35. Just a Dream

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~Valerie's POV~

I ran as fast as I could, I just couldn't get away fast enough from him. The more strides I made, the more it seemed like he was getting closer and closer. I could hear him calling my name in a sick, tauntingly voice.

I couldn't bare to run anymore, I was out of breath and my feet are killing me. I climbed over into a tall bush and hid myself while I tried to recuperate. I rubbed my pregnant belly and tried to calm my breathing. I have no recollection of how I ended up running through some woods or when Ryan started chasing me.

The crunching sound of leaves started to get closer and I couldn't tell from which side it was coming from, it's dark all around and the only light is the full moon in the sky. I crouched down further into the bushes in fear of him seeing me, I snapped a twig with my hand and the crunching noise stopped. I put my hand over my mouth so he couldn't hear my loud breathing.

"Valerie... I know you're hear somewhere. Come out so I can see you." He sang out. I kept still and took slow shallow breaths

"Come on now darling I'm your husband, you shouldn't run from me." He said getting closer to where I was

"Come out come out where ever you are, you can run but you can't hide." He stood in front of where I could see him. My throat went dry as he looked around and then walked past the bush that I was hiding in.

I sighed in relief that he finally left. I put a shaky hand over my belly and rubbed it some more. Suddenly the bush was yanked open and I came face to face with the mad man's malicious, evil eyes. "Gotcha!" I screamed and tried to crawl away but he stepped over in the brush and grabbed me by the back of the shirt and dragged me back to the open pathway.

I quivered in fear as he stare down at me with a hard, angry look. He kneeled down to me and an evil smirk came across his face, "Didn't I tell you? I told you that I would always find you and that you can never get away from me." I scooted away a little when he came closer, but he forcefully grabbed my face and brought it closer to him.

"You are mine until the day you die, you are to never leave me or go anywhere unless I say you can. You are mines to control and you are my property. I can do what I want when I want because I own you. So until the day you take your last breath, you will always be mine!" I whimpered and sobbed, he squeezed my face tighter when I tried to move.

"You will obey me and do as I say!" He let go of my face and started choking me. I couldn't breath because he was squeezing my windpipe, I started seeing spots and my vision was blurry. The last thing I remember we seeing was his devilish eyes....

I jumped up out of my sleep, it was just a dream, but I wouldn't call it a dream it's more like an omen of what's to come. I'm drenched in a cold sweat, my heart is racing and I'm shaking. I look over on the wall and it's 7am. I ease out of bed and go over to my bag and get all my stuff that I need.

I made it to this hotel at around 4:30, and I've been having the hardest time trying to fall asleep. As soon as I would get into a good sleep, I would hear a noise and I'd jump up thinking it was Ryan. I kept all the curtains closed and dead bolted the door in fear of him finding me.

I stripped out of my tank top and sweatpants and took a hot shower. I left the door open because I wanted to make sure nothing would get passed me. I let the water run down my back and I massaged my scalp with my fingers.

I got out the shower and dried off while I finger combed through my hair. I went to brush my teeth and I looked in the mirror to see that my eyes are puffy and red. I splash some cold water on my face and I go back to brushing my teeth.

After that, I put on a large t-shirt and joggers. I braided my damp hair and but it in a bun, I left the bathroom and put my clothes in the bag and I grabbed my phone. As expected I had a text from Ryan,

Ryan- Real smart and clever trick you pulled. I hope you enjoy your day out because I expect you to be home by 9 tonight.

He always want to control every aspect of my life, well just for that I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying right here until I get ready to go home which is going to be the day after tomorrow, so he can demand all he wants but, it's not going to get me to do anything.

I called up room service to order myself some breakfast because I really don't feel like walking down to get it. Since I'm by myself and I don't want to drag Sierra or Addison into this, I call up Sammi because at a time like this, she can make me feel better.

"Sammi baby, how have you been?"

"Valerie Chi, somethings wrong. You're not perky as you normally are when you call me."

"Yeah I'm in a little dilemma at the moment. So that's why I called you to get my mind off of it."

"Alright then. You want to talk about it?"

"No, but I do want to talk about how you've been doing? Any men in your life?"

"At the moment no, but there is this guy that I think I like."

"Oh do tell, I got nothing but time." I said excitingly

"He's a friend of my cousin and I think he's kinda cute."

"Ask him out. What harm could it do."

"A lot, what if he doesn't like me? Then it'll just be weird."

"Then it'll be his loss, you're an amazing person and you deserve to be happy, so go for it."

"Are you saying all this because you're married now?" She asked jokingly

"Not likely, but I'll go with it." There was a knock on the door and I got up to get it and it was room service with my food.

"How are you and Ryan doing? Is it still love and romance?"

"We're okay.." I said softly

"Just okay? You couldn't wait to marry him and you had a great time on your honeymoon and now it's okay??"

"I know but we're having a tough time right now, but I know everything will be okay."

"That's good, I'm glad you two are working things out." Oh, you have no idea, I said to myself.

"Yeah it's what's best for us. So I was thinking, maybe I can go shopping for those Gucci boots that you showed me." I said smiling and eating my food

After talking with Sammi and eating my food, I went shopping but I didn't get anything because what I wanted it was gonna be worth all the money I had left.

So I spent all evening and a little of the night out looking around and eating ice cream, hot dogs, nachos, and a hamburger. It was lovely and I didn't think about anything or anyone, it was just me in my own little world.

On the way back to the hotel my phone kept ringing and I didn't have to guess who it was, so to ignore the phone I put on some Mac Miller and just cruised on to the hotel. I got back and I was feeling a whole lot better than this morning, I took a shower and came back to the couch to watch TV.

I had almost forgot that Ryan has been trying to reach me all evening, so I finally looked at my phone and it was six missed calls, and four voicemails.

Ryan- It's almost 9 and you're not here..

Ryan- Ok cool, don't answer the phone. Just ignore me and what I say.

It seems like I'm getting under his skin a little, well boo who for him. Now he's feeling what I've been feeling for awhile and that's neglect and feeling unwanted. I guess the day after tomorrow I can take him out of his misery.

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