88. Vacation

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~Valerie's POV~

It was the next morning and I had woken up at ten. I looked over next to me and saw that Ryan was already up watching TV and the kids were still asleep.

"Morning sleepyhead." He teased

"Morning, I'd thought you would still be sleep right about now."

He shrugged, "I'm used to these crazy hours that it hardly fazes me anymore."

"Well how long have you been up?"

"Nine thirty. I didn't feel like getting up at the time so I just stayed and started watching TV."

"You could've woken me up." I said

He shook his head, "No I wanted you to sleep, there's no telling how long you actually stayed up and waited for me last night."

The kids started to stir in their sleep and then finally they both slowly raised up with Lilly's hair all over the place. She hugged me as I began to smooth her hair back

"I don't get no hug?" Ryan said and the both of them turned around with lit up sleepy eyes and rushed over to him

"Daddy you're home! We missed you last night!" Lilly said

"Yeah dad, where were you?" Jeremiah asked

"Well something came up at work and it took me longer than I thought. I'm sorry I made y'all wait for me for so long."

"It's okay, as long as you're here." She said and went to hugging him and then Jeremiah hugged him to. He grunted a little from them leaning on his arm

I reached over and pulled them back, "Okay that's enough, daddies not doing well."

They turned and looked at me with sad eyes, "Why, are you sick again daddy?" Lilly asked

"No it's my arm and by the way Val, I'm fine."

"What happened to it?"

"Nothing, just mommy and I played Doctor last night when I came home."

"Aw that seems like fun. Why didn't you wake us mommy, we probably wanted to play." Lilly asked looking at me

"We played the adult version, but the next time I will most definitely get the two of you." I said

"I think we should take a vacation, what do you think?" Ryan asked looking at me

"I don't know, when do you want to plan it?"

He sighed and waved his hand at me me, "Kids, do you want to go on vacation?"

"Yes!" They both said with wide smiles

"Ok then it's settled, we'll leave today."

The kids jumped for joy in excitement and I just sat there with a dumbfounded look, "Today?! But, we can't just up and go on vacation." I stressed

"I can up and go anywhere I want to because I'm the man." He snorted


"I think we should just let mommy stay here while we go have some fun." Ryan said

"No daddy, I want mommy to come with us. Please mommy, won't you come with us." Lilly said

I couldn't resist her puppy dog eyes and the soft voice, "okay I'll go." I sighed

The kids leaped with happiness and both hugged me, "Yay! Mommy's coming with us!"

"Come on Lilly, let's go get our stuff." Jeremiah said as the both of them climbed out of the bed and headed for the door

Ryan got out of the bed and went for the closet as I got out and followed behind. "Are you sure we don't need to plan anything and besides, how can you just make a decision where we just automatically go on vacation?!"

"How? Because I can. Why? Because I can and no, we don't need to plan anything."

"Well where are we going?! Shouldn't I at least.." Before I could finish, he turned around, grabbed my face and immediately started kissing me. He started off hard and fast but then slowed down tremendously

He pressed me up against the closet wall and scooped me up off the ground as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He pinned my arms up above my head as he slowly savored my lips

He pulled away from the kiss and he still had my arms above my head. I breath heavily from the kiss as I look into his predator like eyes. He slowly scans my face and inches himself closer to me. My heart started to beat fast against my chest and my hormones was rushing wildly through my body

He started back kissing me on my lower jaw and then made his way down to my neck. I tried to pull my hands away so I can run them through his hair, but the more I tugged the tighter he held on and the more sensual his kisses got which made me shudder underneath him.

He pulled back from the kiss once more and let my arms go and unraveled my legs from his waist, "Do I have your attention now?" He asked setting me down


"Sometimes, you can talk entirely too much and that just irritates the fuck out of me." He said pinching the bridge of his nose

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to."

He put his finger up to my lips, "Shhh, it's okay I know you don't mean it. We're going on vacation and we're going to have a good time together. Don't worry about where we're going or what we're going to do, you'll find all that out when we get there, ok."

"Ok." I said somberly

"Great, you can go ahead and start getting some stuff together." He said and left out of the closet. I went over to my side and started packing some clothes

After I had packed up some stuff and got ready then I got the kids ready afterwards. They had all packed up their stuff and was ready and excited to get going.

"Mommy, when are we gonna get there?" Lilly asked

"I don't know sweetie, it's gonna be a surprise for all of us."

Ryan came down the stairs with his bag, "y'all ready to go?" He asked

"Yeah, bout as ready we'll ever be." I said

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