114. A Second Chance

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"The reunion was really fun, I had a great time seeing all of my relatives and meeting yours for the first time, I can't wait to do this again." Nicole said to Valerie as they both sit on the couch with Austin in between the both of them

"Yeah it was a blast, seeing everyone all together and your Uncle Josef is tremendously funny, I almost was on the verge of peeing my pants that's how hard he had me laughing." She said as Nicole began to laugh

"Yeah, Uncle Josef can get pretty crazy at times." Her laugh died down as she continued to play around with Austin's hand and by the look on her face, Valerie could tell something was wrong

"What's on your mind." Valerie said as Nicole looked at her somewhat surprised that she asked her that

"To much of nothing really." She shrugged

"Somethings gotta be up, you look conflicted and if there's one person that knows conflict, it's me. So go on and tell me, I won't judge."

She sighed, "Well you're right, I have been conflicted with some things but.."

"So now is the perfect time to let it all out, it's just us two."

"I've been doing some thinking lately and I want you and Ryan to be the godparents to Austin. I know you're already the aunt and uncle but I want more, not just for me but for Austin. If something was to happen to me, I want to have a peace of mind that he'll be taken care of. I know I have two other brothers but they're not obligated to anything right now and I don't want to tie them down, not to say I don't trust them it's just that, you and Ryan are stable; your married and have wonderful kids and with Austin's father I don't know how long it will be when or even if he decides to marry me. I don't want it to seem like I'm pushing him off on you two but, I just want him to feel loved. I just feel like a complete idiot and a loser." She sighed as she put her face in her hands

Valerie reached over and rubbed Nicole's back, "Don't say things like that about yourself, that's not true."

"Yes it is. I have a baby with a man that I don't even know if he truly loves me or not and traditionally, I'm supposed to be married before I have a kid, but stupid me I had a baby!"

"Everyone makes a mistake, we're not perfect." She soothed

"I bet Ryan hates to even call me his sister. I can't do anything right, he's always the one that has to clean up my mess that I make and this one will take the cake."

"Why don't you talk to him, and just say what's on your mind." Valerie suggested and Nicole shook her head

"No, I can't do that."

"And why not?"

She picked up Austin and say him in her lap, "Because, I just can't."

"You're afraid he might get upset or maybe even to the extreme of disowning you. You and I both know what a hassle it is to get Ryan to see things differently from him and yes, he can be a jackass at times, but he is a reasonable man who loves you dearly and sometimes when you have a jackass for a brother, it's hard to get through to them, so I'll talk to Ryan for you about it." Valerie said and Nicole gave her a hug

"Oh thank you Valerie, I don't know what I would do without you sometimes."

"You're welcome anything to help family and a friend." She said hugging her back


Valerie had arrived at the restaurant and she choose to wear a simple turquoise colored dress that wouldn't be too extravagant or fancy.

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