Chapter 56

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"It's not that expensive." He pushed her away from his path and walked to the bed. "For me."

"For me, it's very expensive!" Eunji turned around and stormed towards him. "Take it."

"No." Seung-cheol said with pouted lips before giving her a smile. "If you don't accept it, then I'll seriously throw you out."

"Do it. I don't care." She crossed her arms.

"Fine." He walked behind her and started pushing her towards the balcony. Her eyes went wide in surprise because she didn't expect that.

"Wait wait wait!" She chanted out and held the door frames with both of her hands. "Were you being serious??"

"Yes." He nodded and tried to push her into the balcony but she kept a hold on the frame, preventing herself from moving forward.

"Okay, stop!!"

"I thought you wanted me to do it?" He leaned over her shoulder and looked at her. She turned to him and she swore that it was like the third time she ever saw his face that close.

She gulped and turned her face forward. The feeling in her heart was like an obstacle to her words to argue back like always but oh, his face was so close.

"Moon Eunji?" The deep voice from the sleep was still there. His hot breath hit her cheek.

"Your breath stinks. Move away, right now." She almost stuttered out on her words but controlled it.


"Want me to hit your balls?"

Seung-cheol quickly moved away. She let go of the frame and adjusted her clothes. Her eyes peeked at him for a moment.

"Thanks for the gift. I'll get going." She quickly turned around and walked away without making eye contact with him, which was unusual because she always talked while maintaining eye contact.

Seung-cheol just watched her silently the whole time as she walked out of the room and also slammed the door on her way.

His straight face broke. A closed lips smile formed on his face which grew bigger and bigger. "Oh, God." He covered his face and rubbed it.

He removed his hand from his face and covered his smiling mouth before looking at the moon in the sky. An image of her closed face which was tinted red in embarrassment flashed in front of him.

He knew what he was doing and he wasn't playing dumb when he was near her. He would be honest. That closeness raced his heart also.

Lily opened her eyes and turned her face to her owner, who was giggling on his own in the middle of the room. She was weirded out.

"Where were you??" Jiyoon asked Eunji, who walked into the room with a blank expression.

"Your dad almost pushed me from the balcony."

"I see." Jiyoon nodded and focused on setting up the PS5.

"Yes." Eunji nodded and walked to Jiyoon who had completed the set-up. "Now, go to sleep."

"What? No, I want to play a match." Jiyoon looked at Eunji with an offended face.

"You have school in the morning." Eunji put her hands on her hips. Jiyoon noticed the box in Eunji's hand.

"What is that?" Jiyoon pointed at the box. Eunji looked at the box.

"Oh, it's nothing." Eunji put that box in her jacket's pocket. "Go to bed, now."

"Fine." Jiyoon pouted and walked to her bed. Eunji sighed and tucked in Jiyoon before going to the guest room to sleep.


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