Chapter 14

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"Yes?" A person spoke up from the speaker.

Eunji looked at the camera and said, "I'm Moon Eunji, the new babysitter. Mister Choi must've told you about it."

There was no reply but there was the sound of the door getting unlocked. It was an old lady with grey hair dressed in all black.

"Please come in." The woman smiled politely. Eunji went inside as the woman closed the door and it locked itself.

Her jaws dropped when she looked up. It was a three-floor penthouse on the top of the apartment building. She had never seen one in real life and didn't even know it existed.

"Please sit down. I'll bring you something to eat." The woman guided her to the living room. Eunji sat down and the lady went away.

'Just how rich are they?', Eunji thought as she bit her nail because seeing the house, made her more nervous.

"My name is Hong Minhae. I'm the head maid here." She introduced herself while serving snacks to her and sat on the sofa in front of Eunji.

"Hello, Miss Hong." Eunji bowed. "Thank you for the snacks."

"My pleasure. Please make yourself home since you are going to be the young miss's babysitter." Minhae laughed and put a small notebook in front of Eunji.

"What's this?" Eunji looked at the notebook and then at Minhae.

"It has all of Miss Choi's schedule." Minhae pointed at the notebook. "Besides school, you have to be with her every time."

"I saw her wearing a sports uniform. Is she an athlete?" Eunji asked while munching on the spicy chips.

"Yes. She plays badminton and goes to an academy for that. You have to follow her there also. She has English lessons for three days a week and the other three days are for other lessons like French and German. On Sunday, she has guitar lessons and academic study lessons."

Minhae said so much that it made Eunji pick up the notebook to look through the schedule, which made Minhae chuckle.

"But she is only 12. How is she handling everything?" Eunji was confused. She sounded more busy than a college student.

"Don't worry, Miss Moon." Minhae passed a soft smile to her. "We care about her health also. Apart from academic lessons and English lessons, everything is chosen by Miss Choi herself. She was the one who wanted to learn guitar and more languages."

"She is free after 7:30 or 8 pm. Where is the time for my job as a babysitter?" Eunji closed the notebook.

"You have to monitor her. Her driver can't follow her everywhere. She didn't want a guard with her. Mister Choi selected you. I think he already told you what you need to do besides that?"

Eunji nodded and drank the juice. "What about my meal? I have to practically stay with her for the whole day."

"Your breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be provided by us." Minhae cleared her throat.

"Wait, why three??"

"Didn't Mister Choi tell you?" Minhae tilted her head in confusion. "You have to come here by 5 am and help Miss Choi to get ready."

"What?!" Eunji's eyes went wide. "Then what after that? The time she is in school? Don't tell me I have to follow her in school also."

"There is also an option for that also because the school she goes to is specifically for the rich people's kids. Some people do send their kids' caretakers or guards in." Minhae rubbed her chin while thinking.

Eunji had a horrified expression.

"I'm joking." Minhae waved her hand. "It's your choice to go. We are not forcing you for that."

"Rich people are very unexpected." Eunji shook her and took another sip of her drink. 'I need to ask him to raise my pay', She thought.

"You have to drop her till school. After that, it's your choice to go to your house or come back here. I would suggest you to come back here. It would be hectic to go back to your house and come back."

"What am I going to do here?" Eunji looked at her phone ringing but she silenced it.

"We have enough things for you that you won't be bored." Minhae smiled. There was the sound of the door getting unlocked and opening. "Looks like Mister Choi is here." Minhae stood up and bowed before walking towards Seung-cheol.

"She is here." Seung-cheol said when he spotted Eunji.

"I explained to her what you told me."  Minhae smiled as she took his coat. "She didn't look happy."

"She will be happy if I raise her pay." Seung-cheol removed his tie and unbuttoned the top button while walking into the living room to Eunji.

"Oh, hello." Eunji stood up and bowed to him.

"Hello." Seung-cheol greeted and sat in front of her. "I see you were enjoying the snacks."

"Yes." Eunji picked up her glass and emptied the glass as only one sip was left.

"Minhae, get her another glass. Get me a glass of whiskey." Seung-cheol unbuttoned another button. "Also, tell Yuhae to turn on the air conditioner."

Eunji drank the glass of water and looked away from his chest to outside the big window. It was already 7 pm, so it was nighttime outside.

"I found out that Minhae explained everything. Do you have anything else to ask?" Seung-cheol asked as Minhae came with the two glasses. He picked up the one with alcohol.

"She did." Eunji nodded while picking up the glass with juice. "It feels like I'll be stuck on her tail."

"Correct." Seung-cheol smiled as he took a sip.

"I need a raise." Eunji demanded. "Especially when I'll be working on the Sunday also."

"I'll do it after seeing your efforts." He shrugged with his arms out. Eunji clenched her glass. "You can't back off. Our deal is recorded."

"Yes yes." Eunji took a big sip of juice. "Also, I feel like I'll stay here till almost 10 pm. My parents won't be happy with this. Also, it's difficult to get a taxi at 4:30 am. Your house is 30 minutes away from my house."

"I got your point. Dino will give you pick and drop." Seung-cheol licked his lips and swirled his glass.

"Great." She nodded. "Also, one more question."


"Where are Louis and Josh?"


"I feel like it's too hectic for a 12-year-old."

"I had warned her but she insisted on doing extra lessons. I only made her join the academic and English lessons."

"What about badminton?"


She entered his house ⊙⁠.⁠☉

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