73. A success

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~Valerie's POV~

I'm shocked to say that I managed to pull it off, so far it's been two months since Tristyn and I started our pole dancing class and we haven't been caught not once. During this time I've lost all the weight I wanted plus more and I'm so happy with my results. Tristyn can't get enough of it and I'm thinking the girl is obsessed, not in a bad way but she's obsessed with pushing herself all the more and I couldn't be more happier for her.

The past week, Tristyn and I have been doing our 'workouts' at night, it's usually not much, but we still like to give it our all. We accomplished another successful night and I'm feeling pretty darn good about it so I'm gonna treat myself and have a slice of pie. I walk in the house and everything is dark with the light on in the kitchen.

I walk further inside and I don't hear any movement or noise coming from anywhere, just the dark silence of the house. I feel a little off so I go upstairs to make sure everything is okay. "Ryan." I begin to call his name because I'm a little worried, this isn't like him to have all the lights out when he knows I'm coming home and everything is quiet, usually when I get back the kids are still up.

"Ryan." I didn't get an answer the first time, so I call his name again. I start picking up my pace as I walk further down the hall

"I'm in here." He answered. A feeling of relief washed over me, I was gonna start freaking out

I walked into his office and sat my gym bag in the chair, "I was getting a little worried. You have all the lights out and that's not like you, usually you'll leave the hall light on for me."

I'm sorry, I forgot to turn it back on when I came in here." He said while he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me on the cheek

"Where are the kids? They should be up and making noise by now." I said looking at my watch

"They went to bed early, after Jeremiah ate his food he was nodding off while trying to stay up and watch TV, I told him to go on to bed and then soon after Lilly went off to sleep too."

"What a easy night for you, if only it was that way every night. Well I'm going to get me a slice of pie and then I'll take a shower." I was getting my bag to leave the room when he grabbed my hand

"Oh wait, I wanna know how your night was." He asked as he sat down in his chair

"It was good, I did a lot of upper body stuff tonight."

He narrowed his eyes at me, "Is that right? What exactly did you do?"

I was getting a little hesitant, "Well I did some curls and a little lifting."

"Very nice. You know, how about you come and show me what you learned in your pole dancing class." He said with low set eyes. I couldn't tell if he was angry or what but I know for a fact this won't go over well

"Wh.. What do you mean?"

"Come on now Valerie, you're honestly gonna stand there and act like you don't know what's going on? Now come on over here and show me what you learned." He said motioning me with his finger

"Okay how did you find out?!"

"Yesterday you're instructor called and said you left your waist trainer belt in the bathroom."

"I knew I was forgetting something." I said mostly to myself. "Ok I know what you're thinking and I can promise you it's not like what you think." I said quickly

"What am I thinking?" He challenged

"You think I'm doing this because I want to have a possible future in stripping, but I don't! It was a quicker way for me to lose weight and you have to admit, I look pretty good." I said showing off my body

"Yes you do look pretty good, but why didn't you tell me?"

"For you to say no, as soon as I would've said pole dancing it was going to be an automatic no."

He scoffed, "You don't know that, you never asked me or thought to consider how I would feel about it."

"Alright fine, if I would've asked you could I take the classes, your honest answer what would say?"

He leaned back and rubbed his chin, "At first I would've said no, but I would have liked to know what made you want to try it. See, I'm not such a bad guy after all." He smirked

"Yeah that's what you think. So, does this mean that I can keep taking the classes?"

"No.." He stated

"But why?! I know I wasn't entirely honest in the beginning but now you know and I don't see what the big deal about it anyways!" I retorted

"But you didn't let me finish. I have a surprise for you and that will make you miss your class for a few days unless you don't want the surprise."

"Oh, I want it. What is it?" I asked excitingly

"I don't want to tell you just yet, I want to keep it a secret but it is something that you've been wanting for a while now and I'm gonna give it to you."

I squealed with excitement, "When do I get it? Do I need to make closet space?"

He chuckled, "No it's nothing like that, just pack a bag for a few days and I will handle the rest." He smiled slyly

"Now you got me curious, I'm going to be up all night trying to figure out what it is you have for me. Are you sure you don't wanna give away another hint?"

"Go have your pie and I'll see you in the room."

"Ok fine, but I do want another clue to this mystery, you can't leave me in the dark and not expect me to ask questions."

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