82. Sick...

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~Valerie's POV~

<Month later>

Today was just like any other day, I pick Jeremiah up from school and he tells me about his day, from start to finish. I'm glad he's gotten adapt to going to school and now he doesn't make such a big deal out of it anymore

He got in the car with a disappointed look on his face and he wasn't as eager to say much as he usually does, "Jeremiah what's wrong? You usually have something to say."

He sighed and looked at me, "It's just one of those days, mom."

"Oh it's one of those days? Well I'm sorry I didn't know, is there anything I can do to make it better?"

"I don't think you can, but hopefully tomorrow will be a better day."

"There you go, always think positive."

"Jermy, have you met any girlfriends yet?" Lilly asked

"No Lilly, and would you please stop asking. If I so happen to find a friend that's a girl, I'll tell her about you."

She smiled, "Oh goody! I hope she's pretty and we can both dress up and be Disney princesses."

Jeremiah leaned over to me, "Mom, we need to find her some friends and quick."

I laughed and patted his head, "She just misses you, that's all. She's not used to being all by herself so much."

"Still, she needs someone else other than me all the time."

"Don't worry, she'll have a friend of her own one day." I said

We got home and Ryan was sitting on the couch watching TV. Lilly saw him and ran to him and jumped in his lap, "Daddy! You're home!"

He smiled and ran his hand through her messy ponytail, "Yes I'm home."

"Hi dad." Jeremiah said

"Hey son, how was school?"

Jeremiah sighed and put a hand over his face, "It's complicated."

"What do you mean complicated?"

I went over to Jeremiah as I tried to explain why things were complicated, "He's had a long day and you know it's just one of those days." I said

Ryan looked at me with confusion, "Oh excuse me, I didn't know the life of a five year old could be so hard."

Jeremiah walked off upstairs and I went to sit on the couch, "So what are you doing home so early?" I asked

"I just felt like coming home." He shrugged

"Ok, I'm going to go get dinner started."


During dinner everyone was eating their food except for Ryan, "Is everything okay? Do you not like the food?" I asked

"No the foods fine, I just don't feel good."

"I can tell, by now you would've ate everything on the plate and then you're going back for seconds."

"I think I'm gonna go lay down." He said getting up

I got up and took his food back and put it in the fridge and I put my plate in the sink. "I'll be right back, I'm gonna go check on your dad."

I went upstairs to our room and he was in the bed with a t shirt on and some shorts. "Are you feeling okay?" I asked feeling his head

"Yeah I'm fine, I just need to rest."

"You're burning up, do you need to see a doctor?"

He shook his head, "No I'm fine. I just need to get some rest that's all." He said getting under the covers

"Alright, I'll be back to check on you." I got up to clean up the kitchen and then get the kids ready for a bath

"Mommy, is daddy sick?" Lilly asked me

I sighed, "Yes he is."

"Are we gonna get sick too?"

"No, just be careful not to get too close."

"When will he get better?"

"I don't know, hopefully soon. Now could you please bathe and stop splashing the water around."

She giggled, "Yes mommy."

After I got the kids a bath, I went back in the room to go check on Ryan but he wasn't in the bed anymore. I checked the bathroom and closet, and he wasn't there either.

I left out the room and started to search for him, I found him in his office writing something down. "Ryan what are you doing?"

"Just finishing this up and I'll be done."

"Sweetie you're sick and you should be in bed not working." I said trying to pull him away

He started coughing, "No I'm fine, I told you all I needed was a nap."

"Ryan I know you're serious about your work and you won't be satisfied until everything is perfect, but you're sick and you need adequate rest. I normally don't tell you what to do but right now I am. It's my job as your wife to take care of you and I'm not gonna let you work yourself to death."

"Alright Val, I'll get some rest." He said getting up

"Thank you." I went in the bathroom to get some medicine and I gave it to Ryan

"Take this, it will help with the fever and cough. And this one will help with getting sleep."

"Thanks nurse Valerie, anything else?" He said taking the medicine

"I want you to know that I love you and I want to keep you around for as long as I can."

He chuckled and laid his hand on top of mines, "Baby I'm not dying, I just have a cold. But it's nice that you told me because I love you too and I hope the both of us can stay around for a long time."

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