around to look at the dog chasing the girls.

"You run fast for your age." Eunji said.

"Can't you see from my clothes? I'm an athlete." The girl was sprinting without panting for air.

"What kind?"


"Oh, I was also in high school."

"High school??" The girl snapped her head to Eunji in confusion. "Aren't you in high school??"

"I'm a university graduate." Eunji smirked.

"What the hell?!" The girl rolled her eyes. "Now, tell me where we should stop!"

"I don't know!!" Eunji yelled in realization.

"Oh, that's my car!" The girl pointed at the black car standing by the road. Both of them ran towards it and jumped on the car hood and then on the roof.

They were now panting while looking at the dog barking at them. "I'm sorry for what I did to your car." Eunji apologized.

"It's okay. I also did it." The girl gulped and signed. "It was for our safety."

"Miss Jiyoon, what are you doing?!" A man in a suit came to them while holding a big badminton kit.

"Dino, the dog is behind us." The girl pointed at the dog which was on the other side of the car. Dino quickly went to the other side and saw the dog.

Dino screamed while swinging the heavy kit in the air to scare the dog. "NO!" The girls screamed at him.

But the dog got scared and quickly ran away. Dino said and held down the kit.

"That whole kit costs more than your life!" Jiyoon scolded while pointing at him.

"Then what should I have done??" Dino frowned his eyebrows.

"I don't know! Maybe throw yourself at the dog but not my kit!" Jiyoon huffed. Dino made a straight face and shook his head.

He looked at Eunji and asked, "Mam, are you okay?" He put his hand out to help Jiyoon to get down. "Here." He held his other hand out for Eunji.

"Yes, I'm fine. Thank you." Eunji didn't grab his hand and jumped down from the car herself. Dino pursed his lips and put his hand away.

"Miss, you helped me today. Thanks a lot for that." Jiyoon bowed down to Eunji with a smile.

"Thank you for helping the young miss." Dino also bowed beside her.

"Oh, you are welcome. I'm also sorry for the car." Eunji bowed back down.

"Do you want me to treat you something? It's dinner time already." Dino asked.

"Yes, please come to our house. I'll give back your jacket." Jiyoon asked with a soft smile.

"No, thank you. I'll go." Eunji shook her head and started walking away.

"Hold on, let me pay for your jacket." Dino took a few steps towards her.

"I'm fine." Eunji looked back and bowed.

"Do you want me to drop you to your house? It won't take much long."

"I'm fine."

"It won't be a problem. You-"

"I said I'm fine." Eunji glared at him with a forced smile. Dino stopped in his tracks. "Thank you." And she quickly ran away from there.

Dino and Jiyoon watched as the same dog suddenly ran towards Eunji. Eunji looked back and screamed while running away from the barking dog.

"Do you think she will be fine?" Dino asked while opening the door.

"Oh, she will be." Jiyoon smiled as she sat inside the car. "I was running at my full speed and she was running side by side at me."

"What?! She matched your pace?" Dino asked with wide eyes.

"She indeed did." Jiyoon looked at Dino, grabbed the handle, and closed the door herself.


"No no, you need to wash first-"

"I said I want to eat right now."

"Please wash it."

"Wash the jacket separately. I don't want to see ANY damage to that jacket or else, you are dead."


Just found out that Seventeen doesn't have good fanfics in the Wattpad. Is that true?

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