13. The Breakup

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~Ryan's POV~

<2 months later>

It's been two months since Valerie and I have been close and finally I can call her my girlfriend. I personally didn't think it would come this soon, but I guess our hearts and minds were in the same spot and when I asked if she wanted to try the dating thing, she said yes.

We haven't made a big fuss about it, only here friends know and who knows or cares if Jarred knows or not. But I'm not going to worry myself about him, it's been already a week since Valerie and I have been a couple and things are going okay. If only I could just fast forward to the wedding, that would be great.

I invited Val over to watch this movie that Levi rented and he said it was good. I have no idea what it's about, so I asked Val did she want to watch it with me.

"Navy blue or Emerald green?" Val asked looking at her phone

"What are those colors for?" I asked

"Pillow colors. When you have movie night, you have to have a movie pillow or else things tend to be very bland."

"Is this a requirement or something that you want to have."

"Both, put the movie in while I go to the bathroom right quick."

I went to put the movie in and the door bell rung. I hope this isn't Levi or Val could've ordered pizza.

I opened the door and the last person I want to see right now is my ex- Natasha

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I opened the door and the last person I want to see right now is my ex- Natasha.

"Tasha what do you want? We broke up 8 months ago."

"I want you back Ryan and I know I made some mistakes in the past.."

"You damn right you made some mistakes! And I don't even want to here what you got to say." I said interrupting her

"Baby let me in so I can explain." She pouted

"No! You had your chance and I want you to leave, now!"

"Hey what's going on?" Val asked coming from the bathroom

"Nothing, this girl is about to leave." I said trying to shut the door in her face

"Really?! This girl! That's not what you said last night begging me to come over here!"

"What?! I haven't called you in months."

"Oh yeah, you're Valerie right? Well he called me at one this morning saying how Valerie doesn't want to do anything with me, why don't you come over so I can get her off my mind for awhile."

"Valerie that's not true." I said looking back at her, already I can see the hurt in her eyes and this situation with Natasha is really pissing me off.

"Tasha I'm going to tell you one more time to leave and do not come back!" I said angrily

"Have you looked in his room? He still has my underwear from last weekend when I came. It's a hot pink thong from Victoria Secret, I'll show you where it's at." She pushed pasted me and went towards my room. I would have chased after her, but I couldn't ignore the hurt look on Val's face she was almost in tears.

"Valerie I don't know what she's talking about but none of it is true."

Natasha came back with a hot pink thong in her hands and a smile on her face, "See I told you, it was in his nightstand where he keeps all his nightly hookups underwear and his other phone to call his other women."

"Alright that's it Natasha, GET OUT!" I said pointing towards the door

"No, I think I should go.." Valerie said sadly

"Valerie please no, I want you to stay."

She ignored me and kept walking towards the door. Tears fell from her eyes and ran down her cheeks, as she got in her car and left.

"What the fuck Natasha?! Why are you even over here?!" I yelled in her face

"Because Valerie is mine and there's nothing you can do about it." Jarred appeared at the door and now it's all making sense now

"You may have won the battle, but I will be the one to win the war." I said

"I highly doubt it, but if thinking that makes you sleep better at night, then by all means." Jarred left followed by Natasha and when they did I slammed the door. She's probably not want to speak to me ever again, I got to do something about Jarred.

~Jarred's POV~

My plan is coming into action perfectly, just the way I want it to. I've always had eyes for Valerie, but I never knew how to approach her and tell her how I really feel. Just when I thought I mustered up the courage to tell her how I feel, Ryan comes waltzing in and attempts to take my lady. But I will not allow that to happen.

I've devised this plan to keep Ryan out of Valerie's life, permanently. I don't mind going to great depths keeping him away from her, even if it means putting him in prison, I most certainly will do anything.

I got a call from Sierra telling me what happened with Valerie, I rushed over as quick as I could and I tried to put on the most sympathetic face I could.

When Valerie opened the door her eyes were red and a little puffy, I hate I had to do this do her, but it's for her own good of being with me soon.

"Oh Val, I heard what happened are you alright?" I said trying to sound sincere

"Yea, how did you find out?"

"Sierra called and I bought you some roses because you deserve them and don't worry I won't tell Nathan."

"Thank you, you're such a good friend. I really don't know what I would do without you." She hugged me tight and cried a little on my shoulder

"It's alright pumpkin, I'm here now and I can be your shoulder to cry on just like old times." I picked her up and carried her bridal style to the living room and I told Sierra and Addison that they can leave

"I know Jarred is going to take good care of you, but if you need anything don't hesitate to call." Sierra said

"I won't and thank you guys."

"You sit back and relax while I rub your feet." I propped both her legs on mines and I gently took one foot at a time and massaged it.

"Why can't all guys be as good as you?"

"Because some guys don't know a good thing till it's gone"

"I want to thank you Jarred, for all the things that you do for me, to make me feel better and everything. You truly are one of a kind."

"Thanks, now lay back and relax I don't want you to give yourself a headache."

I continued to rub on her feet until she went to sleep. I gently picked her up and carried her to her room and laid her in the bed. "I love you." I gave her a kiss on her sweet juicy lips and I left the room.

I got a text from Natasha that made me feel even better inside, Ryan is in jail.☺️

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