Chapter 84

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"What the hell was that?" Minhae whispered to herself as she turned around and walked away. "I didn't expect that at all."

Eunji smirked after watching Minhae's reaction who had just witnessed the kiss between them. She turned back in front and stared at Seung-cheol who was grabbing Jeonghan by his neck.

"What happened?" She asked.

"He kissed Seung-cheol." Joshua casually said as he walked past them and put the fresh juice drink on the table.

"You have the audacity to touch my lips without even brushing your teeth, huh?" Seung-cheol gritted his teeth.

"So, you mean I can kiss you if I brush my teeth?" Jeonghan smirked but winced when Seung-cheol applied more pressure on his neck.

"Here, I especially brushed because Eunji hates the stinky smell and not only that, you ruined her taste on my lips just now."

She spit out the juice from her mouth Seung-cheol's sudden angry words while Joshua dropped the spatula from his hand with wide eyes.

"Mister Choi, that was too-" She coughed while holding her chest. Joshua just stood there with wide eyes.

The realisation hit Seung-cheol and he pushed away Jeonghan who was still smirking. "Whatever." Seung-cheol rolled his eyes as he walked away and out of the kitchen.

"Choi Seung-cheol, you are blushing!" Jeonghan yelled, pointing at Seung-cheol's flushed-up cheeks.

"Eunji, what?" Joshua finally spoke up and looked at Eunji who was sitting on the chair while leaning on the kitchen island.

"What you just heard." She sighed.

"You kissed him right now? When?" Joshua asked again.

"When you two were arguing."

"Wait, you just kissed right now??" Jeonghan blinked in shock. "Wasn't that long-ass make-out session wasn't enough??"


"Yoon Jeonghan, aren't you speaking too much?!"

"Eunji, what-"

"You both kissed?"

The three of the adults turned around and spotted Jiyoon standing at the entrance with an empty plate. Her head was tilted with a frowned face.

"So, that's the thing you weren't telling me last night?" Jiyoon looked at Eunji but she just slammed her hand on her forehead.

"What thing?" Joshua asked. "Wait, so you kissed even before that?"

"I didn't?!"

"Miss Eunji, what's happening?" Jiyoon walked to Eunji. "You have been kissing dad?"


"Seung-cheol didn't even tell me." Jeonghan let out a disappointed sigh.

"Miss Eunji, does that mean you both are in a relationship and you are not leaving??"

"Wow. I'm offended that you didn't even care to tell me." Joshua threw his hands in the air but screamed when the house slipper hit his face. "Eunji!!"

"Damn, that aim was good. Moon Eunji, teach me-"

"EVERYONE, SHUT UP!!" Eunji screamed at the top of her lungs which shook the whole room.

Jiyoon quickly walked away from the flaming Eunji and stood between Joshua and Jeonghan. "Please protect me, uncle Jeonghan and Mister Joshua." Jiyoon whispered. Jeonghan quietly pulled her behind him.

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