☆Sharpie Words☆

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[ Jake writes positive words on Johnnie's body <3 ]

CW: insecurities discussed!


Johnnie is looking at himself in the mirror one night, shirtless and in his skinny jeans. He is staring intensely at his face.

Jake chuckled and kissed Johnnie's neck, his hands resting on his waist. "What're you looking at?"

Johnnie got startled when he see's Jake in the mirror. "Oh shit..!" He exclaimed in surprise.

Jake laughed again and put his hands on Johnnie's shoulders. "What are you doing up this late?" He asked, his tone light and joking.

"I just.. can't sleep." Johnnie replied, looking at himself in the mirror again. He looks at his teeth, faking a smile before it fades.

"Aww... is something wrong?" Jake asked, pulling Johnnie away from the mirror and turning him around to face him.

Johnnie couldn't help but make occasional glances at himself. He makes a disgusted face before turning to look back at Jake.

Jake put his hands on either side of Johnnie's face and looked into his eyes. "You're gorgeous, okay? You don't have to worry about your appearance..."

"I do, a lot actually." Johnnie replied. "I'm ugly." He says as he turns around. Looking at the mirror. "I hate my crooked teeth, and my eyes. I hate how my nose has a slight bent to it. How my lips look. And my acne scars. I hate my blond roots that make me look like I'm balding. I hate my laugh and my voice. I hate it all, Jake."

Jake's eyes widened and he grabbed Johnnie's shoulder, turning him around once again. "Johnnie, you're being ridiculous. You are beautiful and handsome. If anything, your imperfections make you unique and make you who you are. You don't have to worry about what other people think, okay?"

Johnnie laughs, tearing up a bit. "Well, when you show your face all the time on the Internet, you do get ashamed for it."

Jake pulled Johnnie into a hug and held him tightly. "I don't care what people on the internet say. You're perfect to me, okay? And you're the only one who matters."

Johnnie sighed, "I just hate myself, Jake." He pulls back and looks at himself in the mirror, on the verge of crying.

Jake was shocked to hear that, and it hurt him to see Johnnie like this.

"Johnnie, look at me," he said, gently turning his head so he was facing him. "I don't want you to hate yourself. You're the sweetest, most caring person I've ever met, and you have such a kind heart. I love you, and I don't want you to think badly of yourself."

Johnnie watches as Jake grabs a Sharpie ink pen from his pocket. "What are you...?"

Jake uncapped the pen and wrote something on Johnnie's forehead, smiling. "You're my handsome boy." he said, showing him what he wrote.

"Oh yeah I hate that forehead too, fucking massive." Johnnie laughs a bit. "What are you doing..?"

"I'm giving you a compliment. Now you have to accept it." Jake teased, grinning.

Jahnnie Drabbles☆Where stories live. Discover now