Chapter 07

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Eunji looked around the bright and futuristic structure as she walked inside the building. Her mind was blown away because of how wonderful the structure looked.

"How may I help you?" The lady behind the reception politely asked.

"My name is Moon Eunji." She put her hand on the desk.

"I see." The receptionist started to do her job on the computer. "Did you have an appointment?"

"I'm a visual designer. Jeon Wonwoo had an interview with me a few days ago. I called him yesterday for a visit." Eunji tapped on the desk as she waited for her to speak.

"Oh, Moon Eunji! I got it. Mister Jeon had informed us about you." She smiled and another woman came beside her. "Her name is Hansol Minhi. She will guide you to him."

"Please follow me." Minhi bowed to her and started to walk. Eunji nodded and followed her to the lift. "Mister Jeon had told me to answer all your questions."

"It's fine. I don't have any for now." Eunji shook her and scanned how the area was filled with teenagers and adults wearing staff jackets. "Is there an event?"

"We are preparing for the next music video of TXT. You must've heard of their next comeback." Minhi clicked on the button.

"Uh, I don't think it's been announced yet." Eunji frowned.

"Oh no!!" Minhi covered her mouth. "I made a mistake. I'm sorry. I'm new to this job." Minhi did a 90° bow to her.

"Don't panic. I'm not going to say anything to anyone!" Eunji waved her hands.

"I'll give you a free album of them. Please save me." Minhi begged.

"There is no-" Eunji stopped and remembered Soomin's obsession with TXT. "You know what, that can work." Eunji bit her lower lip to control her smile.

The elevator door opened and both of them entered. Eunji stood behind Minhi, who pressed the button to the fourth floor. "We will have to walk a little after that though."

"It's fine." Eunji opened her phone and saw a missed call from her dad. Suddenly, he called again. "Sorry, I have to take this."

Minhi nodded and Eunji went in the back corner of the elevator. It stopped on the first floor and the door opened. Minhi's eyes went wide when the man entered the elevator.

"Greetings, Director Choi." She bowed again and the man did a small bow back with his head. He stood beside her as the door closed.

"Who is the girl in the back?" Seung-cheol looked down at Minhi.

"Moon Eunji. She is the top recruit for the visual department. They are doing their best to take her in. She had an appointment with Mister Jeon today who will show her work-related things." Minhi explained.

"Just how good is she that Wonwoo had to go this far to recruit her, making her visit the company." Seung-cheol scoffed and looked over to his shoulder. She was still on her call.

"Which floor?" Minhi tried to distract his attention from Eunji.

"Third." He looked back in front and opened his phone. "She didn't even greet me."

"She is attending an important call." Minhi awkwardly smiled, trying to save her.

"How am I supposed to know where your black and white striped underwear is, dad?!" Eunji whisper-yelled at her old man.

"Come on, Eunji. It's my lucky underwear. I always ace my meetings if I wear them." She rolled her eyes at her dad's dumb excuse.

"I don't care, dad. I'm in a big company right now. Wear Hao's underwear. He also has a stripped one." Eunji closed her eyes and sighed.

"But they are red and white, not black and white." Her dad whined.

"Do you want to look like a prisoner??" Eunji held her forehead.

"Who is going to remove my pants and see my prisoner taste?"

"Exactly! No one is going to see it. So, wear whatever you want-"

"Oh! I found it!! I'm happy!!" The man laughed. "I'm going to treat you to Chinese food today because I always find them whenever I talk to you."

"Great. Now, please cut the call. I need to attend an appointment." Eunji licked her lips.

"Okay okay. Love you, my kid!"

"Love you too." She sighed and cut the call. She heard the elevator door open. Looking back, she saw someone in a cream-colored suit walk out. "Do we have to get down?"

"No no. We have to go up one more floor." Minhi shook her head and sighed as soon as Seung-cheol left the elevator.

"Your building is very good. I love the interior. It's very modern and also very clean." Eunji complimented. Minhi looked at her and chuckled.

"Our Director likes to decorate things. He also doesn't like dirty things, so he always gets the company cleaned every morning." Minhi explained everything. They reached the fourth floor and walked outside.

"He must be a germ freak." Eunji commented.

"It's not that. He just wants visiting people to have a good impression that this company is very clean." Minhi walked ahead.

"I see." Eunji nodded.

"This floor is all for visual work that is required in a music video, shoot, and sets." Minhi introduced the creative floor. "The one for visual communication is at the very end."

"Very end?" Eunji tilted her head.

"It's not because it's not liked. It's because that room is the biggest of all." Minhi smiled and stood in front of the glass door. She knocked on the door.

"She is here. Everybody, stay calm! Stay calm!!" Wonwoo announced and panicked when everyone started to rush around.

Wonwoo cleared his throat and adjusted his tie before walking to the door. He opened the door with a big smile, "Welcome, Miss Moon."

"Hey, budget credit card." Eunji smirked when she saw him and her happiness increased more when she saw Wonwoo's smile twitch.

'Oh God, I hate this woman.'


"What did you do??"

"I'm sorry!!"

"She is our important guest. Don't you have eyes?!"

"It's fine."

"I-I'm sorry. It's my fault. I'll pay for your drink and sweater."


"Is this a new dish on the menu?"

"I... I'll explain that later."


My friend says Eunji and Wonwoo are gonna be besties-

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