122. The Real Slim Shady

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The next morning after everyone had left the house, Val went into Dylan's room to wake him up. After that he had a bath and some breakfast. Since it was just them two at the house, she thought it would be the perfect time for her to introduce Dylan to her side of the family.

They got in the car and left, and it wasn't a long drive as it wasn't much traffic. When they approached the door, he was a little nervous about it because of the wacky stories he's heard about Valerie's mom and brother from the twins.

"You alright?" She asked him

"Yeah, but I'm a little nervous." He said


"All the stories I've heard."

She sighed, " I'll admit, my family isn't the most sanest group of people but they are nice and warm-hearted people once you get to know them, but my brother's a different story, you'll see what I mean when you see him later." She said as Victoria came to the door

"You look beautiful this morning, look at you!" She said doing a full spin on Valerie. "And this must be Dylan, hi I'm Victoria, Valerie's mom."

"Nice to meet you." He said

"Aw he's so cute. Well come on in, and have a seat." She said stepping to the side letting them in the house

"Are y'all hungry?"

"No, we ate before we came. I wanted to bring him by to meet you and dad, just like Ryan did yesterday with his parents and then after we leave from here, I'll take him by to see Nate." Val said

"He'll be glad you stopped by, the other day he bought the boys by here and they are getting so big, I couldn't believe it." She said sitting down next to Valerie

"Yeah they grow fast. Jeremiah will almost be fifteen, can you believe that?"

"I thought I heard a familiar voice in here!" Kevin said coming from the back as he went up to Valerie for a hug

"Hi dad! It's good to see you."

"You to pumpkin." He smiled. "And this little fellow right here is the one and only Dylan, how are you doing?"


"That's great, I'm Kevin, Valerie's dad and it's very nice to meet you."

"You to."

"I have a surprise for you." Kevin said happily

"Really? For me?" Dylan asked

"Yep and I want you to close your eyes." Kevin said as Dylan closed his eyes and Kevin went to the closet in the hallway to get a big brown box and carefully set it down on the floor in front of Dylan. "Ok, you can open your eyes now."

Dylan opened his eyes to a big brown box and wasn't expecting this kind of surprise. "Open it." Kevin said excitingly as Dylan began to open up the box and his eyes lit up when he saw what was inside

"Ah thank you! It's full of clothes!"

"Valerie told me what you liked and so I got up as much that would fit in the box and I have another one with more clothes and some shoes."

"Thank you! I love all of them!" He said going through the clothes

Kevin smiled, "You're very welcome, you're family now, it's what we do."

"Have you enrolled him into a school yet?" Victoria asked

"No not yet, we haven't gotten his records from his old school back yet and the whole 'legalization' process is still going through, but Ryan is working on speeding things up, so by the end of this week or by next Monday, he'll be in school and officially ours."

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