Chapter 10

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"Why am I the one babysitting you both?" Eunji groaned as she walked behind her brothers.

"That's what I'm supposed to say as the eldest." Junhui rolled his eyes and folded his arms.

"Whatever." Minghao scoffed.

"So, how are we supposed to start this lovely day?" Junhui smiled while twirling around.

"You will hit someone." Minghao and Eunji said in sync and it turned out, that Junhui bumped into a baby stroller. The siblings slapped their foreheads.

"I want to go back." Eunji covered her mouth as she watched Junhui apologising to the mother, who was being nice while the small girl in the stroller was staring at Junhui.

"Up!" The baby screamed. Junhui blinked in confusion and looked at the mother.

"No no!" Minghao ran to them and grabbed Junhui's arm. "Brother, we have to go. Remember?" He smiled at him.

"Oh, yes..." With that, Junhui was dragged away by Minghao. The little girl was disappointed as she watched Junhui and Minghao walk away.

"I'm sorry for my brother. He once dropped a baby. We don't want to risk it again." Eunji bowed to the mother.

"It's fine." The mother laughed and shook her head.

"I got this." Eunji removed her bag and opened it. She took a woolen cap and bent down to put it on the girl's head. It was big and fell to her nose but Eunji adjusted it.

"You didn't have to do it!" The mother gasped.

"It's a sample. I was practicing crochet and it was my first project but it was small." Eunji adjusted the cat ears on the cap.

"I'll pay for it." The mother frowned.

"It's fine. I have to go to my brothers." She smiled and bowed while walking away. She started jogging to catch up with her brothers.

"Here you are. Junhui is taking us shopping." Minghao smiled.

"I'm not??" Junhui frowned.

"Someone who works in Google and earns millions shouldn't say that to his family." Minghao's smile fell as he said that. Junhui's mouth shut down.

"Let's go!!" Eunji suddenly smiled brightly and grabbed Junhui's hand to walk to the stores.


"Thank you, brother!" Minghao patted Junhui's shoulder, who was paying for the clothes on the counter. Eunji was still looking through the store.

Her eyes landed on the bags section and she picked up one that she liked. When she saw the price, she instantly put it back there and went to her brothers.

"You are not buying anything?" Junhui asked.

"I don't feel like getting something new."

"What about a bag?" Junhui asked. "Just buy anything. I'll pay."

"I didn't like the bags." Eunji shook her head and walked outside after saying, "I'll be in the nearby park."

Junhui watched her walk away without buying anything for herself. "You don't say that to me." Minghao looked at him.

"Shut up."

Eunji stretched her arms as she walked on the path towards the park. She let out a grunt when she stretched on a satisfying point.

She opened her eyes and saw an ice cream truck in front of the park, bombing their business with all the children lined up there.

"Maybe, I should open an ice cream business." She said to herself while walking to the truck to buy one for herself.

"What would you like to have, mam?" The man asked and she told him her order. He quickly made one for her and she paid him.

As she was walking to the park, a kid almost bumped into her ice cream but she saved it. She felt like walking into a dangerous zone.

"Finally." She sat on a bench and put her bag on the side to quietly eat it. As she was enjoying the peace, it was disturbed.

"Miss Eunji?" She turned around to see Jiyoon standing beside her. Her little smile fell. "Hello!!"

"Oh, hey..." She awkwardly nodded. Dino behind her bowed to Eunji.

"Are you eating ice cream?" Jiyoon asked.

"No, I'm eating a dog." Eunji joked and looked away to take one more bite. Jiyoon pursed her lips, not liking how Eunji was not giving her any attention.

"I'm also going to get one. Where did you buy it?" Jiyoon asked.

"The truck outside." Eunji pointed her spoon at the entrance of the park, where the truck was.

"Okay. I'll come back." Jiyoon quickly ran towards her.

"Miss Choi!" Dino called her out while running beside her. Eunji shook her head at her behaviour.

"What the?" The man bit his lower lip when he saw Eunji there, just sitting and eating ice cream. "Is she stalking me?"

He was suddenly pulled towards her by his dogs, which ran towards her.

"Louis, Josh, what are you doing!?" Seung-cheol panicked as his big dogs ran toward the person he didn't want to see.

Eunji stopped eating when two dogs appeared in front of her. Her eyes sparkled in joy as she put away her ice cream to squeal to pet the big and fluffy chow chow.

"You are so cute!!" Eunji grabbed his fluffy head with both of her hands and started rubbing him. "You are also cute." She stretched out her hand to pat the rottweiler.

But the rottweiler pushed his nose to her nose and smelled her. She moved her hand to pat him. There was a clear smile on the dog's face as he sat down to let her pat him.

She couldn't be more happier as she diverted her attention to the rottweiler fully and started caressing him. He was clearly enjoying her scratches as if she knew where to pat and scratch a dog.

"What are their names?" She looked up with a smile but that also fell when she saw Seung-cheol standing in front of her. "What are you doing here?"

"That's what I should ask." Seung-cheol put his free hand in his pocket. "You just started playing with them as if they are your dogs."

"They came to me first." She looked away from him to get her attention on the rottweiler who had his tongue out and was wiggling his lower body fully. "You are such a cute boy."

That made him let out a bark of happiness. Eunji laughed when he licked her hand. Seung-cheol stood there, watching Eunji smile for the first time since he met her.

It's just like what that taxi driver said. Eunji's smile was very beautiful. It can make anyone's heart race and it surely made Seung-cheol's heart race for a moment.

"How can you protect our house when you behave like this to a stranger." Seung-cheol scoffed.

"The dogs know who are dangerous and who are not." Eunji said.

Seung-cheol shifted his eyes to the forgotten dog and his eyes went wide when he saw the chow chow smudging his face in her ice cream. "JOSH!"


"Jiyoon, pick it up."


"I said what I said."


I have 35 chapters written in the draft but forgot to update yesterday. Wow.

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