Chapter 65

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Seung-cheol shifted in his bed and groaned at the loud sound coming from his phone. He turned around and picked up his phone.

The bright light blinded his vision but he still half opened his eyes to look at the person who was calling him.

He accepted the call and spoke in his sleepy voice, "Jiyoon, why are you calling me at 2 am?" He rubbed his eyes.

"Dad, I'm bleeding."

"Huh, okay...." He nodded and closed his eyes, putting away the phone. But he instantly sat up and picked up his phone. "Jiyoon, what?!"

"I'm bleeding."

"Where?! What happened?? Did you fall!?" He threw away the blankets from his legs and got down from the bed.

"From down there."

"Where??" He ran to his door.

"From- from the girl's part!!"

Seung-cheol was about to grab the handle but stopped. "What?"

"Yes!" There was panic in her voice.

"Jiyoon-" He held his forehead.

"Dad, I'm scared. I know I'm getting my periods but there is too much blood!"

"Okay, calm down. Uh..." He looked up at the ceiling. "We need uh..."


"Pa-" Seung-cheol felt embarrassed to say it but sighed. "P-Pa-"

"Call Miss Eunji!!"

"I can't-" But she cut the call before he could say anything. He scratched his head and dialled Eunji's number but she wasn't picking it up. "Come on, is she still ignoring me??"

But she didn't pick up all the calls he made.

"Leave it." He ran to his closet to wear a sweatshirt before running to Jiyoon's room. He entered her room and went in front of her washroom door to knock on it. "Jiyoon?"

"Did you bring it?" She said from inside.

"That's what I'm saying. I'm going out to buy it." Seung-cheol said before walking away.

Seung-cheol cursed at Eunji for not picking up his calls. It was now 15 times he called her but she didn't respond.

He entered the convenience store that was in their society. The boy on the counter looked at him. "Uh, where are the products for the girls?"

"To the third lane." The boy casually pointed at the section before going back to playing on his phone.

Seung-cheol made another try in calling Eunji and she did pick it up that time.

"What do you want?"

"Uh Jiyoon is bleeding." He nervously said while looking around at the products.

"From where?" Eunji's voice was a little deep but softer than any time he heard her. Maybe it was because she was still half asleep but it was surely very different.

"You know, from down there..." Seung-cheol stopped at the section of the products he was looking for.

"Oh-" There was silence before she burst out laughing. "So, you did all that call just to ask what to do now?"

"Of course!!" Seung-cheol screamed at her.

"Don't tell me you have never bought these things for your girlfriends?"

"No!" Seung-cheol covered his flustered face. "I did that when I was 20 or something, not anymore."

"Well then, Choi Seung-cheol. You have to get used to it now." There was a scoff. "My dad casually buys them. Even my brothers are not-"

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