Chapter 62

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It was 7 am. Eunji walked down the stairs after waking up. It was Sunday and she didn't have to take Jiyoon to badminton, so she woke up a little late.

Her eyes landed on a place and thought, 'Where is that bird decor piece? It was so beautiful'

But her attention was diverted to the screams coming from downstairs, near the kitchen. She rushed there and saw everyone except Jiyoon.

"But Mister Choi, I didn't do it!!" Yuhae looked scared and had her hand on her chest as she looked at Seung-cheol.

"You did! I heard it with my own ears." Minhae stepped forward and stared right into Yuhae's shaky eyes. "Just admit it, Yuhae."

"Miss Minhae, no. I have a family. Why would I??" Yuhae had tears in her eyes and she kept shaking her head.

"Miss Minhae, I know Yuhae. I don't think she will do it." Joshua stepped forward and tried to calm the situation down.

"What's happening?" Eunji walked to Seung-cheol who was standing there while holding his head.

"Huh?" Seung-cheol looked at Eunji.

"But Mister Joshua, I heard it with my OWN ears. Yes, I may be getting old but it's not like I completely lost my hearing ability." Minhae crossed her arms.

"Miss Minhae, Miss Yuhae, let's talk this calmly." Eunji stepped forward as the only other woman there to calm the situation down.

"Miss Moon, how can I calm down?!" Minhae screamed back at Eunji, who flinched in surprise.

"Miss Minhae, I don't think it was right of you to scream at Miss Eunji." Seung-cheol finally spoke up.

"Miss Moon, this woman right here." Minhae pointed at Yuhae. "She was planning to seduce and get into bed with Mister Choi!"

Eunji didn't know how to react. She was too shocked. So shocked that her face froze with no reaction. In no way did she expect that.

"Okay, let's stop here." Eunji held her hand out. She looked at Yuhae who was shaking on the place tears streaming down her face. "Where did you hear it?"

"Yesterday, I heard it on the call. She said stuff like- like I'll get him on the bed and ask for money to not tell the media."

"I didn't!! I didn't do it! I feel so disgusted." Yuhae covered her face. "I have a husband with two children."

"Miss Minhae, that's such a...big accusation." Eunji went to Yuhae and grabbed her shoulder. "What if she didn't do it?"

"But I heard it!" Minhae looked at Seung-cheol. "Why are you so silent, Mister Choi? Who are you going to believe?"

"Mister Choi, I don't think Yuhae will do it." Joshua also defended Yuhae.

"You all..." Seung-cheol sighed. "I think I'll believe Miss Minhae."

"What?!" Joshua and Eunji shouted in shock. Yuhae started crying more loudly.

"See." Minhae crossed her arms.

"Choi Seung-cheol, how could you just believe Miss Minhae just like that??" Eunji yelled and walked in front of Seung-cheol.

"It's my decision." He crossed his arms and stared down at her.

"It's obvious, Miss Moon. Yuhae is almost the same age as Mister Choi. She has looks." Minhae gave a disgusted side eye to Yuhae.

"But I'm not like-"

"We don't trust you." Minhae cut her off. Eunji didn't know what to say. It was their matter and no matter what she said, Seung-cheol wouldn't take her side.

"Miss Yuhae, pack your things." Seung-cheol stuffed his hands in his sweatpants' pockets and walked away.

"Mister Choi-" Yuhae called him out but he was already walking away. "Are you satisfied?!" Yuhae glared at Minhae.

"I said what I said. It was the truth." Minhae stepped aside and also walked away.

Yuhae dropped to her knees and held her head, "Who is going to give me a job now? My husband's job doesn't fulfil our needs. I have a family to feed."

Eunji looked at Joshua, who also looked back at her. "Miss Yuhae-"

"Thank you for taking my side, Mister Joshua and Miss Moon." Yuhae stood up and looked at them with a smile but teary face. "I'll go now."

"You should try talking to him." Joshua said.

"There is no use of that." Yuhae shook her head. "Miss Minhae has been working since Mister Choi was a child. When he moved places, she followed him and took care of him. Not only him but his whole family blindly trusts her."

Eunji and Joshua went silent at her words.

"It's a year since I worked here while Miss Minhae worked for almost 20 years. How can I be compared to her?" Yuhae bitterly chuckled. "I'll get going now."

"Miss Yuhae." Eunji went in to hug Yuhae. Yuhae felt like crying but she controlled herself and hugged Eunji back.

'How can this be the conclusion without hearing Miss Yuhae's side of the story? I don't believe anyone at this point in this house', Eunji thought.

"Thank you for everything you did." Joshua shook hands with Yuhae. "I'll give you a proper farewell later."

Everything was so confusing and happened too fast for Eunji. Yuhae was just fired like that despite how much Yuhae worked.

She sometimes came earlier than Minhae and went more late than Minhae. Yuhae worked more hard herself because it was clear she didn't want Minhae to work that much because of her old age.

"It's so suspicious." Eunji looked at Joshua after Yuhae went out.

"Yes." Joshua looked down at her. "When I came, the three of them were already fighting. It was more like the women were fighting but Mister Choi was just standing there and watching everything."

"Hmm." Eunji grabbed her chin and started having multiple thoughts. "You know, there are some decoration pieces that are missing."

"Really?" Joshua fully turned to her.

"Yes." Eunji nodded and looked at her feet. "Louis and Josh also sleep too much for a dog..."

Eunji's eyes went wide when she remembered something. She looked at Joshua with a horrified face.

"Something is fishy."



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