106. The Return

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After almost two and half months of vacation, they returned home and it was a bittersweet feeling but it was good to be home.

"Ok kids, you can go put your clothes up in your room or if you have something for me to wash, you can put it in the washroom, I'll get to it." Valerie said

"I have a pair of shorts that I forgot about." Lilly said

"Of course you forgot about them." Jeremiah said

"I also have some stuff I forgot about, I'll go put it on right now." Valerie went to the washroom to wash up the extra clothes and then everyone started bringing stuff to her

"Sorry ma, I figure since you were already washing, I might as well put it in as well." Isaiah said

She sighed and shook her head, "Go on and put it in." She put all the dirty clothes in the basket and started to put the white clothes in the washer

She left out of the room and grabbed her bag to take upstairs and started to unpack her stuff, then after awhile Ryan came in the room. "Are you planning on taking a break anytime soon?" He asked

"Maybe a little bit later, but I don't have much to do."

"By the way, you left your panties out in the basket downstairs." He said handing them to her and she looks at them

"These aren't mine."

"What do you mean they're not yours? I know what all your panties look like and this is yours, it's the v-shape with the little black bow on the front."

"Yes I do have panties like this but these are Lilly's." She said and he was taken back

"Woah, Lilly's? What the hell is she doing wearing stuff like that?!"

"She asked if she could have a few pair and I said yes." Valerie shrugged

"And you just said yes?! You didn't ask no questions or anything?! You just let her have them. What did she ask for you to say yes?!" He fumed

"Honey, I think you're getting all bent out of shape for nothing it's just underwear." She said calmly

"And you have yet to answer my question!"

"Ok, when she first asked me about them, I did say no. But she told me that she wanted it for when she wears certain outfits so her panty line won't show, so I bought her a few pairs, no big deal."

"This is a big deal! I don't want my daughter dressing like some hooker."

She pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed, "Again, you're getting worked up for nothing. What she wears underneath her clothes doesn't constitute anything. We raised her better than that, and you should be able to trust her."

"I do trust her, it's those teenage boys I don't trust. I know what goes on in the mind of a teenage boy and it's not good. They only want one thing and they will say and do anything to get it. I don't want anyone looking at her and think she's easy because of what she's wearing." He said and she put a hand on his chest

"No one will think that of her, she's a good girl and she knows what's right." Val said looking up at him

"I can't believe how you're so calm about this, what's next? Are you gonna let her walk around with tight booty shorts and cut off shirts?! This is not good judgment." He scolded

"Well you have some nerve talking about poor judgment. I may not be a perfect parent, but at least I don't do half the stuff you do." She retorted

"Oh yeah and what's that?!"

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