Chapter 61

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With shaky hands, Seung-cheol put in the passcode of his house. As the door opened, he looked down at his phone and it was 11:30 pm.

He fully opened the door, walked inside and closed the door. The door locked itself. With a grunt, he removed his shoes and walked inside.

His eyes landed on the familiar figure sleeping in the living room. "It's hot here. Why didn't she turn on the air conditioner before sleeping?" He muttered to himself.

Eunji still had glasses on and her phone was still in front of her but her eyes were closed. It was obvious that she slept while watching her phone.

Seung-cheol grabbed his shirt and unbuttoned the top buttons while walking towards her. Even if he looked sober enough to walk properly, his mind was still fuzzy.

"Hey." Tiredness was clear in his voice. His eyes were also droopy. He loosely bent down but held the back of the sofa for the support. "Moon Eunji."

No answer. He put his other hand near her nose and nodded after confirming that she was still breathing.

"Moon Eunji." He tried to yell at her but the voice still came out in a low tone. "Ugh..." He groaned and leaned near her face.

She had her cheek on the cushion, so Seung-cheol's lips easily reached her ear. He breathed out a little which made her eyes flutter.

"Moon Eunji." He called her out again. The ring on his necklace dangled down and touched her jaw. When her skin felt cold the feeling of the metal, she shivered.

Her body suddenly shifted and faced Seung-cheol. His face was now close to her, nose almost touching her. He moved a little in surprise and the ring dangled, suddenly touching Eunji's lips.

That hit from the ring made her eyes open a little. It was blurry at first but it soon became clear and showed the face of her boss close to hers.

Her eyes went wide and her mouth a little. The ring was now fully kept on the bottom of her lips. Mouth open and eyes wide open, the same reaction was displayed by Seung-cheol.

"What the FU-" She screamed and kicked Seung-cheol's stomach. He was sent flying on the ground and his shoulders hit the edge of the table.

The ring twirled around and landed at the back of his neck. It was now out of sight of Eunji's eyes.

"Why did you kick me?!" He yelled at her.

"What were you doing?!" Eunji sat up and hugged her shoulders. "Pervert!!"

"What pervert?!" He gritted his teeth. "I was trying to wake you up!"

"By kissing me??" She panted. "You are drunk! You reek of alcohol."

"Yes, I drank but I'm not drunk enough to kiss a rat!"

"Oh, am I a rat now??"

"You called me a frog but I can't call you a rat??"

"Well, cause you are a frog!!"

They went silent after that. They stared at each other with wide eyes and breathing heavily.

After that, she looked away and down to her thighs. He also turned his head away and ran his hand through his hair.

"Look, I'm sorry for scaring you." He broke the silence but realized how deep his voice sounded out of nowhere. He cleared his throat and tried to make a voice but the tone was still deep.

"Why were you close to me?" She removed her hands from her body and put them on her lap.

"My voice, I'm not able to yell." He tried to speak louder but it was still low and deep. "See."

"You should've just shaken me to wake up." She scoffed.

"You know, I don't touch dirty things."

"Fuck off."


"Also, did you spit on me?" She made a disgusted face.

"Huh??" He looked at her with a confused expression. "WHAT??"

"I felt something cold on my lips." She brought her hand up and touched the bottom lip.

"I-" He touched his chest but didn't feel the ring. His hand moved up to feel the chain that was still there. "That was my necklace." He moved his hand behind, put the ring in the fist and stuffed the ring back in the shirt without letting her see it.

"Okay..." She looked at him with suspicious eyes.

"Why are you sleeping here without an air conditioner? It's hot here, especially because it's on the top floor." He crossed his legs and looked up at her as she was still sitting on the sofa.

"Why? Are you worried about me?" She tilted her head and put her legs down on the still. Her eyes were showing playful feelings as she asked that risky question.

"Why? I can't be worried about my employee?" But he replied back with another risky question. It was clear that she was taken aback. She didn't expect that.

If it was any other day, he would've said, 'No, I was just asking if that's the way you thought for dying. I can suggest better'. But today, he said totally out of the option that she could think of.

"Huh..." She wouldn't lie. Her heart, it beat but not the way like always did. It was different. The way she hadn't felt for a long time.

Especially when he was looking right into her eyes with a straight face. His eyes were glittering because of the light reflection but it was like he had stars in his eyes as he was watching her hesitate after his words.

He suddenly smiled with closed lips and looked away while rubbing the back of his neck. As his face was away from her sight, he suddenly burst out laughing, "Your face is so funny."

"Shut up." She pursed her lips and crossed her arms. "Also, I wanted to talk to you about something."

"In the morning. I'm tired now and had too much drink. I won't understand. I should get going." Seung-cheol stood up and looked up at the third floor where Jiyoon's room was located.

The little girl gasped and quickly ran into her room because the railings were made of glass, so no place to hide.

"Did dad and Miss Eunji kiss?!"


"That's such a...big accusation."

"But I heard it!"

"Mister Choi, I don't think she will do it."

"You all..."


Y'all were so desperate for a chapter yesterday


Love Talk (Wonwoo fic) got the same amount of chapters but it didn't eve reach 10K😔

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