Chapter 74

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Eunji was tapping her pen on the paper as she sat in the living room with her laptop on her lap. Her eyes were blankly staring into the space.

She was deep in thought.

But they broke when her phone rang. She jumped and her laptop almost fell but she caught it. She grabbed her phone and accepted the call.


Eunji looked around to see if anyone was around but there was no one except Lily laying on the other sofa. Her eyes landed on the two dogs pulling a toy with their mouths, fighting.

"Yes, Seokmin?" She covered her mouth and almost whispered.

"Is everything alright? Is it working?"

"Yes, I'm just having a little difficulty with stuff ongoing." She bit her lower lip and typed on her laptop. "There are so many things on my mind right now."

"Is it regarding Choi Seung-cheol?"

"Hmm. Kind of."

"Is it about dating him?"

"I haven't started dating him yet to be honest." She stopped typing and leaned back on the sofa while looking up at the chandelier hanging in the middle of the living room.

"I thought you liked him and he liked you back? What's the problem? Is someone troubling you? Need my help?"

"No no. I'm fine." She let out a small chuckle and shook her head, her heart beating nervously. "I think I'll agree to make it official after both of us start."

"I see...but to be honest, I feel like there is something else troubling you. Our issue won't be such a big obstacle."

"You are's about Hong Minhae."

"Ah, that old hag? Did she do something again? You mentioned her fake accusations. Did she throw them on you?"

"Not yet but I think she got the idea that we kind of have a liking towards each other? Because Choi Seung-cheol doesn't stop flirting with me even in front of her."

She heard Seokmin laugh at the last line and say, "Nice."

"I'm taking my steps consciously." She grabbed the laptop and put it beside her. "Not only her but I need to take care of our business also."

"It can wait. I'm working."

"Not only that but Vernon gave me more trouble." She rolled her eyes. "Like, seriously? Who told him to go out at a store at fucking midnight??"

"Eunji, he wasn't dreaming about a car hitting him."

"So what?!" Eunji yelled at him. "First, Jiyoon's bullying problem. Then, Hong Minhae. Then, Choi Seung-cheol. Now, Vernon."

"We will visit him in the hospital soon but it will be difficult. He still hasn't gained consciousness."

"I swear once he wakes up, I'm going to straddle him. I don't care if he goes back to a coma. I'm ready to pay bills but he needs to learn to not randomly go around like that."

"It's the driver's fault here. He was drunk-"

"Still!" She slammed her laptop shut and crossed her legs. "I'm frustrated over so many things right now."

"You know, what. Don't worry about what we were planning. I'll handle it. Take your time and think calmly. It's fine if you don't. I'll handle the other things."

"I don't know how to work things around." She rubbed her forehead and sighed. "I'm going to talk to someone regarding the cameras but it will be difficult to install them."

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