Chapter 26

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"Miss Eunji?"

No reply.

"Miss Moon?"

No reply.

"Moon Eunji!!"

"Huh?!" Eunji woke up from her sleep and looked at the person who shouted at her. She looked up and saw Seung-cheol standing there with crossed arms.

"Oh, Mister Choi." Eunji moved her body off from the kitchen island and rubbed her eyes.

"What are you doing?" He looked down at her notebook but couldn't read what she wrote.

"I was sleeping." She yawned and closed the notebook. "It's noon. Why are you here? Don't you have work?"

"I came early because I had a half day off this month." He licked his lips. "I asked, what are you doing?"

"What do you mean?"

"You take my daughter out every night. When she comes back home, she looks so exhausted. Sometimes, she doesn't even eat dinner because she is so tired."

"Oh." Eunji looked away while scratching her cheek.

"Are you both doing anything illegal?" Seung-cheol squinted his eyes.

"What? No!!" Eunji shook her head with a disgusted face. "Why do you think that?"

"Then tell me, what are you doing." He bent down and put his face in front of her.

"I-" Eunji flinched at him moving closer to her. "Can you please move away..."

"Tell me first." He tilted his head while staring intensely into her eyes. "Why do you look so nervous and avoid my eyes?"

Eunji cleared her throat and rubbed her hands on her lap. She opened her mouth to speak but no words out of her mouth.

"You are sweating. Why? Are you doing something bad?"

She spoke up but it was so low that Seung-cheol moved his head closer to hear her.

"I said move away!!" She yelled into his ears and put her hand over his face, pushing him away. The action caused her to lose balance and fall back.

"Moon!" Seung-cheol, even after being pushed away was quick to move forward and grabbed her waist because her arms were back.

Eunji's eyes went wider when his hand came to grab her waist. She screamed and kicked the part that helps men to make babies.

Seung-cheol felt his whole world stopping. He froze and let go of Eunji. He screamed and grabbed his injured part.

Eunji fell back and her head hit the floor first.


Eunji sat there on the seat while holding an ice bag on her head. Seung-cheol was sitting beside her, staring at the table.

"You know that hurt right?" Seung-cheol broke the silence.

"As if I just didn't hit my head on the ground." Eunji grunted and pushed the notebook in front of him.

"Isn't this..."

"The notebook you gave me on the first day." Eunji nodded.

Seung-cheol opened the notebook and the same instructions that he wrote were there. He flipped the page and it was another schedule.

But it wasn't written by him but Eunji. It was the same schedule but there was an addition of new timing that was after Jiyoon's language lessons.

"Extra training?" Seung-cheol read the new addition. He flipped another page and all the days of the week were written. "Leg training, arm training, smash training, stepping- what's this?"

"All the badminton skills." Eunji grabbed her pen and closed the cap.

"Why do you have this?" Seung-cheol scanned the list. It shocked him because the whole schedule was written like a professional would write. He flipped more pages and a diet plan was written there.

"I actually wanted to talk about this to you." Eunji spun the pen in her hand.

"This new training that you are giving her in secret?" Seung-cheol caught right onto it.

"It's about her academy." Eunji clicked her tongue. "Especially the coaches."

"What? What did they do??" He slammed his hand on the table in front of her. "Were they hurting her? Did they touch her in any bad way? Tell me!!" His breath caught right on his throat and his eyes were wide.

"Woah, calm down." Eunji said with wide eyes and grabbed his arm, moving it away. "No, they didn't do something like that."

"Oh gosh." He exhaled loudly and rested his tense shoulders.

"But they surely are giving unfair treatment to the players." Eunji turned her head to him.

"What do you mean?" He frowned his eyebrows.

"I have been with Miss Jiyoon for more than a month, almost two months at this point." Eunji tapped the pen on the table. "I stay with her even in the academy and have been observing everything. Some parents fed the coaches money."

"You mean some parents bribed the coaches to look out for their kids?"

"Exactly!" Eunji slammed her hand on the table. "The adviser of the badminton club said that it might be because they are more talented but no! More students have better talent but that head coach doesn't focus on them. He doesn't correct their mistakes and also pushes them down!!"

Seung-cheol was taken back. He had never seen her angry like that. She was even huffing in anger after she took a break from ranting.

"I didn't know about that." Seung-cheol put his elbow on the tablet and leaned on that hand. "So much happened to her and I had no information about her."

Eunji silently watched him rubbing his face and looking away. He kept taking deep breaths.

"I literally had zero idea about this unfair treatment. Seungkwan also never told me." He rubbed his eyes. "I feel like a bad father."

"You are not." Eunji sighed and looked down at her hands on the table. "The coach there is very old and the school has his trust in him. If the kids complained, the school won't believe them."

"I'll talk to the authorities about it. Even an outsider like you noticed it so early. How obvious was that?" His head had started because of it.

"I couldn't stand it. Your daughter is clearly serious about badminton more than anyone there, like the players who are victims of partiality. That's why I stepped up to give Choi Jiyoon extra training myself."

"How can you train her?" He looked at her in confusion.

"This means you didn't read my resume properly." She snorted and shook her head at her question.

"I did but I didn't see anything about badminton." He poked his cheek with his tongue.

"Her tournament is next week. It will prove everything."


"Moon Eunji, right?"


"I'm Kim Mingyu, Director Choi's assistant."


My exam date is here and I'm tweaking :)

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