Chapter 11

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Eunji gasped when she saw the dog aggressively stuffing in her ice cream. When Seung-cheol called out his name, he looked up with ice cream smeared all over his face.

She snorted before laughing out loud while holding her stomach. Her eyes almost teared up from laughing. Josh went back to stuffing his nose in the cup.

"Josh, what did you do??" Seung-cheol held Josh's collar and moved him away. The cup was stuck on his nose. That made Eunji laugh more loudly.

"Oh my God, I sound like a witch." Eunji said while laughing. She took deep breaths to control her laugh and grabbed the cup to pull it out.

The rottweiler put his feet on Eunji's lap and started licking the cup. "Please don't give them sugar." Seung-cheol frowned.

"You can't eat it." Eunji moved the cup in the air.

"Louis, get down." Seung-cheol commanded. He got down from her lap and started whimpering while looking down.

"Why did you scold him?" Eunji put the cup behind her and went to caress him. "It's okay. He is bad."

"Wow." Seung-cheol rolled his eyes.

"Miss Eunji!" Jiyoon came running to her and tilted her head in confusion. "Dad?"

Both Seung-cheol and Eunji looked towards her and said, "Yes?" They looked at each other when they said that in unison.

"Josh, what happened to your face!" Jiyoon started laughing. "Hold it." She gave her ice cream to Dino and went to Josh held by Seung-cheol.

"Wipe him, Jiyoon." Seung-cheol crouched down to hold his face. Jiyoon took out her handkerchief from her pocket and started cleaning him.

Eunji stared at Seung-cheol while caressing Louis, who had his head on her lap. Unlike that day, he wore a simple sweatshirt and baggy pants with a bucket cap.

'So that's what the Directors do on the weekends?', Eunji thought to herself and looked at Jiyoon, who was also in a casual fit. A sweatshirt and skirt. She had always seen her in a sports outfit.

"There." She threw away the handkerchief on the ground after wiping his face. Dino handed her the ice cream.

He was about to pick up the handkerchief when Eunji stopped him, "Mister, don't." He looked at her in confusion. "Jiyoon, pick it up."

"Huh?" Jiyoon frowned.

"I said what I said." Eunji glared at her. Jiyoon looked away from her and the dirty handkerchief on the ground. She silently picked it up and walked away to throw it in the dustbin.

Seung-cheol just watched the scene in shock.

Eunji's phone started to ring and it was Minghao. She picked it. "Eunji, where are you?"

"In the park." She replied and stood up. "I'm coming." With a last pat on Louis's head, she walked away.

"Did Jiyoon just..." Seung-cheol said and rubbed his eyes while standing up.

"Mister Choi, she had only ever listened to that woman." Dino looked at Seung-cheol. "Because of her, Miss Choi apologized to me for spilling a hot drink on me."

"Don't lie." Seung-cheol said while pulling the rottweiler towards him.

"I'm not." Dino shook his head. "You just witnessed her picking up the handkerchief herself. Miss Choi respects her a lot."

"Hmm." Seung-cheol nodded while watching Josh being hyper and playing with Louis, who was sitting with his back straight.

"Where is Miss Eunji?" Jiyoon asked while looking around.

"See, she even formally calls her name." Dino whispered to Seung-cheol. "It was because she saved her twice. During the first time, she put her life at risk."

"That woman? She went away." Seung-cheol said and Jiyoon sighed in disappointment.

"I will suggest her as Miss Choi's babysitter but she looks like a college student." Dino took the two leashes from Seung-cheol.

"She is not a college student." Seung-cheol shook his head and shifted his eyes to Jiyoon who was still trying to look for the short woman in the park. "I'll think about it."

"As you wish, Mis-" Dino screamed when the two dogs suddenly ran away towards a cat they spotted out of nowhere. The cat looked at the two dogs running towards her with a man behind them and she also ran away.

"What do you like about that woman?" Seung-cheol asked and crossed his arms when Jiyoon returned back.

"I-I don't know..." Jiyoon scratched her head and looked away. "She is just cool. She saved me two times!" She looked at him with big eyes.

"So, Dino said the truth." Seung-cheol nodded. "Do you want her as your new babysitter?"

"Really??" Jiyoon's eyes went wide in shock.

"I'll think about it." Seung-cheol shrugged.

"Thank you, dad." She gave him a short hug, which didn't last more than a second, and ran towards her dogs.

He snorted out a small chuckle after she hugged him. It was after years she hugged him and he was shocked but happy also.

"Here." Junhui handed Eunji an ice cream cup, the same she had ordered earlier.

"I had already eaten it but thank you." She took the ice cream from him.

"Then give it to me." Minghao said while eating his.

"Go to hell."

"Let's go to a restaurant. Minghao is treating us to dinner." Junhui wrapped his arms around Eunji and happily walked away with her.

"I'm not??" Minghao frowned.

"Someone who works at Apple and earns millions shouldn't say that to his family." Junhui looked back and teased him.

"He is right." Eunji stuck her tongue out to him.

Minghao gritted his teeth and stormed in the opposite direction, saying, "Do whatever you want. I'm not paying."

"Don't worry, I got his card with me." Junhui showed his card to Eunji and winked. She laughed and they high-fived together.

"Let's go to an Italian restaurant. I'm craving pasta." She smiled.

"Let's also eat some expensive dessert after this." Junhui smirked.

"I know a good place for that." She smirked back.

"Perfect." He said and they clapped their hands together again.

Seung-cheol raised his eyebrows, watching Eunji giggling with a tall handsome man who had his arm wrapped around her.

'Looks like she got a boyfriend.'


"Why did he suddenly want to meet me?"

"To be honest, I also don't know."

"Then why did you message me?"

"I just followed what he asked me to do."


Double update cause well, I forgot yesterday-

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